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Documents Bauer, Anja 10 results

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"Using administrative data from Germany, this paper analyzes the relation between wages and past and current labor market conditions. Specifically, it explores whether the data is more consistent with implicit contract models (Beaudry/DiNardo, 1991) or a matching model with on-the-job search and cyclical selection (Hagedorn/Manovskii, 2013). The data suggests that wages are related to past labor market conditions as contract theories postulate. However, past labor market conditions also affect contemporaneous wages through the evolution of the match qualities over a worker's job history - the main hypothesis of the selection model. Refining the selection model by taking into account within company job regrading, we find that wages of workers who switched employers and occupations at the same time respond stronger to the cycle than wages of job stayers. In contrast, wages of workers who only switch employers or occupations are not more cyclical than wages of workers who stay at their previous employer and in their previous occupation."
"Using administrative data from Germany, this paper analyzes the relation between wages and past and current labor market conditions. Specifically, it explores whether the data is more consistent with implicit contract models (Beaudry/DiNardo, 1991) or a matching model with on-the-job search and cyclical selection (Hagedorn/Manovskii, 2013). The data suggests that wages are related to past labor market conditions as contract theories postulate. ...


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"Using high-quality administrative data, I analyze workers' opportunity costs of reallocation across occupations by measuring the additional time spent in unemployment before being hired in a new occupation. Furthermore, I inspect the wage changes after reallocation and find that workers who change occupations through unemployment face wage losses. Interpreted through the lens of islands models in the spirit of Lucas/Prescott (1974), these findings are counterintuitive because workers would only reallocate when they can recoup the costs of reallocation through wage gains. To shed some light on the question of what other factors may drive reallocation, I further investigate whether other economic conditions of an occupation might be more important in the worker's decision to reallocate. I assess whether the workers direct their search across markets with respect to job finding rates and job separation rates and labor market tightness, finding that they play no decisive role."
"Using high-quality administrative data, I analyze workers' opportunity costs of reallocation across occupations by measuring the additional time spent in unemployment before being hired in a new occupation. Furthermore, I inspect the wage changes after reallocation and find that workers who change occupations through unemployment face wage losses. Interpreted through the lens of islands models in the spirit of Lucas/Prescott (1974), these ...


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"This paper provides detailed empirical evidence on the scope of mismatch in Germany in the past decade, using a comprehensive administrative data set that allows for disaggregation at the levels of industry, occupation and region. The findings suggest that regional mismatch did not play an important role in explaining movements of aggregate unemployment. Across industries and occupations, there was a decrease in mismatch unemployment from over 5 percent to below 4 percent (on the highest disaggregation level), whereas the share of mismatch unemployment (across industries and occupations) within total unemployment remains almost unchanged between 2000 and 2010. The results provide no evidence that the Hartz reforms have substantially reduced mismatch, in line with the fact that reallocation across occupations appears not to have been eased."
"This paper provides detailed empirical evidence on the scope of mismatch in Germany in the past decade, using a comprehensive administrative data set that allows for disaggregation at the levels of industry, occupation and region. The findings suggest that regional mismatch did not play an important role in explaining movements of aggregate unemployment. Across industries and occupations, there was a decrease in mismatch unemployment from over ...


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"Gravierende Unsicherheiten über die Auswirkungen des Corona-Virus bestimmen die aktuelle Lage. Deutschland steht vor einer schweren Rezession. Der Arbeitsmarkt profitiert in dieser Situation von seiner in der Vergangenheit erworbenen Robustheit und umfassenden Stützungsmaßnahmen. Er wird angesichts der gravierenden Einschränkungen aber massiv unter Druck geraten. Für die weitere Entwicklung spielen die Dauer der Eindämmungsmaßnahmen gegen Corona und der Erfolg der Stützungsmaßnahmen eine wesentliche Rolle."
"Gravierende Unsicherheiten über die Auswirkungen des Corona-Virus bestimmen die aktuelle Lage. Deutschland steht vor einer schweren Rezession. Der Arbeitsmarkt profitiert in dieser Situation von seiner in der Vergangenheit erworbenen Robustheit und umfassenden Stützungsmaßnahmen. Er wird angesichts der gravierenden Einschränkungen aber massiv unter Druck geraten. Für die weitere Entwicklung spielen die Dauer der Eindämmungsmaßnahmen gegen ...


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"This paper evaluates the short-term labour market impact of the COVID-19 Containment measures in Germany. We take the closure of economic sectors such as restaurants and retail as a treatment, which enables difference-in-difference estimation. Additionally considering input-output linkages between the sectors, we find that 60 percent of the considerably increased inflows from employment into unemployment in April 2020 were due to the containment measures. In a second approach, we make use of the fact that sector closures and curfews were implemented at different times by the German state governments. In a regional regression setup based on treatment intensity, we find that the hiring margin accounted for additional 82 percent of the unemployment effect coming from the separations margin. In sum, the lockdown measures increased unemployment in the short run by 117,000 persons." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
"This paper evaluates the short-term labour market impact of the COVID-19 Containment measures in Germany. We take the closure of economic sectors such as restaurants and retail as a treatment, which enables difference-in-difference estimation. Additionally considering input-output linkages between the sectors, we find that 60 percent of the considerably increased inflows from employment into unemployment in April 2020 were due to the c...


