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Documents Tomassetti, Paolo 15 results

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"Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically analyse EU legal instruments in the areas of labour law and environmental law, seeking to assess how these normative and policy domains are related to each other. We draw on the explicit and implicit intersections between these two domains when it comes to relevant EU legislation, in order to identify and conceptualise early examples of what we call ‘workers' environmental rights'. These rights include individual and collective rights whose exercise contributes simultaneously to labour and environmental sustainability. Where such ‘workers' environmental rights' are not explicitly set out in legislation, we provide insights into how they could be construed via judicial interpretation, as well as on how they could be integrated in future EU and national legislation through statutory provisions or collective agreements."
"Building on the ongoing discussion on the labour–environment nexus in labour law and other areas of scholarship, in this paper we systematically analyse EU legal instruments in the areas of labour law and environmental law, seeking to assess how these normative and policy domains are related to each other. We draw on the explicit and implicit intersections between these two domains when it comes to relevant EU legislation, in order to identify ...


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The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations - vol. 39 n° 3-4 -

"This special issue is the result of a scholarly dialogue in which the guest-editors and the article contributors engaged in the context of the international symposium ‘The Labour-Environment Nexus: Legal Perspectives and Beyond'. The special issue contributes to the existing labour law literature on the labour-environment nexus by charting new territory and populating this emerging field of inquiry within labour law – a field which provides fertile ground for reexamining established concepts and boundaries within our area, exploring its relationship to and interaction with other disciplines, and its transformative potential. After presenting the background to this special issue, and setting out some key research questions for the debate, the guesteditors provide an overview of the main issues addressed in the articles, concluding with an outline for a future research agenda in the field of the labour-environment nexus."
"This special issue is the result of a scholarly dialogue in which the guest-editors and the article contributors engaged in the context of the international symposium ‘The Labour-Environment Nexus: Legal Perspectives and Beyond'. The special issue contributes to the existing labour law literature on the labour-environment nexus by charting new territory and populating this emerging field of inquiry within labour law – a field which provides ...


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Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale - Lavori - vol. 17 n° 1 -

"L'articolo analizza un campione di 20 accordi concessivi sottoscritti nell'industria metalmeccanica lombarda nel quadriennio 2008-2013. L'analisi si concentra sulle determinan- ti, sulle caratteristiche e sul metodo della contrattazione concessiva. Dal punto di vista qualitativo, i contenuti negoziali non implicano una disarticolazione degli assetti contrattuali: le concessioni generalmente assumono la forma di azioni di retrenchment volte ad allineare i contenuti della contrattazione aziendale agli standard minimi del Ccnl. Questo processo sembra tuttavia essere determinato, in molti casi, più dal maggior potere negoziale che alcuni tipi di aziende possono vantare nei confronti del sindacato, che da un orientamento fisiologico della contrattazione verso obiettivi condivisi di produttività e competitività. Il principale elemento di criticità di simili esperienze contrattuali sembra dunque essere l'approccio metodologico, posto che la maggior parte degli accordi scaturisce da strategie mana- geriali di tipo coercitivo e minaccioso («prendere o lasciare», pratiche di whipsawing, minaccia di disinvestimento o di spostamento della produzione all'estero)."
"L'articolo analizza un campione di 20 accordi concessivi sottoscritti nell'industria metalmeccanica lombarda nel quadriennio 2008-2013. L'analisi si concentra sulle determinan- ti, sulle caratteristiche e sul metodo della contrattazione concessiva. Dal punto di vista qualitativo, i contenuti negoziali non implicano una disarticolazione degli assetti contrattuali: le concessioni generalmente assumono la forma di azioni di retrenchment volte ad ...


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The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations - vol. 33 n° 4 -

"This article analyses the rules on wage coordination and their effectiveness in the Italian two-tier bargaining system. It seeks to cast light on bargaining coordination by starting from the analysis of collective agreements, rather than focusing exclusively on normative and institutional aspects of wage bargaining. Accordingly, the study examines a dataset of 498 company-level collective agreements concluded between 2012–2015 in three sectors – metalworking, food, banking and finance – to analyse wage developments in company-level bargaining. The study considers the extent to which local wage negotiations are consistent with the rules on wage bargaining coordination laid down in economy-wide agreements and national collective labour agreements. Wage coordination rules are generally respected, though a significant number of company-level agreements still provide fixed-rate pay rises in breach of the rule that wage increases at company level should be linked to productivity and other factors relating to the workers' and/or the firm's economic performance. Although the violation of wage bargaining rules between national agreements and company-level collective agreements is in line with the favourability principle, it is argued that local negotiations on fixed-rate pay rises could be regarded as a form of uncoordinated decentralization, diminishing the effectiveness of horizontal coordination policies and the normative role of the social partners. "
"This article analyses the rules on wage coordination and their effectiveness in the Italian two-tier bargaining system. It seeks to cast light on bargaining coordination by starting from the analysis of collective agreements, rather than focusing exclusively on normative and institutional aspects of wage bargaining. Accordingly, the study examines a dataset of 498 company-level collective agreements concluded between 2012–2015 in three sectors ...


