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Documents flexible working time 620 results

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"The European Working Time Directive lays down minimum safety and health requirements for the organisation of working time in the EU by, for example, establishing that all workers have the right to a limit to weekly working time of 48 hours. However, it also contains the possibility for Member States to allow for the opting out of that maximum as long as the individual workers agree. This report looks at how the Member States make use of the possibility of opting out, the extent of its use and its main impacts. Although national data about its use are scarce, the opt-out and long working hours continue to be the subject of heated debates involving governments and social partners across the EU. According to the research currently available, there are strong reasons to think that the limitation of working time is beneficial for everyone, including workers, employers, patients and clients."
"The European Working Time Directive lays down minimum safety and health requirements for the organisation of working time in the EU by, for example, establishing that all workers have the right to a limit to weekly working time of 48 hours. However, it also contains the possibility for Member States to allow for the opting out of that maximum as long as the individual workers agree. This report looks at how the Member States make use of the ...


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"Working from home (WfH) has become much more common since the early 2000s. We exploit the German Socio-Economic Panel between 1997 and 2014 to investigate how such a work arrangement affects labour market outcomes and life satisfaction. We find that childless employees work an extra hour per week of unpaid overtime and report higher satisfaction after taking up WfH. Among parents, WfH reduces the gender gap in working hours and monthly earnings, as contractual hours increase more among mothers. Hourly wages, however, increase with WfH take-up among fathers, but not among mothers unless they change employer. This points to poorer bargaining outcomes for women compared to men when staying with the same employer. Controlling for selection into paid employment due to changes in unobserved characteristics or preferences does not affect the magnitude of the effects."
"Working from home (WfH) has become much more common since the early 2000s. We exploit the German Socio-Economic Panel between 1997 and 2014 to investigate how such a work arrangement affects labour market outcomes and life satisfaction. We find that childless employees work an extra hour per week of unpaid overtime and report higher satisfaction after taking up WfH. Among parents, WfH reduces the gender gap in working hours and monthly ...


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"The study set out to map best practices on work-life balance (WLB) agreements negotiated by social partners in 10 Member States: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. The focus of the research was specifically on measures of work-life balance that enable parents and other people with caring responsibilities to reconcile work, family and private life, through the introduction of family and parental leave schemes, care arrangements, and the development of a working environment which facilitates the combination of work, family and private life for women and men.

While a European legislative framework and national legislation provide basic rights for parents to reconcile professional and private life, collective agreements have and will be important in providing much-needed additional rights tailored to specific constituencies. Moreover, collective agreements are important in ensuring the proper implementation of existing rights.

By highlighting good practices in 10 Member States, this study allows for an exchange of best practices across countries, sectors and companies."
"The study set out to map best practices on work-life balance (WLB) agreements negotiated by social partners in 10 Member States: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. The focus of the research was specifically on measures of work-life balance that enable parents and other people with caring responsibilities to reconcile work, family and private life, through the introduction of family and ...


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"The study set out to map best practices on work-life balance (WLB) agreements negotiated by social partners in 10 Member States: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. The focus of the research was specifically on measures of work-life balance that enable parents and other people with caring responsibilities to reconcile work, family and private life, through the introduction of family and parental leave schemes, care arrangements, and the development of a working environment which facilitates the combination of work, family and private life for women and men.

While a European legislative framework and national legislation provide basic rights for parents to reconcile professional and private life, collective agreements have and will be important in providing much-needed additional rights tailored to specific constituencies. Moreover, collective agreements are important in ensuring the proper implementation of existing rights.

By highlighting good practices in 10 Member States, this study allows for an exchange of best practices across countries, sectors and companies."
"The study set out to map best practices on work-life balance (WLB) agreements negotiated by social partners in 10 Member States: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. The focus of the research was specifically on measures of work-life balance that enable parents and other people with caring responsibilities to reconcile work, family and private life, through the introduction of family and ...


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"Does flexible working really provide a better work-life balance? Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible working has become the norm for many workers. This volume offers an original examination of flexible working using data from 30 European countries and drawing on studies conducted in Australia, the US and India. Rather than providing a better work-life balance, the book reveals how flexible working can lead to exploitation, which manifests differently for women and men, such as more care responsibilities or increased working hours. Taking a critical stance, this book investigates the potential risks and benefits of flexible working and provides crucial policy recommendations for overcoming the negative consequences."
"Does flexible working really provide a better work-life balance? Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible working has become the norm for many workers. This volume offers an original examination of flexible working using data from 30 European countries and drawing on studies conducted in Australia, the US and India. Rather than providing a better work-life balance, the book reveals how flexible working can lead to exploitation, which ...


