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Labour. Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations - vol. 31 n° 1 -

"We empirically study the role of different family policies in affecting women's labor market behavior in the European Union. Women tend to assume more family duties than men and, consequently, often participate less in the labor market. Family policies aim to support families in general while a particular focus is on helping women to reconcile family duties with labor market participation. Their impact, however, is not clear, especially when it comes to different forms of labor market activity. We use a static and dynamic panel econometric framework examining the link between financial support for four types of family policies and labor force participation as well as (part-time and full-time) employment. The results suggest no stable significant impact of expenditures on family policies on overall labor force participation. However, higher spending on family allowance, cash benefits, and daycare benefits appears to promote part-time employment, whereas only spending on parental leave schemes is a significant positive determinant of women's full-time employment."
"We empirically study the role of different family policies in affecting women's labor market behavior in the European Union. Women tend to assume more family duties than men and, consequently, often participate less in the labor market. Family policies aim to support families in general while a particular focus is on helping women to reconcile family duties with labor market participation. Their impact, however, is not clear, especially when it ...


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"This 2017 edition of Benchmarking working Europe focuses on the question 'overcoming cleavages across the EU?'. It analyses in four chapters and with the help of 58 visual graphs latest trends and outcomes of European policies in the areas of macro-economics, wages and collective bargaining, labour markets and, last but not least, social dialogue and workers' participation.
The Benchmarking working Europe 2017 demonstrates that the European Union is experiencing increasing social divergences and underlines the need for new policies that can generate higher living standards for all, based on fair integration and upwards convergence."
"This 2017 edition of Benchmarking working Europe focuses on the question 'overcoming cleavages across the EU?'. It analyses in four chapters and with the help of 58 visual graphs latest trends and outcomes of European policies in the areas of macro-economics, wages and collective bargaining, labour markets and, last but not least, social dialogue and workers' participation.
The Benchmarking working Europe 2017 demonstrates that the European ...


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Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management - vol. 19 n° 1 -

"Im Zuge einer weitreichenden Flexibilisierung des deutschen Arbeitsmarkts verliert stabile, langfristige Beschäftigung (geschlossene Beschäftigungssysteme) zu Gunsten flexibler, atypischer Beschäftigung (offene bzw. marktförmige Beschäftigungssysteme) zunehmend an Bedeutung. Insbesondere verzeichnet das Freelancing, das als Prototyp marktförmiger Beschäftigung gelten kann, eine starke Zunahme. Obwohl die Charakteristika verschiedener betrieblicher Beschäftigungssysteme verschiedene Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit der Beschäftigten vermuten lassen, ist dieses Feld bislang weitgehend unerforscht. Aus diesem Grund wurde auf Basis des Zürcher Modells untersucht, ob sich für Freelancer und Festangestellte verschiedener Einkommensklassen unterschiedliche Arbeitszufriedenheitstypen ermitteln lassen. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Unterscheidung zwischen hohem und niedrigem Einkommen insbesondere für die Arbeitszufriedenheit in marktförmigen Systemen von großer Relevanz ist. "
"Im Zuge einer weitreichenden Flexibilisierung des deutschen Arbeitsmarkts verliert stabile, langfristige Beschäftigung (geschlossene Beschäftigungssysteme) zu Gunsten flexibler, atypischer Beschäftigung (offene bzw. marktförmige Beschäftigungssysteme) zunehmend an Bedeutung. Insbesondere verzeichnet das Freelancing, das als Prototyp marktförmiger Beschäftigung gelten kann, eine starke Zunahme. Obwohl die Charakteristika verschiedener b...


