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Documents health impact assessment 1 034 results

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"The Dutch ministry of Social Affairs and Employment aims to reduce worker exposure to carcinogens. So, it is important to identify carcinogens and work processes that may cause cancer as early as possible. Also at the European level there is much interest in so-called early warning systems, but countries use different systems. RIVM made an inventory in 51 European countries for identifying new and emerging risks for workers. Seven countries developed a signaling tool, sometimes in cooperation with another country. Using such a tool, physicians can report health effects, e.g. cancer, when they suspect a hitherto unknown causal relationship between substances or work processes and the reported health effect. Next, a group of experts in occupational disease and exposure will evaluate the possible causal relationship. Ten other countries reported systems which are not specifically designed to identify new and emerging risks of chemicals, but which may be used as such. Besides signaling tools, databases are available with information on exposure to hazardous substances and processes, and health effects. These databases can be used to identify possible carcinogens. Again, expert groups play a fundamental role in the evaluation. National centres that investigate work-related health effects of workers play an essential role in the evaluation of a possible causal relationship between exposure and health effect, according to experts in the field. According to most of the countries in this study, cases should be collected and evaluated preferably at an international level. Many suggestions were given; e.g. using an already existing international network of professionals who evaluate and discuss new and emerging risks for workers (MODERNET) or other international advisory committees. Once a new and emerging health risk has been established, action has to be taken to control the risk. This study gives an overview of possible actions."
"The Dutch ministry of Social Affairs and Employment aims to reduce worker exposure to carcinogens. So, it is important to identify carcinogens and work processes that may cause cancer as early as possible. Also at the European level there is much interest in so-called early warning systems, but countries use different systems. RIVM made an inventory in 51 European countries for identifying new and emerging risks for workers. Seven countries ...


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"This guide is aimed at employers, trade union representatives and, of course, workers potentially exposed to electromagnetic fields. It is also designed as an aid to understanding the new EU Directive on occupational exposure to EMFs (2013/35 EU), which will enter into force in 2016. The Guide presents an overview of occupational exposure to electromagnetic field according to frequency: static fields, low, intermediate and radio frequencies. It focuses on certain occupations, on risk assessment and on the determination of exposure, which needs to be done according to the general provisions of EU Directive OSH “Framework Directive” 89/391/EEC. A specific chapter is dedicated to workers who face particular risks, e.g., persons with medical implants, pregnant women or persons taking certain medications. Last but no least, the guide also presents recommendations as to how a precautionary approach can help to reduce high exposure."
"This guide is aimed at employers, trade union representatives and, of course, workers potentially exposed to electromagnetic fields. It is also designed as an aid to understanding the new EU Directive on occupational exposure to EMFs (2013/35 EU), which will enter into force in 2016. The Guide presents an overview of occupational exposure to electromagnetic field according to frequency: static fields, low, intermediate and radio frequencies. It ...


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"Lo studio, commissionato da ISPESL, ha avuto l'obiettivo di verificare ad oggi i progressi in campo della prevenzione del rischio per la salute nel lavoro interinale. L'intento fondamentale della direttiva 91/383/CEE, e delle normative nazionali di recepimento, è quello di garantire ai lavoratori temporanei (in questo caso i lavoratori interinali), lo stesso livello di protezione assicurato ai dipendenti dell'impresa utilizzatrice, per quanto concerne la tutela salute e la sicurezza impedendo ogni sorta di discriminazione di tutela per gli stessi; il fine comune è dunque quello di tutelare, nell'ambito dell'Unione Europea, il diritto alla salute dei lavoratori internali, individuati come i soggetti più vulnerabili di questo rapporto di lavoro. ..."
"Lo studio, commissionato da ISPESL, ha avuto l'obiettivo di verificare ad oggi i progressi in campo della prevenzione del rischio per la salute nel lavoro interinale. L'intento fondamentale della direttiva 91/383/CEE, e delle normative nazionali di recepimento, è quello di garantire ai lavoratori temporanei (in questo caso i lavoratori interinali), lo stesso livello di protezione assicurato ai dipendenti dell'impresa utilizzatrice, per quanto ...


