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Documents quality of working life 750 results

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HesaMag - n° 19 -

"Les hommes constituent la majorité des personnes détenues et du personnel pénitentiaire. Par contre, parmi les personnes extérieures qui interviennent dans les prisons sans faire partie de la structure carcérale, il y a une majorité de femmes. Les statuts sont très divers : depuis la fonction publique dans certains pays (personnel enseignant et de santé) jusqu'au bénévolat. Une partie importante travaille dans des associations auxquelles les pouvoirs publics confient des missions dans les prisons."
"Les hommes constituent la majorité des personnes détenues et du personnel pénitentiaire. Par contre, parmi les personnes extérieures qui interviennent dans les prisons sans faire partie de la structure carcérale, il y a une majorité de femmes. Les statuts sont très divers : depuis la fonction publique dans certains pays (personnel enseignant et de santé) jusqu'au bénévolat. Une partie importante travaille dans des associations auxquelles les ...


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"Le modèle de la hâte tend à s'imposer dans le monde professionnel. Les exigences d'intensité, de réactivité, d'adaptabilité dessinent un faisceau de contraintes pesant sur les temps du travail. Cet ouvrage rend compte d'histoires de travail cumulées lors d'études menées dans de multiples secteurs : ouvriers de l'automobile, de la sidérurgie ou du BTP, pâtissiers, horticulteurs, infirmières et aides-soignantes, agents administratifs et encadrants, etc. Ces femmes et ces hommes vivent des expériences communes relatives aux injonctions contradictoires de faire "vite et bien", à l'impossibilité de prendre le temps nécessaire pour acquérir et faire circuler des savoirs professionnels... tout en ayant le sentiment que les difficultés qu'ils éprouvent leur sont personnelles. Les auteurs décrivent les rouages de ce modèle de la hâte, ses méfaits, mais aussi les stratégies et les ruses déployées dans l'activité quotidienne, individuelle et collective, pour le contrer. De ces histoires se dégagent les temps essentiels, ceux grâce auxquels on peut faire vivre son expérience, défendre sa santé et redonner au travail tout son sens : le temps pour transmettre, pour construire avec les autres, pour créer. En partageant ces tranches de vie, les auteurs veulent susciter une réflexion collective sur les manières d'agir autrement, plaidant pour une " écologie des temps du travail "."
"Le modèle de la hâte tend à s'imposer dans le monde professionnel. Les exigences d'intensité, de réactivité, d'adaptabilité dessinent un faisceau de contraintes pesant sur les temps du travail. Cet ouvrage rend compte d'histoires de travail cumulées lors d'études menées dans de multiples secteurs : ouvriers de l'automobile, de la sidérurgie ou du BTP, pâtissiers, horticulteurs, infirmières et aides-soignantes, agents administratifs et ...


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"Debates on the future of work have taken a more fundamental turn in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Early in 2020, when large sections of the workforce were prevented from coming to their usual places of work, remote work became the only way for many to continue to perform their professions. What had been a piecemeal, at times truly sluggish, evolution towards a multilocation approach to work suddenly turned into an abrupt, radical and universal shift. It quickly became clear that the consequences of this shift were far more significant and far-reaching than simply changing the workplace's address. They involved a series of rapid, blockbuster transformations that were going to outlast the ‘mandatory lockdown' phase of the pandemic. The 12 chapters collected in this volume provide a multidisciplinary perspective on the impact and the future trajectories of remote work. They raise, discuss and explore fundamental questions emerging around remote work: from the nexus between the location from where work is performed and how it is performed to how remote locations may affect the way work is managed and organised, as well as the applicability of existing legislation. Additional questions concern remote work's environmental and social impact and the rapidly changing nature of the relationship between work and life. The contributions in this edited volume develop along several complementary axes, ranging from the discussion of global and societal dynamics to the implications for the contractual relationship between employers and workers. The transformation of the spatial component of work is considered both as a potential paradigm shift for the world of work and as a challenge for the implementation of specific regulatory regimes. An important insight that emerges from the multidimensional approach of this volume is that the establishment of a worker centred future of (remote) work requires the exploration and development of constructive pathways at different levels and in different directions involving the role of regulators, courts, trade unions, researchers, businesses and workers themselves."
"Debates on the future of work have taken a more fundamental turn in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Early in 2020, when large sections of the workforce were prevented from coming to their usual places of work, remote work became the only way for many to continue to perform their professions. What had been a piecemeal, at times truly sluggish, evolution towards a multilocation approach to work suddenly turned into an abrupt, radical and ...


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"This paper presents the latest results of the European Job Quality Index, updated with 2021 data, and compares the relative performance of EU countries on the Index over time. The study makes both a conceptual and an empirical contribution, by proposing an approach to measuring job quality suitable for comparative cross-national research, as well as for guiding policy by clearly indicating the desired direction for change.

