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Documents Lévesque, Christian 35 results

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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 29 n° 3 -

"This article seeks to advance our thinking about better and worse work by developing a novel framework for assessing the quality of work and its implications. It does so in terms of the wider literature on job quality, while addressing the need to embrace a broader agenda and a more dynamic understanding of how to make worse work better. To this end it presents a three-dimensional framework: risk, autonomy and expressiveness. The framework assesses better and worse work and the ways in which workers navigate between these different dimensions of their lives at work. We explore implications for actor strategies and for researchers to take a better-work agenda forward."
"This article seeks to advance our thinking about better and worse work by developing a novel framework for assessing the quality of work and its implications. It does so in terms of the wider literature on job quality, while addressing the need to embrace a broader agenda and a more dynamic understanding of how to make worse work better. To this end it presents a three-dimensional framework: risk, autonomy and expressiveness. The framework ...



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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - n° Early view -

"From the premise that better work makes for better societies, the challenge, taken up in the introduction to this special issue of Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, is to explore what makes work better, or worse, and how it can be improved. As a wide variety of experiments shape our economies and communities for the future, a key challenge is to engage in shared learning about these processes in order to stimulate a dialogue between the aspiration for better work and the conditions likely to hinder or facilitate making work better. It is an invitation to move from narrow conceptions of job quality to a broader lens of how world-of-work actors strategise, innovate and incorporate uncertainty into their search for sustainable solutions for better work. Key themes include: why work needs to be better (but is often worse); why better work makes for better societies; how work can be made better; the role of institutions in achieving better work; and, finally, how union strategies are essential to processes of experimentation to make work better."
"From the premise that better work makes for better societies, the challenge, taken up in the introduction to this special issue of Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, is to explore what makes work better, or worse, and how it can be improved. As a wide variety of experiments shape our economies and communities for the future, a key challenge is to engage in shared learning about these processes in order to stimulate a dialogue ...



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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 20 n° 2 -

"This article explores the effects of corporate organizational structure and of subsidiary discretion within multinational companies (MNCs). It draws on a representative survey of the most senior HR practitioner in foreign- and domestic-controlled subsidiaries in Canada. Key findings point to the importance of subsidiary discretion, especially discretion over human resource management. Greater subsidiary discretion is associated with a range of positive outcomes: securing international product and service mandates; greater subsidiary influence within the MNC; the promotion and protection of subsidiary employment (increased headcounts, less offshoring, more onshoring); and enhanced engagement with domestic institutions. These results highlight the strategic importance for union, civil society and public policy actors, as well as MNC subsidiary managers themselves, to focus on the drivers of subsidiary discretion, as opposed to the ‘hollowing out' of corporate structures, and to weave that discretion into larger policy narratives to promote local economies."
"This article explores the effects of corporate organizational structure and of subsidiary discretion within multinational companies (MNCs). It draws on a representative survey of the most senior HR practitioner in foreign- and domestic-controlled subsidiaries in Canada. Key findings point to the importance of subsidiary discretion, especially discretion over human resource management. Greater subsidiary discretion is associated with a range of ...


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British Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 51 n° 4 -

"This article explores the role of framing in mobilizing and transforming narrative resources. It draws on in-depth studies of two different workplace unions within the same multinational company in Canada. We conducted interviews with managers and trade unionists at different levels over a number of years of observation. Each of these workplace unions mobilizes new repertoires of action to enhance its capacity to act. Yet they differ considerably in their capacity to renew their narrative resources. Whereas one of the workplace unions still relies on an exclusive and restrictive narrative, the other union has evolved towards a more encompassing and inclusive narrative. This article argues that strategic capabilities are a key variable in understanding the processes through which narrative resources change and are mobilized."
"This article explores the role of framing in mobilizing and transforming narrative resources. It draws on in-depth studies of two different workplace unions within the same multinational company in Canada. We conducted interviews with managers and trade unionists at different levels over a number of years of observation. Each of these workplace unions mobilizes new repertoires of action to enhance its capacity to act. Yet they differ c...


