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Journal of Public Health Policy - vol. 41 n° 1 -

"On Friday, 20 September 2019, over 4 million people worldwide participated in the youth-led Global Climate Strike. Emphasizing the dire impacts of the climate crisis on people's health, planetary health, and health equity, participants called for politicians and those with power to listen to the scientists and to the evidence. But who are these politicians and what is the evidence regarding to whom they listen? In the United States (US), critical research documents how the public's will is being subverted—and people and planetary health are being harmed—via changes to the ‘rules of the game' that affect democratic governance. Health professionals, organizations, and institutions should encourage civic engagement—for themselves, their staff, members, and study participants—regarding: voter registration; being counted in the 2020 Census; countering partisan gerrymandering; and helping to build strong coalitions addressing profound links between climate change, health equity, and democratic governance."
"On Friday, 20 September 2019, over 4 million people worldwide participated in the youth-led Global Climate Strike. Emphasizing the dire impacts of the climate crisis on people's health, planetary health, and health equity, participants called for politicians and those with power to listen to the scientists and to the evidence. But who are these politicians and what is the evidence regarding to whom they listen? In the United States (US), ...


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"Hazards from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, should be addressed in line with the EU Biological Agents Directive and by means of a strengthened centralised capacity of the European Union for the monitoring of and response to health emergencies.
Mitigating and preventing the impact of the illness, COVID-19, should be done by classifying it as an occupational disease, ensuring the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing for health workers, and engaging workers in all aspects of ‘work organisation'.
The coronavirus crisis, which is the result of the impact of the nexus of austerity/virus/illness on society at large, should trigger a transformative change in the care economy, leading to the valuing of care work, pay transparency, full acknowledgement of psychosocial risks such as violence and harassment in the world of work, measures to promote occupational health equity, sustainable health workforce planning and the inclusion of the currently absent gender aspect in EU legislation on occupational safety and health."
"Hazards from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, should be addressed in line with the EU Biological Agents Directive and by means of a strengthened centralised capacity of the European Union for the monitoring of and response to health emergencies.
Mitigating and preventing the impact of the illness, COVID-19, should be done by classifying it as an occupational disease, ensuring the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) ...


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"The devastating effect of lockdown measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU economy, is starting to get measured. Local socioeconomic characteristics determine the sensitivity of regional economies to restrictions on public life."


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"Ces derniers mois, la moitié des gouvernements de la planète faisaient le choix de préférer la santé de leurs populations à la croissance de leurs économies faute d'avoir pris soin de la vitalité de leurs écosystèmes. La leçon est implacable : détruire la Nature est un suicide social et accessoirement une folie économique dont nous n'avons pas les moyens.

Ce livre soutient que l'espérance de vie et la pleine santé doivent désormais devenir nos boussoles communes dans ce nouveau siècle, à même de nous orienter les yeux grands ouverts dans un monde où bien-être humain et vitalité des écosystèmes sont irrémédiablement entrelacés et projetés ensemble à toute allure dans une spirale de plus en plus vicieuse qu'il nous faut à tout prix inverser. Être prospère aujourd'hui, c'est se donner les moyens de tenir parole sur la poursuite de l'aventure humaine dans vingt ou trente ans. Être prospère, c'est donc d'abord être en bonne santé.

Dans notre âge de l'incertitude et donc de l'inquiétude écologique, le soin apporté à notre santé nous est avant tout une protection. Plus nous apporterons de soin à notre santé, mieux nous saurons affronter les crises qui sont déjà là et devant nous. Et plus nous apporterons de soin aux écosystèmes qui sont la clé de notre santé, plus notre vie sera longue et plaisante.

En nous laissant guider par une pleine santé qui donne toute leur place aux écosystèmes qui nous font vivre, on peut trouver le moyen de réorienter nos systèmes économiques pour donner un sens partagé à la transition écologique : une transition aussi bien individuelle que collective, personnelle que relationnelle, biologique comme écologique. Une transition instinctive, sensuelle et viscérale. Dans ce sens retrouvé, aux antipodes d'indicateurs économiques qui ne disent plus rien à personne, la pleine santé a le pouvoir d'apaiser, de guérir, de réparer."
"Ces derniers mois, la moitié des gouvernements de la planète faisaient le choix de préférer la santé de leurs populations à la croissance de leurs économies faute d'avoir pris soin de la vitalité de leurs écosystèmes. La leçon est implacable : détruire la Nature est un suicide social et accessoirement une folie économique dont nous n'avons pas les moyens.

