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Washington, DC

"This paper analyzes whether structural changes in the aftermath of the pandemic have steepened the Phillips curves in advanced economies, reversing the flattening observed in recent decades and reducing the sacrifice ratio associated with disinflation. Particularly, analysis of granular price quote data from the UK indicates that increased digitalization may have raised price flexibility, while de-globalization may have made inflation more responsive to domestic economic conditions again. Using sectoral data from 24 advanced economies in Europe, higher digitalization and lower trade intensity are shown to be associated with steeper Phillips curves. Post-pandemic Phillips curve estimates indicate some steepening in the UK, Spain, Italy and the euro area as a whole, but at magnitudes that are too small to explain the entire surge in inflation in 2021–22, suggesting an important role for outward shifts in the Phillips curve."
"This paper analyzes whether structural changes in the aftermath of the pandemic have steepened the Phillips curves in advanced economies, reversing the flattening observed in recent decades and reducing the sacrifice ratio associated with disinflation. Particularly, analysis of granular price quote data from the UK indicates that increased digitalization may have raised price flexibility, while de-globalization may have made inflation more ...


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The Conversation -

"Inflation is coming down across developed economies, although not as much as governments and central banks would like. Price hikes hurt everyone, but research into inflation inequality shows the effects are more pronounced for some people. Alberto Prati discusses how unequal effects of inflation can have a big impact on people's wellbeing."


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"This paper assesses the importance of digitalization in Germany and other developed countries with a particular attention to the potential or actual impact it may have on the labor market. Referring to available empirical evidence, we document the already developing transformation of occupations and forms of employment and the role of the platform economy, including the phenomenon of solo self-employment. We then derive current and future challenges for social protection and suggest some ideas to update social insurance in the face of these new challenges.#2
"This paper assesses the importance of digitalization in Germany and other developed countries with a particular attention to the potential or actual impact it may have on the labor market. Referring to available empirical evidence, we document the already developing transformation of occupations and forms of employment and the role of the platform economy, including the phenomenon of solo self-employment. We then derive current and future ...


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Futuribles - n° 417 -

"Depuis quelques années, les débats se multiplient, en particulier dans le milieu des économistes, quant aux perspectives d'évolution de la productivité et, par extension, de la croissance économique. Alors que l'on n'a jamais autant parlé de l'essor des technologies numériques et des bouleversements qu'elles pourraient entraîner, on constate en effet, sur la période récente et dans un grand nombre de pays dits avancés, une tendance à la baisse du rythme de croissance de la productivité. Or, si elle se confirmait, celle-ci pourrait aller de pair avec une ère de stagnation économique durable. C'est pourquoi Futuribles engage, dans ce numéro, une réflexion sur la question du ralentissement des gains de productivité et ses conséquences sur l'évolution économique des pays concernés, ainsi que sur l'évolution de l'emploi et des métiers.

Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette et Rémy Lecat, qui travaillent sur le sujet depuis plusieurs années, ouvrent le dossier par un panorama de l'évolution sur longue période de la productivité du travail dans les principaux pays développés, avec un focus sur le ralentissement observé ces deux dernières décennies. Ils présentent, au regard des travaux publiés sur le sujet, les origines possibles de cette baisse et les perspectives envisageables, à plus long terme, en matière d'évolution du rythme de croissance de la productivité (tassement ou rebond ?). Ils montrent enfin, compte tenu des divergences observées entre pays développés (en particulier vis-à-vis des États-Unis), quelles sont les marges de rattrapage pour l'Europe."
"Depuis quelques années, les débats se multiplient, en particulier dans le milieu des économistes, quant aux perspectives d'évolution de la productivité et, par extension, de la croissance économique. Alors que l'on n'a jamais autant parlé de l'essor des technologies numériques et des bouleversements qu'elles pourraient entraîner, on constate en effet, sur la période récente et dans un grand nombre de pays dits avancés, une tendance à la baisse ...


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"We draw lessons from existing work and our own analysis on the effects of parental leave and other interventions aimed at aiding families. The outcomes of interest are female employment, gender gaps in earnings and fertility. We begin with a discussion of the historical introduction of family policies ever since the end of the nineteenth century and then turn to the details regarding family policies currently in effect across high-income nations. We sketch a framework concerning the effects of family policy to motivate our country- and micro-level evidence on the impact of family policies on gender outcomes. Most estimates of the impact of parental leave entitlement on female labor market outcomes range from negligible to weakly positive. The verdict is far more positive for the beneficial impact of spending on early education and childcare."
"We draw lessons from existing work and our own analysis on the effects of parental leave and other interventions aimed at aiding families. The outcomes of interest are female employment, gender gaps in earnings and fertility. We begin with a discussion of the historical introduction of family policies ever since the end of the nineteenth century and then turn to the details regarding family policies currently in effect across high-income ...


