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New York

"Rules to Win By: Participation and Power in Union Negotiations is a book for anyone who wants to understand how to build the power required to effectively challenge and reverse income inequality and attacks on democracy. Drawing insights from recent hard-won unionization and contract negotiation fights, Jane McAlevey and Abby Lawlor use lessons from some of the toughest fights today--preparing a durable, all-out strike in a union-hostile environment--to provide a masterclass in participatory social change, indispensable both within and beyond the workplaces where we spend half of our waking lives.
In an era of polarization, big lies, and massive legislative setbacks, changemakers in every arena need to learn the skills and lessons honed in pitched battles against experienced and ruthless union busters. Rules to Win By is a book for workers, unionists, racial justice and climate campaigners, academics, policymakers and everyone who wants a more fair and democratic society."
"Rules to Win By: Participation and Power in Union Negotiations is a book for anyone who wants to understand how to build the power required to effectively challenge and reverse income inequality and attacks on democracy. Drawing insights from recent hard-won unionization and contract negotiation fights, Jane McAlevey and Abby Lawlor use lessons from some of the toughest fights today--preparing a durable, all-out strike in a union-hostile ...


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HesaMag - n° 27 -

"L'immeuble Tripode, qui abritait des bureaux ministériels à Nantes en France, a été détruit en 2005. Il contenait 350 tonnes d'amiante. Francis Judas, syndicaliste, qui a joué un rôle déterminant dans la lutte pour la reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles des salariés dues à l'exposition à l'amiante dans le bâtiment, nous raconte l'histoire de cette lutte et explique pourquoi une exposition tout au long de la journée de travail à 10000 fibres par mètre cube équivaut à une menace de mort pour les travailleurs."
"L'immeuble Tripode, qui abritait des bureaux ministériels à Nantes en France, a été détruit en 2005. Il contenait 350 tonnes d'amiante. Francis Judas, syndicaliste, qui a joué un rôle déterminant dans la lutte pour la reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles des salariés dues à l'exposition à l'amiante dans le bâtiment, nous raconte l'histoire de cette lutte et explique pourquoi une exposition tout au long de la journée de travail à 10000 ...


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The Economic and Labour Relations Review - n° Early View -

"Research on collective organisation of migrant platform workers is mostly concerned with ride-hailing and delivery logistics, where explicit forms of collective action have been visible. This paper addresses the issue of the self-organisation of migrant workers on cleaning platforms through a case study of Helpling cleaners in Berlin. In the paper, we ask why the attempts for organising workers have failed to scale up beyond the informal exchange of information and tactics among the workers. Our article argues that the spatial dispersion of work across the city, lack of occupational identity, and the legal framework of work, make worker organising difficult for cleaners in Berlin. Still, these factors do not lead to an absence of collective practices. Helpling workers in our study gather in online groups, can receive help and exchange in a community centre, and have been in touch with political groups. Based on the case study, the article discusses potentials and hurdles for the development of collective counter-power."
"Research on collective organisation of migrant platform workers is mostly concerned with ride-hailing and delivery logistics, where explicit forms of collective action have been visible. This paper addresses the issue of the self-organisation of migrant workers on cleaning platforms through a case study of Helpling cleaners in Berlin. In the paper, we ask why the attempts for organising workers have failed to scale up beyond the informal ...


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"Migrant protest has proliferated worldwide in the last two decades, explicitly posing questions of identity, rights, and equality in a globalized world. Nonetheless, such mobilizations are considered anomalies in social movement studies, and political sociology more broadly, due to 'weak interests' and a particularly disadvantageous position of 'outsiders' to claim rights connected to citizenship. In an attempt to address this seeming paradox, this book explores the interactions and spaces shaping the emergence, trajectory, and fragmentation of migrant protest in unfavourable contexts of marginalization. Such a perspective unveils both the odds of precarious mobilizations, and the ways they can be temporarily overcome. While adopting the encompassing terminology of 'migrant', the book focusses on precarious migrants, including both asylum seekers and 'illegalized' migrants."
"Migrant protest has proliferated worldwide in the last two decades, explicitly posing questions of identity, rights, and equality in a globalized world. Nonetheless, such mobilizations are considered anomalies in social movement studies, and political sociology more broadly, due to 'weak interests' and a particularly disadvantageous position of 'outsiders' to claim rights connected to citizenship. In an attempt to address this seeming paradox, ...