Ce livre soutient que l'espérance de vie et la pleine santé doivent désormais devenir nos ...


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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - vol. 18 n° 6 -

": As a consequence of the Spring 2020 lockdown that occurred in Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs or had to be furloughed. The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of the latter changes in labour market status on psychological well-being. For this purpose, an ad-hoc questionnaire featuring socio-demographic and mental health criteria was created. Granted that the pandemic can be viewed as an exogenous shock, the bias caused by the bidirectional problems between the work situation and mental well-being can be tackled. Results indicate that the lockdown exerted a greater negative effect on the self-perceived well-being of unemployed and furloughed persons than on those in employment. Moreover, among those in continuous employment, teleworkers experienced a lesser degree of self-perceived well-being post lockdown as compared to those people remaining in the same work location throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, the lockdown provoked worse effects on the self-perceived well-being of women as compared to men, a result that appears to be related to gender differences in household production. In conclusion, these results could be especially relevant given that the evolution of the pandemic is having ongoing effects on employment and, therefore, on the mental health of workers."
": As a consequence of the Spring 2020 lockdown that occurred in Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs or had to be furloughed. The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of the latter changes in labour market status on psychological well-being. For this purpose, an ad-hoc questionnaire featuring socio-demographic and mental health criteria was created. Granted that the pandemic can be viewed as an ...


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"The COVID-19 pandemic facilitated a long-expected paradigm shift in the European Union's perception on health and healthcare. It has been proved that health policy decisions cannot be kept within a nation-state framework only, and that a new vision and strengthened community competences are needed to cope with public health crises.

Traditionally, EU member states have long been opposed to a greater role for the European institutions in health policy. Notwithstanding, growing disparities with alarming inequalities as to the health status of people across the 27 EU member states, and the differences in these people's access to quality healthcare, have the potential to seriously undermine the fundamental right to health.

The pandemic made it overwhelmingly clear that health is essential when it comes to the fair, resilient and sustainable development of our societies. Developing health systems indicators, a pharmaceutical strategy for Europe and a European cancer plan could be valid building blocks to construct a solid Health Union.

This policy brief presents the case of Hungary, with a look at its chronically underfunded and poorly performing health sector and an analysis of the national attitudes towards the European Health Union. Consultations with health professionals, local administrators and civil society evidence that the creation of a EU Health Union could contribute to catching up of the ailing national healthcare systems. A majority of the Hungarian society would see the European Health Union as a driving force to improve health outcomes in their countries and are supportive of more European integration in this domain.

Based on this, six areas of action are identified: planning, communication, joint research, equal access, primary prevention, and funding."
"The COVID-19 pandemic facilitated a long-expected paradigm shift in the European Union's perception on health and healthcare. It has been proved that health policy decisions cannot be kept within a nation-state framework only, and that a new vision and strengthened community competences are needed to cope with public health crises.

Traditionally, EU member states have long been opposed to a greater role for the European institutions in health ...


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"This year's World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends examines global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation and productivity, as well as dimensions of job quality such as employment status, informal employment and working poverty. It also provides extensive analysis of the crisis's varied impact on enterprises and workers.

The report forecasts that employment recovery, though strong, will be insufficient to close the gaps. Workers whose labour market position was disadvantageous prior to the crisis – women, young people, migrants, informal workers and workers in lower-skilled occupations – suffered disproportionately. The report proposes a human-centred recovery strategy to avoid scarring of global labour markets for the years to come."
"This year's World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends examines global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation and productivity, as well as dimensions of job quality such as employment status, informal employment and working poverty. It also provides extensive analysis of the crisis's varied impact on enterprises and workers.

The report forecasts that employment recovery, though strong, will be insufficient ...

