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Documents Glassner, Vera 41 results

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"Transnational collective bargaining (TCB) has become a ‘hot' topic of European industrial relations. As well as collective bargaining between workers and employers conducted at the sectoral or national level, negotiations on employee rights and working conditions now also take place at the supranational level, within multinational companies. It is a development that poses major challenges for trade unions, as well as for employers and lawmakers. This book takes stock of the particular challenges faced by trade union representatives, works councils and employer organisations; it reviews the existing literature on this topic and examines contrasting views of the prospects for subsequent development of this new practice; it also offers some practical suggestions for policymakers who find themselves having to deal with this new component of the Europeanisation of industrial relations.
One of the key questions tackled in the book is whether a regulatory framework for TCB is feasible, necessary and/or useful. Perhaps even more importantly: can we, given the proliferation of instances of TCB, actually manage without such a legal system, and what should be the main elements of such a framework? By providing a better understanding and a critical analysis of the emergence and development of transnational collective bargaining, the authors of this book offer valuable help to trade unionists and practitioners in preparing for – and being prepared for – this next stage in the internationalisation of industrial relations."
"Transnational collective bargaining (TCB) has become a ‘hot' topic of European industrial relations. As well as collective bargaining between workers and employers conducted at the sectoral or national level, negotiations on employee rights and working conditions now also take place at the supranational level, within multinational companies. It is a development that poses major challenges for trade unions, as well as for employers and ...


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WSI Mitteilungen - vol. 69 n° 4 -

"Im Gegensatz zur fortgeschrittenen Transnationalisierung der Märkte ist dauerhaftes, grenzüberschreitendes Gewerkschaftshandeln bisher eher die Ausnahme. Die Institutionen der Arbeitsbeziehungen, als unterstützender Handlungsrahmen der Arbeitnehmervertretungen, sind weitgehend auf der nationalstaatlichen Ebene verblieben. In diesem Beitrag werden die Gewerkschaften und Eurobetriebsräte in ihrer Bedeutung als institutionelle Akteure untersucht, welche selbst am Aufbau und der Aufrechterhaltung transnationaler Handlungslogiken und Solidaritätsnormen mitwirken. Diese institutionelle Arbeit am Konflikt zielt auf eine Veränderung der Machtrelationen zwischen dem Management und den Belegschaften im transnationalen betrieblichen Sozialraum ab. Am Beispiel des Falles General Motors Europe/GM-Opel werden die Bedingungen für solche Strategien der Arbeitnehmerseite über den Zeitverlauf identifiziert. Obwohl es während der jüngsten Wirtschaftskrise zu einer Erosion der Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen den Arbeitnehmervertretern gekommen ist, argumentieren wir, dass die gemeinsamen Solidaritätsnormen zumindest teilweise weiter wirksam sind."
"Im Gegensatz zur fortgeschrittenen Transnationalisierung der Märkte ist dauerhaftes, grenzüberschreitendes Gewerkschaftshandeln bisher eher die Ausnahme. Die Institutionen der Arbeitsbeziehungen, als unterstützender Handlungsrahmen der Arbeitnehmervertretungen, sind weitgehend auf der nationalstaatlichen Ebene verblieben. In diesem Beitrag werden die Gewerkschaften und Eurobetriebsräte in ihrer Bedeutung als institutionelle Akteure untersucht, ...


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Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management - vol. 21 n° 3 -