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Work, Employment and Society - vol. 38 n° 1 -

"Labour unrest by platform workers is a growing global phenomenon, but several questions require deeper understanding. What motivates platform labour unrest? Which actors and strategies are involved? How does this vary across regions? Systematic answers are hindered by the lack of large datasets. Uniquely, this article analyses a global dataset comprising 1271 instances of platform labour unrest. It reveals two main dimensions of platform labour struggle: those defending or extending protective regulatory institutions (regulatory protests); and those seeking a larger share of value created (distributive protests). The former more often involve mainstream unions and methods like legal challenges. The latter more often involve grassroots organisation, and the collective withdrawal of labour and demonstrations. Theoretically, the article elaborates on Silver's distinction between Marx-type and Polanyi-type labour unrest to explain and contextualise these findings. These patterns reveal variation within the growing wave of platform labour unrest that have not yet been systematically examined."
"Labour unrest by platform workers is a growing global phenomenon, but several questions require deeper understanding. What motivates platform labour unrest? Which actors and strategies are involved? How does this vary across regions? Systematic answers are hindered by the lack of large datasets. Uniquely, this article analyses a global dataset comprising 1271 instances of platform labour unrest. It reveals two main dimensions of platform labour ...


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"Il 28 novembre 1969, 100 mila tute blu provenienti da tutt'Italia invadono le strade di Roma. È la prima grande manifestazione sindacale di massa del dopoguerra. Ed è una lotta che paga: poco più di un mese più tardi si troverà l'accordo e i metalmeccanici otterranno la riduzione dell'orario settimanale a 40 ore, il diritto di assemblea in fabbrica, significativi aumenti salariali, il riconoscimento dei rappresentanti sindacali"


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"Entre 1972 et 1993, 1800 agents de l'Insee, du Trésor Public et du ministère des Affaires étrangères ont été exposés intensément aux flocages d'amiante dans la tour Tripode Beaulieu de Nantes. Très rapidement, à l'instar des voix dénonçants la dangerosité de cette fibre, travailleurs et syndicalistes du Tripode se mobilisent et font pression sur leur employeur : l'Etat, à la fois législateur et patron. Le bâtiment est finalement évacué en 1992-1993 et rasé en 2005 après de longs travaux de désamiantage. Restent les malades et ceux craignant de l'être un jour...
Sous la forme d'une histoire dessinée, ce livre raconte le combat mené dans l'unité syndicale depuis près de quarante ans pour briser le mur de silence entourant l'utilisation de cette "poussière du diable""
"Entre 1972 et 1993, 1800 agents de l'Insee, du Trésor Public et du ministère des Affaires étrangères ont été exposés intensément aux flocages d'amiante dans la tour Tripode Beaulieu de Nantes. Très rapidement, à l'instar des voix dénonçants la dangerosité de cette fibre, travailleurs et syndicalistes du Tripode se mobilisent et font pression sur leur employeur : l'Etat, à la fois législateur et patron. Le bâtiment est finalement évacué en ...


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"There has been an explosion of organising among workers many assumed to be unorganisable, from delivery drivers in London to tech workers in Silicon Valley. The culmination of years of conversations on picket lines, in community centres, and in union offices, with workers in Britain, the US, India, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, and across Europe, Troublemaking brings together lessons from around the world. Precarious workers waste collectors in Mumbai show that no worker is “unorganisable”, cleaner organising at LSE and St Mary's hospital in London and Sans-papier workers in France indicate that demanding more at work can lead to big wins. Struggles like The Water Wars in Cochabamba, Bolivia show how we can use our power beyond the workplace.
From these movements, Lydia Hughes and Jamie Woodcock draw a number of lessons about why organising at work is the first step in building another world. They put forward three principles for organising. First, the need for action. Struggles can change the world, but they also change people who go through them. Rather than using action as a last resort, we need action to build a movement. Second, the need to build the rank-and-file of unions. Power comes from organising at work, not in trusting others to do it on our behalf. Third, democracy matters in organising. This is not only about winning, but also developing the confidence to build another kind of world. This is not a "how to" guide, but a set of principles for the politics of organising."
"There has been an explosion of organising among workers many assumed to be unorganisable, from delivery drivers in London to tech workers in Silicon Valley. The culmination of years of conversations on picket lines, in community centres, and in union offices, with workers in Britain, the US, India, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, and across Europe, Troublemaking brings together lessons from around the world. Precarious workers waste collectors ...


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The Economic and Labour Relations Review - vol. 34 n° 3 -

"This article is part of an internationally coordinated themed collection on ‘labour conflict, forms of organisation, and class' exploring important questions. How can we explain the interplay of capital, the state, and the international order, in defining the persistence of labour conflict in changing historical and political-economic contexts? How have the economic, social, and technological transformations precipitated by the recent pandemic shaped the expression of work-related conflict? As part of a response to these main questions, the author and contributors of this collection conceptualise labour conflict and collective action in broader class analysis and examine the combined effect of state policies, migration, and digital innovation on contemporary labour politics. This article, drawing on insights from Marxist-oriented interdisciplinary approaches and feminist theories, seeks to suggest approaches to future studies on class, labour conflict, and workers' organisation."
"This article is part of an internationally coordinated themed collection on ‘labour conflict, forms of organisation, and class' exploring important questions. How can we explain the interplay of capital, the state, and the international order, in defining the persistence of labour conflict in changing historical and political-economic contexts? How have the economic, social, and technological transformations precipitated by the recent pandemic ...