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Industrial Relations Journal - vol. 44 n° 4 -

"Workplace representatives (shop stewards) provide insight into union transformations. This article explores the renewed research interest in terms of the representativeness of unionism and of workplace representatives, the complexity of the sites of representation and employer strategies, the search for new references and the centrality of workplace representatives in union renewal strategies."


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ILR Review - vol. 66 n° 3 -

"Does the use of HRM practices by multinational companies (MNCs) reflect their national origins or are practices similar regardless of context? To the extent that practices are similar, is there any evidence of global best standards? The authors use the system, societal, and dominance framework to address these questions through analysis of 1,100 MNC subsidiaries in Canada, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. They argue that this framework offers a richer account than alternatives such as varieties of capitalism. The study moves beyond previous research by differentiating between system effects at the global level and dominance effects arising from the diffusion of practices from a dominant economy. It shows that both effects are present, as are some differences at the societal level. Results suggest that MNCs configure their HRM practices in response to all three forces rather than to some uniform global best practices or to their national institutional contexts."
"Does the use of HRM practices by multinational companies (MNCs) reflect their national origins or are practices similar regardless of context? To the extent that practices are similar, is there any evidence of global best standards? The authors use the system, societal, and dominance framework to address these questions through analysis of 1,100 MNC subsidiaries in Canada, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. They argue that this framework ...


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Relations industrielles - Industrial Relations - vol. 68 n° 2 -

"Ce texte propose une relecture du débat sur l'action syndicale à l'international entre la construction de coalitions globales et le développement de réseaux locaux. Il se base sur le récit des représentants syndicaux du secteur minier au Ghana et au Mexique. Les stratégies syndicales sont saisies sous les trois dimensions analytiques que sont les espaces de l'action syndicale à l'international, les modes d'interaction et le cadre de référence. L'objectif de l'article vise à comprendre comment les syndicats nationaux naviguent entre le local et le global, et les facteurs qui les poussent et les attirent vers les espaces transnationaux.Alors que les deux syndicats sont engagés dans un processus de renouvellement de leur action, leur stratégie transnationale diffère : les Ghanéens sont engagés dans le développement de nouvelles aptitudes et de nouveaux savoir-faire et les Mexicains dans la construction des coalitions. Ces constats suggèrent que l'action syndicale à l'international est fonction des contingences nationales. Primo, le syndicat ghanéen intervient surtout au niveau continental africain et privilégie le développement des compétences locales et nationales. De son côté, le syndicat mexicain est présent aussi bien au niveau continental nord-américain que transnational, notamment dans des campagnes de solidarité. Secundo, les Ghanéens entretiennent de faibles liens avec les autres syndicats. De l'autre, les Mexicains sont engagés dans un large répertoire d'action avec les syndicats nord-américains et les fédérations internationales. Tertio, les Ghanéens conçoivent leurs intérêts sur la base d'une forte identité clanique et définissent leur engagement international en termes de ressources. Pour leur part, les Mexicains bâtissent des coalitions transnationales sur la base d'une identité de classe.Allant au-delà de la dichotomie entre le local et le global, les stratégies syndicales à l'international sont socialement construites et localement enracinées. Elles s'expliquent par la dynamique de l'économie politique dans laquelle se trouvent insérés ces syndicats et les structures d'opportunité transnationale à leur portée."
"Ce texte propose une relecture du débat sur l'action syndicale à l'international entre la construction de coalitions globales et le développement de réseaux locaux. Il se base sur le récit des représentants syndicaux du secteur minier au Ghana et au Mexique. Les stratégies syndicales sont saisies sous les trois dimensions analytiques que sont les espaces de l'action syndicale à l'international, les modes d'interaction et le cadre de référence. ...