Moreover, the study reviews evidence in support of the synergy between job quantity and quality, and also reveals the positive relationship between collective interest representation and several other dimensions of job quality. Finally, it illustrates the unequal distribution of job quality across different groups of the European workforce."
"This paper presents the latest results of the European Job Quality Index, updated with 2021 data, and compares the relative performance of EU countries on the Index over time. The study makes both a conceptual and an empirical contribution, by proposing an approach to measuring job quality suitable for comparative cross-national research, as well as for guiding policy by clearly indicating the desired direction for change.

Moreover, the study ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 29 n° 3 -

"This article seeks to advance our thinking about better and worse work by developing a novel framework for assessing the quality of work and its implications. It does so in terms of the wider literature on job quality, while addressing the need to embrace a broader agenda and a more dynamic understanding of how to make worse work better. To this end it presents a three-dimensional framework: risk, autonomy and expressiveness. The framework assesses better and worse work and the ways in which workers navigate between these different dimensions of their lives at work. We explore implications for actor strategies and for researchers to take a better-work agenda forward."
"This article seeks to advance our thinking about better and worse work by developing a novel framework for assessing the quality of work and its implications. It does so in terms of the wider literature on job quality, while addressing the need to embrace a broader agenda and a more dynamic understanding of how to make worse work better. To this end it presents a three-dimensional framework: risk, autonomy and expressiveness. The framework ...


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"Conditions de travail, qualité des emplois, choix managériaux et d'organisation, santé et sens du travail : un état de la situation française."


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Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society - vol. 62 n° 3 -

"Whereas there are recent papers on the effect of robot adoption on employment and wages, there is no evidence on how robots affect non-monetary working conditions. We explore the impact of robot adoption on several domains of non-monetary working conditions in Europe over the period 1995–2005 combining information from the World Robotics Survey and the European Working Conditions Survey. In order to deal with the possible endogeneity of robot deployment, we employ an instrumental variables strategy, using the robot exposure by sector in other developed countries as an instrument. Our results indicate that robotization has a negative impact on the quality of work in the dimension of work intensity and no relevant impact on the domains of physical environment or skills and discretion."
"Whereas there are recent papers on the effect of robot adoption on employment and wages, there is no evidence on how robots affect non-monetary working conditions. We explore the impact of robot adoption on several domains of non-monetary working conditions in Europe over the period 1995–2005 combining information from the World Robotics Survey and the European Working Conditions Survey. In order to deal with the possible endogeneity of robot ...


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"This working paper examines the impact on job quality of new digital technologies at work. It applies the multidimensional framework of the ETUI Job Quality Index to an analysis of the 27 EU Member States and data from the 2021 European Working Conditions Telephone Survey. The effects of digitalisation are conceptualised on the basis of two theoretical approaches: one considers the impact of computerised systems and algorithmic management on task allocation, working time and work intensity; the other looks at digitalisation at work in terms of job demands and resources. The analysis examines how the use of computerised systems at work and their influence on the content and organisation of work affect different dimensions of job quality and how this may differ across groups of workers."
"This working paper examines the impact on job quality of new digital technologies at work. It applies the multidimensional framework of the ETUI Job Quality Index to an analysis of the 27 EU Member States and data from the 2021 European Working Conditions Telephone Survey. The effects of digitalisation are conceptualised on the basis of two theoretical approaches: one considers the impact of computerised systems and algorithmic management on ...


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"This report has been drafted jointly by the JRC and the International Labour Organization. The report is part of a series of four joint publications that together represent the main final outcomes of a 2.5-year joint research project on the changing nature of work at a global level. The objective of this study is to understand better the algorithmic management practices adopted by regular workplaces. We investigate the degree of penetration and impact of algorithmic management on work organisation, job quality and industrial relations focusing on the logistics and healthcare sectors. The research has been conducted in two European countries (Italy and France) and two non-European countries (India and South Africa), allowing for a comparative analysis across countries in the Global North and Global South. We show that algorithmic management is widely present in traditional sectors, with benefits in terms of streamlining and simplification of work processes and efficiency gains. The implications of these new forms of work for work organisation and working conditions are also discussed. We show significant challenges in terms of potential deterioration of job quality as well as concerns regarding the strong potential for intrusive worker surveillance."
"This report has been drafted jointly by the JRC and the International Labour Organization. The report is part of a series of four joint publications that together represent the main final outcomes of a 2.5-year joint research project on the changing nature of work at a global level. The objective of this study is to understand better the algorithmic management practices adopted by regular workplaces. We investigate the degree of penetration and ...