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"This fourth series of International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), Volume 5, is produced by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). The Commission supports this programme, as a part of the actions mentioned in the Commission's programme on safety, hygiene and health at work concerning the provision of information to workers. Volume 1 is the Compilers' guide and Volume 2 is the first series of ICSCs, Volume 3 the second series of ICSCs, Volume 4 the third series of ICSCs and Volume 5 the fourth series of ICSCs. The ICSC project is an undertaking of the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). The project is being developed in the context of the cooperation between the IPCS and the Commission of the European Communities. The ICSCs have no legal status, but must be seen as an information tool, which can be used by interested parties, whether the worker himself, or the employer, when undertaking his duty of giving information and instruction to his workers. The ICSC has a special role to play in this respect in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This IPCS activity is a scientific study and the user should be aware that the ICSCs and the Compiler's guide contain the collective views of the IPCS Peer Review Committee. They may not reflect in all cases all the detailed requirements included in national legislation on the subject. The user should therefore verify compliance of the cards with the relevant detailed requirements in the country of use."
"This fourth series of International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), Volume 5, is produced by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). The Commission supports this programme, as a part of the actions mentioned in the Commission's programme on safety, hygiene and health at work concerning the provision of information to workers. Volume 1 is the Compilers' guide and Volume 2 is the first series of ICSCs, Volume 3 the second series of ...


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Références en santé au travail - n° 162 -

"L'équité au travail ou justice organisationnelle s'intéresse à l'analyse des perceptions qu'ont les salariés de leur environnement de travail au regard de la répartition des ressources (équité distributive), de la manière dont les décisions sont appliquées (équité procédurale) et de la façon dont les individus sont traités (équité interactionnelle).
Les données de la littérature montrent une dégradation de l'état de santé mentale et physique des salariés exposés à un manque d'équité. Cet article fait le point sur l'état des connaissances de la notion d'équité en milieu professionnel et sur les conséquences d'un manque d'équité pour la santé des salariés et pour l'entreprise."
"L'équité au travail ou justice organisationnelle s'intéresse à l'analyse des perceptions qu'ont les salariés de leur environnement de travail au regard de la répartition des ressources (équité distributive), de la manière dont les décisions sont appliquées (équité procédurale) et de la façon dont les individus sont traités (équité interactionnelle).
Les données de la littérature montrent une dégradation de l'état de santé mentale et physique ...


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The Lancet - vol. 397 n° 10269 -

"The Lancet Countdown is an international collaboration established to provide an independent, global monitoring system dedicated to tracking the emerging health profile of the changing climate.
The 2020 report presents 43 indicators across five sections: climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerabilities; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; economics and finance; and public and political engagement. This report represents the findings and consensus of the 35 leading academic institutions and UN agencies that make up The Lancet Countdown, and draws on the expertise of climate scientists, geographers, engineers, experts in energy, food, and transport, economists, social, and political scientists, data scientists, public health professionals, and doctors."
"The Lancet Countdown is an international collaboration established to provide an independent, global monitoring system dedicated to tracking the emerging health profile of the changing climate.
The 2020 report presents 43 indicators across five sections: climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerabilities; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; economics and finance; and public and ...