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"Le modèle de la hâte tend à s'imposer dans le monde professionnel. Les exigences d'intensité, de réactivité, d'adaptabilité dessinent un faisceau de contraintes pesant sur les temps du travail. Cet ouvrage rend compte d'histoires de travail cumulées lors d'études menées dans de multiples secteurs : ouvriers de l'automobile, de la sidérurgie ou du BTP, pâtissiers, horticulteurs, infirmières et aides-soignantes, agents administratifs et encadrants, etc. Ces femmes et ces hommes vivent des expériences communes relatives aux injonctions contradictoires de faire "vite et bien", à l'impossibilité de prendre le temps nécessaire pour acquérir et faire circuler des savoirs professionnels... tout en ayant le sentiment que les difficultés qu'ils éprouvent leur sont personnelles. Les auteurs décrivent les rouages de ce modèle de la hâte, ses méfaits, mais aussi les stratégies et les ruses déployées dans l'activité quotidienne, individuelle et collective, pour le contrer. De ces histoires se dégagent les temps essentiels, ceux grâce auxquels on peut faire vivre son expérience, défendre sa santé et redonner au travail tout son sens : le temps pour transmettre, pour construire avec les autres, pour créer. En partageant ces tranches de vie, les auteurs veulent susciter une réflexion collective sur les manières d'agir autrement, plaidant pour une " écologie des temps du travail "."
"Le modèle de la hâte tend à s'imposer dans le monde professionnel. Les exigences d'intensité, de réactivité, d'adaptabilité dessinent un faisceau de contraintes pesant sur les temps du travail. Cet ouvrage rend compte d'histoires de travail cumulées lors d'études menées dans de multiples secteurs : ouvriers de l'automobile, de la sidérurgie ou du BTP, pâtissiers, horticulteurs, infirmières et aides-soignantes, agents administratifs et ...


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Journal of Occupational Health - vol. 66 n° 1 -

The concept of “working from home” is extremely topical following the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, it is unsurprising that there has been an increased interest in collating research related to homeworking. This has been carried out by multiple reviews, all with slightly different research aims and methodologies. Collating the findings from the available reviews is therefore highly beneficial to establish the experience of homeworking to create recommendations for the future of home-based work.
An umbrella review was carried out. In June 2022, literature searches were conducted across 4 electronic databases. Published reviews of literature that used a systematic process, were focused on working from home populations, and detailed factors that could be related to the personal experience of homeworking (eg, barriers, facilitators, advantages, disadvantages) were included.
A total of 1930 records were screened and 6 review articles were included. Results report on the following sections: working environment (eg, workplace design, space conditions), personal impact (eg, satisfaction, career impact), and health (eg, physical health, well-being) including a total of 19 themes. Mixed findings were apparent for nearly all included themes, highlighting the need to consider individual and contextual circumstances when researching working from home.
This review establishes the importance of retaining flexibility while homeworking for employees, managers, and organizations. Essentially, a one-size-fits-all approach to working from home is impractical as individual circumstances limit application. Eight recommendations for the future of working from home are suggested."
The concept of “working from home” is extremely topical following the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, it is unsurprising that there has been an increased interest in collating research related to homeworking. This has been carried out by multiple reviews, all with slightly different research aims and methodologies. Collating the findings from the available reviews is therefore highly beneficial to establish the experience of ...


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"This report gather coherent overview of the literature and data around how flexible working can relate to gender equality patterns in European societies. This report aims to summarise the current state of art in the theory and evidence around flexible working with regards to gender equality, updating our current knowledge especially with regards to changes that have occurred during and ‘post-pandemic'. More specifically, the gender inequality pattern we aim to observe in this report includes the gender differences in the access to/use of flexible working arrangements, and outcomes of flexible working with regards to equalities at work (on employment one's career, job opportunity, training etc.) and at home (division of housework and childcare)."
"This report gather coherent overview of the literature and data around how flexible working can relate to gender equality patterns in European societies. This report aims to summarise the current state of art in the theory and evidence around flexible working with regards to gender equality, updating our current knowledge especially with regards to changes that have occurred during and ‘post-pandemic'. More specifically, the gender inequality ...