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Applied Economics Letters -

"This paper evaluates the short-term labour market impact of the COVID-19 containment measures in Germany. By assessing the treatment effect on unemployment via difference-in-difference estimation, we find that 60% of the considerably increased inflows from employment into unemployment in April 2020 were due to the shutdown measures. Disentangling further, we find that the hiring margin accounted for additional 82% of the unemployment effect coming from the separations margin. In sum, the shutdown measures increased unemployment in the short run by 117,000 persons."
"This paper evaluates the short-term labour market impact of the COVID-19 containment measures in Germany. By assessing the treatment effect on unemployment via difference-in-difference estimation, we find that 60% of the considerably increased inflows from employment into unemployment in April 2020 were due to the shutdown measures. Disentangling further, we find that the hiring margin accounted for additional 82% of the unemployment effect ...


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"Die Konjunktur befindet sich nach dem Einbruch in der Corona-Krise wieder auf Erholungskurs. Für das Jahr 2020 erwartet das IAB in seiner aktuellen Prognose eine Schrumpfung des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 5,2 Prozent. Im Jahr 2021 könnte die Wirtschaftsleistung wieder um 3,2 Prozent zulegen. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen steigt im Jahresdurchschnitt 2020 um 440.000, die Erwerbstätigkeit fällt um 400.000 Personen. Im Zuge der einsetzenden wirtschaftlichen Erholung verbessert sich aber auch die Arbeitsmarktentwicklung wieder. Für das Jahr 2021 geht das IAB von einem Anstieg der Erwerbstätigkeit um 130.000 und einem Rückgang der Arbeitslosigkeit um 100.000 Personen aus. Die wichtigsten Befunde der Prognose, deren Langfassung im IAB-Kurzbericht 19/2020 publiziert wurde, werden im Folgenden zusammengefasst."
"Die Konjunktur befindet sich nach dem Einbruch in der Corona-Krise wieder auf Erholungskurs. Für das Jahr 2020 erwartet das IAB in seiner aktuellen Prognose eine Schrumpfung des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 5,2 Prozent. Im Jahr 2021 könnte die Wirtschaftsleistung wieder um 3,2 Prozent zulegen. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen steigt im Jahresdurchschnitt 2020 um 440.000, die Erwerbstätigkeit fällt um 400.000 Personen. Im Zuge der einsetzenden ...


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"Little is known so far about how the corona crisis has changed search processes in the labour market. We provide insights on labour market competition, reallocation of applications and potential sullying effects by analysing data from the LinkedIn professional network for Germany. We find that competition among workers for jobs strongly increased. The data allow us to trace that back to additional job seekers rather than higher search intensity. Furthermore, the LinkedIn data show that people from industries particularly affected by the crisis apply much more frequently and there has been a substantial shift in the target industries for applications. Finally, we find that during the crisis applications are made significantly more often below and significantly less often above a person's level of seniority.""
"Little is known so far about how the corona crisis has changed search processes in the labour market. We provide insights on labour market competition, reallocation of applications and potential sullying effects by analysing data from the LinkedIn professional network for Germany. We find that competition among workers for jobs strongly increased. The data allow us to trace that back to additional job seekers rather than higher search ...


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"Die Corona-Lage verschärft sich, aber die Konjunktur befindet sich insgesamt wieder auf Erholungskurs. Nach einem Rückgang im ersten Quartal 2021 wird im Jahresverlauf ein deutlicher Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts erwartet, sodass das Autorenteam mit einem Gesamtwachstum von 3,4 Prozent rechnet. Die Arbeitsmarktentwicklung zeigt sich im zweiten Lockdown sehr robust und verbessert sich im Zuge der wirtschaftlichen Erholung. Für den Jahresdurchschnitt 2021 wird ein Rückgang der Arbeitslosigkeit um 110.000 Personen erwartet. Die Erwerbstätigkeit nimmt im Jahresverlauf 2021 spürbar zu, liegt aber im Jahresdurchschnitt um 80.000 Personen niedriger als im Vorjahr. Dies liegt vor allem an Rückgängen bei Minijobbern und Selbstständigen. Im Prognosejahr 2021 nimmt die Arbeitszeit insbesondere durch den Rückgang der Kurzarbeit um 1,8 Prozent zu, das Arbeitsvolumen steigt um 1,7 Prozent." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)"
"Die Corona-Lage verschärft sich, aber die Konjunktur befindet sich insgesamt wieder auf Erholungskurs. Nach einem Rückgang im ersten Quartal 2021 wird im Jahresverlauf ein deutlicher Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts erwartet, sodass das Autorenteam mit einem Gesamtwachstum von 3,4 Prozent rechnet. Die Arbeitsmarktentwicklung zeigt sich im zweiten Lockdown sehr robust und verbessert sich im Zuge der wirtschaftlichen Erholung. Für den J...


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"This paper evaluates the short-term labour market impact of the COVID-19 containment measures in Germany. It examines two dimensions of the first lockdown in Germany, namely the length and the strength of the lockdown. While the assessment of the length is conducted via variation across regions and time in closing days and curfews, the latter uses the degree of closure in different sectors. For the length of the lockdown we find that an additional day of closure lead to an increase in the separation rate of 2.7 percent and a decrease in the jobfinding rate of 1.8 percent. For the strength of the lockdown the results show that a higher degree of closure increases separations and lower job findings to a similar extent. In both dimensions, we find that the effects are non-linear over time. Given this approach, we find that 31 percent of the considerably increased inflows from employment into unemployment, and 33 percent of the reduced outflows from unemployment to employment in the first wave were due to the treatment effect of the lockdown measures. In sum, the lockdown measures increased unemployment in the short run by 80,000 persons."
"This paper evaluates the short-term labour market impact of the COVID-19 containment measures in Germany. It examines two dimensions of the first lockdown in Germany, namely the length and the strength of the lockdown. While the assessment of the length is conducted via variation across regions and time in closing days and curfews, the latter uses the degree of closure in different sectors. For the length of the lockdown we find that an ...