"Dieser Artikel beschaeftigt sich mit transnationalen Gewerkschaftsstrategien im Feld der Lohnpolitik und adressiert zwei bislang in der Literatur ungeklaerte Fragen: (1) Wie kann grenzueberschreitende Kooperation zur Errichtung von Normen tariflicher Koordinierung unter wenig foerderlichen Bedingungen erklaert werden? (2) Warum verhalten sich Gewerkschaften in kleinen, exportorientierten Laendern kooperativ, obwohl Konkurrenz, das heisst eine Unterbietung der Lohnabschluesse in groesseren Laendern, die zweckrationale Strategie waere? Unter Bezugnahme auf neuere Ansaetze des soziologischen Neoinstitutionalismus wird ein theoretisch-konzeptioneller Rahmen vorgeschlagen und am Beispiel des europaeischen Metallsektors diskutiert. Die zentrale Schlussfolgerung lautet: Transnationale Gewerkschaftsstrategien in der Lohnpolitik erfordern neben beguenstigenden strukturellen und organisationsbezogenen Bedingungen, wie ein hoher Grad an Integration der Unternehmen in globale Produktions- und Wertschoepfungsketten sowie hohe gewerkschaftliche Organisationsgrade, zwei weitere Voraussetzungen: Erstens, ein Mindestmass an unterstuetzenden (trans)nationalen regulativen, normativen und/oder kulturell-kognitiven Institutionen und zweitens, sog. institutionelle entrepreneurs, die grenzueberschreitende Kooperation initiieren und dauerhaft mitzutragen bereit sind."
"Dieser Artikel beschaeftigt sich mit transnationalen Gewerkschaftsstrategien im Feld der Lohnpolitik und adressiert zwei bislang in der Literatur ungeklaerte Fragen: (1) Wie kann grenzueberschreitende Kooperation zur Errichtung von Normen tariflicher Koordinierung unter wenig foerderlichen Bedingungen erklaert werden? (2) Warum verhalten sich Gewerkschaften in kleinen, exportorientierten Laendern kooperativ, obwohl Konkurrenz, das heisst eine ...


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European Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 20 n° 4 -

"This article applies sociological neo-institutionalism to help understand transnational trade union wage policy. We review existing approaches to the role of trade unions as organizational actors in wage bargaining coordination and contrast these with the concepts of organizational fields and institutional work. Besides structural and associational power, transnational institutions are also able to increase the ability and willingness of unions to act transnationally. We draw empirical evidences from existing studies on European wage bargaining coordination in metalworking."
"This article applies sociological neo-institutionalism to help understand transnational trade union wage policy. We review existing approaches to the role of trade unions as organizational actors in wage bargaining coordination and contrast these with the concepts of organizational fields and institutional work. Besides structural and associational power, transnational institutions are also able to increase the ability and willingness of unions ...


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"This book analyses the transnationalisation of collective bargaining by European trade unions, presenting key theoretical concepts and debates on the Europeanisation of collective bargaining and social dialogue. The author uses comprehensive empirical evidence to illustrate that trade union strategies can be linked to sector-specific economic, institutional and actorrelated factors. Looking at seven different industrial sectors, the book investigates whether western European trade unions pursue a centralised, vertical approach towards the transnationalisation of collective bargaining policies or embark upon decentralised, horizontal cross-border initiatives. It identifies and operationalises the most important determinants of processes and explores commonly held assumptions about relationships between different forms of trade union-driven transnationalisation. Overall, the study reveals a number of patterns in the variation between countries and sectors, both of the institutions and instruments involved and of the intensity of cross-border coordination."
"This book analyses the transnationalisation of collective bargaining by European trade unions, presenting key theoretical concepts and debates on the Europeanisation of collective bargaining and social dialogue. The author uses comprehensive empirical evidence to illustrate that trade union strategies can be linked to sector-specific economic, institutional and actorrelated factors. Looking at seven different industrial sectors, the book ...


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European Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 19 n° 2 -

"European trade unions have attempted to coordinate their bargaining strategies transnationally in order to counter downward pressures on wages. Such coordination is most feasible in broadly integrated and exposed sectors that have to face common competitive constraints on wages. This article investigates collectively negotiated wage increases in the metal sector in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. We assume a specific logic of transnational pattern bargaining, with Germany as the ‘anchor' country. We investigate the emergence of a transnational wage coordination effect before and after institutions for the coordination of wage bargaining were established. Finally, we draw conclusions on prospects for wage bargaining coordination with further integration of Economic and Monetary Union. "
"European trade unions have attempted to coordinate their bargaining strategies transnationally in order to counter downward pressures on wages. Such coordination is most feasible in broadly integrated and exposed sectors that have to face common competitive constraints on wages. This article investigates collectively negotiated wage increases in the metal sector in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. We assume a specific logic of tra...

