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Freedom of association of workers and employers in the countries of the European Union

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Valdés Dal-Ré, Fernando

Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales - Madrid


753 p.

comparison ; employers organization ; freedom of association ; legislation ; right to strike ; social dialogue ; trade union rights ; trade union

EU countries ; new EU countries

Informes y Estudios - Serie General


Human rights





"This volume compiles the reports presented on occasion of the execution of research project framed within the lines of support action for the European social dialogue witch was backed by the European Commission, the Ministry of Labour and Social Councils of the Autonomous Communities of Castilla-La Mancha and the Balearic Islands. the work is a rigorous novelty in the European bibliographic scene, offering the opportunity to gain knowledge on the situation of trade unionism and employer associationism in twenty-four countries of the Union."


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