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"Les consommateurs s'interrogent : Pourra-t-on nourrir la planète? Mangeons-nous trop de viande et de poisson? Peut-on rester en bonne santé en adoptant un régime vegan? L'eau peut-elle venir à manquer? Mangerons-nous demain des algues et des insectes?...
Des réponses claires et scientifiquement avérées à 50 questions essentielles sur l'agriculture et l'alimentation. Par l'un des experts mondiaux de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation.
Ces cinquante dernières années, l'humanité a connu sa plus grande révolution agricole, et les inquiétudes sur la santé et l'environnement sont grandissantes.
Les consommateurs s'interrogent : Mangeons-nous trop de viande? De poisson?
Peut-on rester en bonne santé́ en adoptant un régime vegan ?
Doit-on l'explosion du nombre de cancers aux produits chimiques présents dans nos aliments ?
Peut-on consommer bio et pas cher ?
L'eau peut-elle un jour venir à manquer ?
Aura-t-on demain de quoi nourrir 10 milliards d'êtres humains ?
Pourquoi la plupart des tomates n'ont-elles plus de goût ?
Le gluten est-il mauvais pour la santé ?
Mangerons-nous des algues et des insectes ?"
"Les consommateurs s'interrogent : Pourra-t-on nourrir la planète? Mangeons-nous trop de viande et de poisson? Peut-on rester en bonne santé en adoptant un régime vegan? L'eau peut-elle venir à manquer? Mangerons-nous demain des algues et des insectes?...
Des réponses claires et scientifiquement avérées à 50 questions essentielles sur l'agriculture et l'alimentation. Par l'un des experts mondiaux de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation.
Ces ...


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"Prolonged standing in the same position poses health risks, including musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and many other ailments. This report explores how common this constrained working posture is in Europe's workplaces and the jobs and groups of workers most affected. It also discusses the EU legislation aimed at protecting workers and guidelines on safe limits for continuous standing.

The report presents examples of effective measures to reduce prolonged standing, highlighting the importance of tailoring risk assessments and prevention measures to the needs of individuals and encouraging active, sustainable working.

To conclude, it summarises good practice tips for workplaces and pointers on prevention strategies for policy-makers."
"Prolonged standing in the same position poses health risks, including musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and many other ailments. This report explores how common this constrained working posture is in Europe's workplaces and the jobs and groups of workers most affected. It also discusses the EU legislation aimed at protecting workers and guidelines on safe limits for continuous standing.

The report presents examples of effective measures to ...


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SSM - Population Health - vol. 22

"The COVID-19 pandemic led to permanent and temporary job losses but the mental health consequences of different types of employment transitions are not well-understood. In particular, knowledge is scarce concerning furloughs, which was a common job protection strategy in many high- and upper middle-income countries during this crisis. This study focuses on how different types of job instability and job loss during the pandemic influences depression and anxiety in the context of Sweden.

A subset of participants from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health were contacted in February 2021 and again in February 2022. A total of 1558 individuals participated in either or both waves and worked before the pandemic. We examined whether i) workplace downsizing, ii) furlough, or iii) unemployment/job loss were associated with depression and anxiety over this one-year period during the pandemic. Logistic regression models with cluster-robust standard errors were estimated, adjusting for sociodemographic factors and prior mental health problems. Effect modification by sex and prior mental health problems was also examined.

In comparison to stable employment, being furloughed was unrelated to mental health, while experiencing workplace downsizing during the pandemic was associated with an increased risk of anxiety (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) = 2.09, 95% Confidence interval (CI) = 1.08–4.05). Job loss/unemployment increased the risk of depression (OR = 1.91, 95% CI = 1.02–3.57) compared to being stably employed, but the risk estimate crossed unity when considering prior mental health status. No effect modification by sex or by prior mental health problems was found.

This study found that while job loss and downsizing during the COVID-19 pandemic were associated with depression and anxiety, respectively, being furloughed was not. These findings thus suggest that job retention schemes in the form of short-time work allowances, as implemented in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic, may prevent mental health problems among employees during economic crises."
"The COVID-19 pandemic led to permanent and temporary job losses but the mental health consequences of different types of employment transitions are not well-understood. In particular, knowledge is scarce concerning furloughs, which was a common job protection strategy in many high- and upper middle-income countries during this crisis. This study focuses on how different types of job instability and job loss during the pandemic influences ...