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Oxford Review of Economic Policy - vol. 32 n° 4 -

"This article surveys current and emerging practice in technology-enhanced learning in higher education. The article uses ‘disruptive innovation' as a lens to examine technology-enhanced learning. Disruptive innovation focuses on simple and convenient technologies which disrupt markets for existing goods and services. The article argues that disruptive technologies are used frequently in higher education, but also that students practise demarcation, using different technologies to support their learning lives and their social lives. The article further argues that current practice in technology-enhanced learning has implications for the design and use of emerging technologies (such as Massive Open Online Courses) and emerging practices (such as Bring Your Own Device, and learning analytics), as well as having implications for cost structures, and for the future of higher education as a whole."
"This article surveys current and emerging practice in technology-enhanced learning in higher education. The article uses ‘disruptive innovation' as a lens to examine technology-enhanced learning. Disruptive innovation focuses on simple and convenient technologies which disrupt markets for existing goods and services. The article argues that disruptive technologies are used frequently in higher education, but also that students practise ...


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Oxford Review of Economic Policy - vol. 32 n° 4 -

"As universities open themselves up to the marketplace for knowledge and ideas to a greater degree than in the past, debates over university missions has been common. How can universities match their third mission, contribution to society, with their main missions of education and curiosity-driven basic research to achieve their full growth potential? This will require a change in policy attention from targeting university patenting and faculty spin-offs, to taking a broader view on universities' contribution to economic development, including other pathways, most notably collaborative modes and mobility of trained human capital from academe to industry."
"As universities open themselves up to the marketplace for knowledge and ideas to a greater degree than in the past, debates over university missions has been common. How can universities match their third mission, contribution to society, with their main missions of education and curiosity-driven basic research to achieve their full growth potential? This will require a change in policy attention from targeting university patenting and faculty ...


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Intereconomics. Review of European Economic Policy - vol. 51 n° 5 -

"The global industrial structure has been in a constant state of change for some time now. While China's share has steadily grown, Western industrialised countries have mostly experienced losses in industrial market share. Within Europe, the fates of the established industrialised nations have all played out very differently. For example, France and the UK have suffered massive losses, while Germany was able to noticeably re-expand production following the 2009 crisis. Industry in Europe is likely to fall further behind in the coming years — not only to catching-up countries like China, but also to other industrialised nations. The US, for example, exhibits far more dynamic industrial investment, outpacing not only France and the UK but also Germany."
"The global industrial structure has been in a constant state of change for some time now. While China's share has steadily grown, Western industrialised countries have mostly experienced losses in industrial market share. Within Europe, the fates of the established industrialised nations have all played out very differently. For example, France and the UK have suffered massive losses, while Germany was able to noticeably re-expand production ...


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Intereconomics. Review of European Economic Policy - vol. 51 n° 5 -

"Why do different countries exhibit different inflation rates? Most political economy accounts emphasise the role of ideas and institutions: as economic research shows that low inflation is achievable at no economic cost, governments delegate monetary policy to independent central banks. Countries with independent central banks and unions that anticipate the consequences of their actions by coordinating wage bargaining in turn achieve lower inflation. This conventional wisdom downplays the importance of interests, ignoring the significant influence that a growing electoral group — the elderly — has on inflation. Because the elderly are politically powerful and inflation averse, countries with more elderly citizens force political parties to adopt more economically orthodox policies when in power, resulting in lower inflation rates in those countries. Ageing populations may therefore lock in a low inflation regime, even when this is not economically desirable."
"Why do different countries exhibit different inflation rates? Most political economy accounts emphasise the role of ideas and institutions: as economic research shows that low inflation is achievable at no economic cost, governments delegate monetary policy to independent central banks. Countries with independent central banks and unions that anticipate the consequences of their actions by coordinating wage bargaining in turn achieve lower ...


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"The living conditions and well-being of the middle class are traditionally considered an expression of how society is progressing. Yet growing inequality and the polarization of incomes observed in Western countries due to globalization, the recession and rapid technological change, is leading to what has been described as a “malaise of the middle class”. This article presents the evolution of the income distribution in selected Western countries and discusses the possible impact of the threat created by downward mobility and the erosion of the middle class in today's society."
"The living conditions and well-being of the middle class are traditionally considered an expression of how society is progressing. Yet growing inequality and the polarization of incomes observed in Western countries due to globalization, the recession and rapid technological change, is leading to what has been described as a “malaise of the middle class”. This article presents the evolution of the income distribution in selected Western ...