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"Inequality has once again been under the spotlight of academic analysis and policy making in recent years. This has, to a significant extent, been linked to the economic crisis and the questions it has raised concerning the interrelationships between a variety of factors including growth, sustainability, welfare and labour markets. Inequality is now increasingly recognized as a factor with negative effects which are not only social but also economic. Its relevance is likely to increase even more in the years ahead as a consequence of the impact of Industry 4.0 and the digital evolution of the economy on labour markets and societies . ..."
"Inequality has once again been under the spotlight of academic analysis and policy making in recent years. This has, to a significant extent, been linked to the economic crisis and the questions it has raised concerning the interrelationships between a variety of factors including growth, sustainability, welfare and labour markets. Inequality is now increasingly recognized as a factor with negative effects which are not only social but also ...


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Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale - Lavori - vol. 20 n° 4 -

"L'articolo analizza, nella prospettiva del c.d. doppio-movimento Polanyiano, le implicazioni teoriche e pratiche della teoria dei beni comuni sul diritto e sulla rappresentanza del lavoro. La proposta dei beni comuni comporta un ripensamento della concezione pluralista del diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali. Di fianco all'analisi teorica, l'articolo discute alcuni esempi di azione collettiva per la difesa dei beni comuni, relativamente allo sviluppo sostenibile dei territori, alle forme di cittadinanza attiva e al ruolo del consumo critico. La conclusione è che la prospettiva dei beni comuni possa rappresentare un fattore di rivitalizzazione per il diritto e la rappresentanza del lavoro.

The article analyses, from the perspective of Polanyi's double-movement, theoretical and practical implications of the commons' theory for labour law and representation. The proposal of the commons challenges the pluralist conception of labour law and industrial relations. Beyond the theoretical analysis, the article discusses examples of collective action aimed to protect the commons, in relation to sustainable development of local communities, active citizenship and critical consumption. The conclusion is that the commons perspective might be regarded as a revitalization factor for labour law and representation."
"L'articolo analizza, nella prospettiva del c.d. doppio-movimento Polanyiano, le implicazioni teoriche e pratiche della teoria dei beni comuni sul diritto e sulla rappresentanza del lavoro. La proposta dei beni comuni comporta un ripensamento della concezione pluralista del diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali. Di fianco all'analisi teorica, l'articolo discute alcuni esempi di azione collettiva per la difesa dei beni comuni, ...


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European Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 26 n° 4 -

"Drawing on Treadmill of Production (ToP) and Just Transition (JT) theories, the article proposes a comparative analysis of the labour/environment nexus, evident across Europe and epitomized in the case of the Italian industrial relations system. The research shows continuity between ToP and JT. Despite ToP being the dominant logic of collective action during much of the modern (post-Second World War) industrial era, a long wave of JT can be identified from the late 1960s, as Italian union struggles for decent and healthier working environments contributed to making production processes more sustainable for the broader environment and communities far beyond the workplace. This long wave of JT is nowadays reinforced and made more visible by an explicit integration of labour and environmental protection through collective bargaining and social partnerships. In many cases, however, labour and capital interests still prevail over environmental ones and new dimensions of ToP emerge in the JT era."
"Drawing on Treadmill of Production (ToP) and Just Transition (JT) theories, the article proposes a comparative analysis of the labour/environment nexus, evident across Europe and epitomized in the case of the Italian industrial relations system. The research shows continuity between ToP and JT. Despite ToP being the dominant logic of collective action during much of the modern (post-Second World War) industrial era, a long wave of JT can be ...


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Giustizia Civile - n° 3 -

"Gli effetti dell'emergenza COVID-19 sul lavoro in somministrazione.

Nel pieno dell'emergenza sanitaria COVID-19 stanno scadendo e cessando migliaia di contratti a tempo determinato e di somministrazione a termine, anche a seguito dell'attivazione degli ammortizzatori sociali che impediscono le proroghe contrattuali. L'accordo siglato in data 6 marzo 2020 da Assolavoro e Felsa-CISL, Nidil-CGIL e Uiltemp-UIL ha, tempestivamente, previsto una serie di misure volte a tutelare la continuità retributiva e occupazionale (presso l'utilizzatore) dei lavoratori somministrati coinvolti nell'emergenza, tra le quali spicca la possibilità di attivare, in via sperimentale e del tutto eccezionale, il trattamento di integrazione salariale “in deroga” alla procedura ordinaria (art. 3), a valere sulle risorse del fondo di solidarietà di settore fino a un massimo di 10 milioni di euro (art. 6)..."
"Gli effetti dell'emergenza COVID-19 sul lavoro in somministrazione.

Nel pieno dell'emergenza sanitaria COVID-19 stanno scadendo e cessando migliaia di contratti a tempo determinato e di somministrazione a termine, anche a seguito dell'attivazione degli ammortizzatori sociali che impediscono le proroghe contrattuali. L'accordo siglato in data 6 marzo 2020 da Assolavoro e Felsa-CISL, Nidil-CGIL e Uiltemp-UIL ha, tempestivamente, previsto una ...


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"Agreenment – A Green Mentality for Collective Bargaining investigates the role of social dialogue and collective bargaining in promoting sustainable development and the Just Transition to a low-carbon economy in six countries: France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. The Agreenment project is co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, under budget heading VP/2017/004 (Grant Agreement VP/2017/004/0037), Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations."
"Agreenment – A Green Mentality for Collective Bargaining investigates the role of social dialogue and collective bargaining in promoting sustainable development and the Just Transition to a low-carbon economy in six countries: France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. The Agreenment project is co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, under budget heading VP/2017/004 (Grant Agreement ...