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"Transnational trade union action has expanded significantly over the last few decades and has taken a variety of shapes and trajectories. This book is concerned with understanding the spatial extension of trade union action, and in particular the development of new forms of collective mobilization, network-building, and forms of regulation that bridge local and transnational issues.

Through the work of leading international specialists, this collection of essays examines the process and dynamic of transnational trade union action and provides analytical and conceptual tools to understand these developments. The research presented here emphasizes that the direction of transnational solidarity remains contested, subject to experimentation and negotiation, and includes studies of often overlooked developments in transition and developing countries with original analyses from the European Union and NAFTA areas. Providing a fresh examination of transnational solidarity, this volume offers neither a romantic or overly optimistic narrative of a borderless unionism, nor does it fall into a fatalistic or pessimistic account of international union solidarity. Through original research conducted at different levels, this book disentangles the processes and dynamics of institution building and challenges the conventional national based forms of unionism that prevailed in the latter half of the twentieth century."
"Transnational trade union action has expanded significantly over the last few decades and has taken a variety of shapes and trajectories. This book is concerned with understanding the spatial extension of trade union action, and in particular the development of new forms of collective mobilization, network-building, and forms of regulation that bridge local and transnational issues.

Through the work of leading international specialists, this ...


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La Revue de l'IRES - n° 68 -

"A partir d'une enquête menée auprès de 1 105 délégués parmi les enseignants dans le secteur de l'éducation au Québec, cet article porte sur le rôle des délégués dans les établissements scolaires et les conditions qui renforcent leur capacité d'agir dans le contexte de la « nouvelle gestion publique » (NGP). Si la mise en oeuvre de la NGP engendre de fortes pressions dans les milieux de travail et complexifi e le rôle des acteurs locaux, la décentralisation de certains pouvoirs vers l'établissement offre aussi de nouveaux espaces pour la représentation syndicale, ce qui suppose que les délégués soient en mesure d'occuper ces espaces. Ce sont les aptitudes stratégiques des délégués ainsi que la mobilisation des ressources de pouvoir internes et externes qui renforcent leur capacité d'agir dans ce nouveau contexte. "
"A partir d'une enquête menée auprès de 1 105 délégués parmi les enseignants dans le secteur de l'éducation au Québec, cet article porte sur le rôle des délégués dans les établissements scolaires et les conditions qui renforcent leur capacité d'agir dans le contexte de la « nouvelle gestion publique » (NGP). Si la mise en oeuvre de la NGP engendre de fortes pressions dans les milieux de travail et complexifi e le rôle des acteurs locaux, la ...


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La Revue de l'IRES - n° 68 -

"Les représentants sur les lieux de travail (shop stewards, délégués) semblent au coeur des processus de renouveau syndical, mais cette catégorie de représentants est délaissée dans la littérature internationale. A la différence notable des traditions de recherche autour de la figure du shop steward britannique, les différentes littératures nationales tendent à réserver au délégué de terrain un rôle de figurant plutôt que de leader. Nous explorons quatre facteurs qui motivent le regain d'intérêt pour les délégués du côté tant des politiques syndicales que de la recherche : une crise globale de représentativité des syndicalismes au niveau sociétal ; une crise de représentativité des délégués eux-mêmes à l'égard de leurs mandants ; la complexité et la diversification croissantes des lieux de représentation autant que des stratégies d'employeurs ; les transformations et/ou l'affaiblissement des systèmes de référence des acteurs syndicaux locaux. Chacun de ces facteurs constitue un défi pour les représentants de terrain mais pousse aussi à de nouvelles investigations de recherche, investigations dont nous témoignons ici et auxquelles nous souhaitons nous-mêmes contribuer. "
"Les représentants sur les lieux de travail (shop stewards, délégués) semblent au coeur des processus de renouveau syndical, mais cette catégorie de représentants est délaissée dans la littérature internationale. A la différence notable des traditions de recherche autour de la figure du shop steward britannique, les différentes littératures nationales tendent à réserver au délégué de terrain un rôle de figurant plutôt que de leader. Nous ...

