Hard times for trade union anti-racism workplace strategies
Ouali, Nouria ; Jefferys, Steve
Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research
equal rights ; ethnic group ; human rights ; migrant worker ; racial discrimination ; trade union attitude
Human rights
"This article reviews research into how European trade unions have responded to workplace racism against minority and migrant workers in the more difficult economic and political situation following the 2008 recession. Its main focus is on research carried out in Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy and the UK in 2003–2005, 2008–2009 and 2013. Union pressure for equal treatment had already weakened somewhat before the crisis. Subsequently, unemployment levels for ethnic minority and migrant workers rose much faster than for ‘national majority' workers, and levels of tension in the workplace have often increased. The article distinguishes four main union responses: denial of racism and protection of the interests of national majority workers; the demand that minorities assimilate without special provisions; recognition of the need for minorities to have some special services and support; and the adoption of positive measures to promote equal treatment."