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"Der Ukraine-Krieg belastet durch das Emporschnellen der Energiepreise und den Produktionsstopp in wichtigen ukrainischen Zulieferbetrieben unmittelbar die wirtschaftliche Aktivität in Deutschland. Daher werden zwei Szenarien prognostiziert, die die kriegs- und sanktionsbedingten Unsicherheiten durch unterschiedliche Verläufe der Rohöl- und Gaspreise sowie der Risikoprämien von Investitionen abbilden. Im Basisszenario beträgt der Anstieg des BIP 2022 im Jahresdurchschnitt 2,1 % und im Risikoszenario sinkt es in diesem Jahr um durchschnittlich 0,3 %. Im Risikoszenario ist die Erholung mit 4,3 % im Jahresverlauf 2023 kräftig, kommt aber in der Jahresdurchschnittsrate von 1,4 % infolge eines hohen statistischen Unterhangs aus 2022 kaum zum Ausdruck. Im Basisszenario beträgt der Zuwachs durchschnittlich 3,2 %. Die Arbeitslosenquote steigt im Risikoszenario im Jahresverlauf 2022 aufgrund der schwachen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung an und geht dann 2023 im Verlauf wieder deutlich zurück. Im Jahresdurchschnitt 2022 beträgt die Arbeitslosenquote im Basisszenario 4,9 % und 5,3 % im Risikoszenario. 2023 ist die Arbeitslosenquote im Risikoszenario (5,3 %) um 0,7 Prozentpunkte höher als im Basisszenario (4,6 %). In beiden Szenarien steigt die Inflation 2022 stark an: im Basisszenario um 6,2% und im Risikoszenario 8,2 %. Im nächsten Jahr flacht sie dann auf 2,2 % bzw. 2,4 % ab."
"Der Ukraine-Krieg belastet durch das Emporschnellen der Energiepreise und den Produktionsstopp in wichtigen ukrainischen Zulieferbetrieben unmittelbar die wirtschaftliche Aktivität in Deutschland. Daher werden zwei Szenarien prognostiziert, die die kriegs- und sanktionsbedingten Unsicherheiten durch unterschiedliche Verläufe der Rohöl- und Gaspreise sowie der Risikoprämien von Investitionen abbilden. Im Basisszenario beträgt der Anstieg des BIP ...


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"For most young people, finding productive and decent work is a coming-of-age symbol that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. In finding employment, young people should gain independence and a freedom of choice about their lives. Unfortunately, the employment opportunities available to millions of young people are limited, making it inevitable that youth remain dependent on their families for a longer period of time. If family ties do not exist or break down, young people become increasingly exposed to the risks of leaving school prematurely and of being exploited in the labour force. This report gathers the latest information available in order to analyse labour market conditions for young people. Knowing the details of the problem is the starting point for formulating policies that fight against one of today's most urgent global challenges. Unless the potential of young people can be used in a productive way, neither youth nor economies as a whole will face a bright future."
"For most young people, finding productive and decent work is a coming-of-age symbol that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. In finding employment, young people should gain independence and a freedom of choice about their lives. Unfortunately, the employment opportunities available to millions of young people are limited, making it inevitable that youth remain dependent on their families for a longer period of time. If family ties ...


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"This study, which analyses the key labour market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories) finds that employment in AMCs is a major challenge for the region – and for Europe – in the next 10 to 15 years. Immdiate action is needed because the status quo risks causing permanent damage to the development prospects of those countries. The AMCs' public policies are currently ill equipped to face the challenge. Labour migration remains a key feature of the labour markets in these countries – yet cannot by itself solve the labour market challenges there.

The study makes a number of recommendations including: upgrading the statistics available and conducting further in-depth analysis; upgrading education and training systems; mainstreaming the policy goal of job creation and higher productivity; promoting active labour market policies; creating incentives to hire new graduates and women; creating incentives to transform informal into formal employment; and establishing social protection systems guaranteeing universal coverage, with the emphasis on woker rather than job protection. It also recommends that the EU upgrade its existing framework for AMC migration not only as a unilateral strategy, but as a cooperative framework for true co-development."
"This study, which analyses the key labour market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories) finds that employment in AMCs is a major challenge for the region – and for Europe – in the next 10 to 15 years. Immdiate action is needed because the status quo risks causing permanent damage to the development prospects of ...


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"A central concern about immigration is the integration into the labour market, not only of the first generation, but also of subsequent generations. Little comparative work exists for Europe's largest economies. France, Germany and the United Kingdom have all become, perhaps unwittingly, countries with large immigrant populations albeit with very different ethnic compositions. Today, the descendants of these immigrants live and work in their parents' destination countries. This paper presents and discusses comparative evidence on the performance of first- and second-generation immigrants in these countries in terms of education, earnings, and employment. "
"A central concern about immigration is the integration into the labour market, not only of the first generation, but also of subsequent generations. Little comparative work exists for Europe's largest economies. France, Germany and the United Kingdom have all become, perhaps unwittingly, countries with large immigrant populations albeit with very different ethnic compositions. Today, the descendants of these immigrants live and work in their ...


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"The liberalisation and privatisation of public sector activities have been the subject of heated debate since the 1970s. The chapters in this volume contribute to this debate by analysing the effects of liberalisation and privatisation on productivity and service provision, employment, wages and working conditions in a number of European countries. The focus is on the service sector, which has been the main source of employment growth in recent years."
"The liberalisation and privatisation of public sector activities have been the subject of heated debate since the 1970s. The chapters in this volume contribute to this debate by analysing the effects of liberalisation and privatisation on productivity and service provision, employment, wages and working conditions in a number of European countries. The focus is on the service sector, which has been the main source of employment growth in recent ...

