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HesaMag - n° 23 -

"La nouvelle loi allemande sur l'inspection de la sécurité et de la santé au travail, adoptée en décembre 2020, a interdit la sous-traitance dans l'industrie de la viande. Cette pratique était utilisée à grande échelle pour recruter des travailleurs migrants dans des conditions défavorables. Dans un secteur qui a longtemps été marqué par des conditions de travail particulièrement pénibles, c'est une flambée massive de Covid-19 dans une usine de conditionnement de la viande qui a servi de catalyseur à la réforme. La nouvelle loi constitue une étape importante pour le secteur, non seulement en Allemagne mais aussi dans toute l'Europe, où la pression exercée tout au long de la chaîne d'approvisionnement a entraîné l'apparition de problèmes similaires dans plusieurs pays."
"La nouvelle loi allemande sur l'inspection de la sécurité et de la santé au travail, adoptée en décembre 2020, a interdit la sous-traitance dans l'industrie de la viande. Cette pratique était utilisée à grande échelle pour recruter des travailleurs migrants dans des conditions défavorables. Dans un secteur qui a longtemps été marqué par des conditions de travail particulièrement pénibles, c'est une flambée massive de Covid-19 dans une usine de ...


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"The labour market position of the lower skilled is increasingly under pressure in most high income countries. Their bargaining position is declining under the twin pressures of globalisation and technological change; and they are at risk of losing access to better positions as firms' pay and conditions arrangements increasingly drift apart. These rising between-firm differences partly come about through the increasing separation of lower skilled workers into lower-paying firms with worse conditions, thereby reducing their opportunities further. One mechanism driving this is the process of (domestic) outsourcing where main firms take certain tasks that are seen as non-core out of their payroll, instead purchasing those same tasks from another official employer while being able to retain control. Workers who see their jobs outsourced generally have to work under worse conditions and for lower pay.

This paper uses cross-national European data (LFS and SES) along with contextual data to study how the labour market position of lower qualified workers is changing over time and how outsourcing and between-firm segregation is contributing to this gap. I find that (1) domestic outsourcing is increasing over time and leading to greater differences in where the lower and higher qualified work; (2) outsourced workers are working under worse conditions with generally lower wages; and (3) wage gaps by qualifications are increasingly due to between-firm segregation, helped along by this process. However, the process is not universal: it hits harder in sectors with greater technological innovation and can be alleviated by union density and worker representation."
"The labour market position of the lower skilled is increasingly under pressure in most high income countries. Their bargaining position is declining under the twin pressures of globalisation and technological change; and they are at risk of losing access to better positions as firms' pay and conditions arrangements increasingly drift apart. These rising between-firm differences partly come about through the increasing separation of lower ...


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"Ils s'appelaient Michel, Harouna, Franck, Romain, Hugo, Christiane, Yucel ou encore Teddy. Ils étaient ouvriers, travailleurs indépendants, apprentis, parfois même stagiaires. Tous ont en commun d'avoir perdu la vie dans l'exercice ou l'apprentissage de leur métier.

Matthieu Lépine dénombre les accidents du travail mortels depuis plus de quatre ans. Son ouvrage dévoile le bilan terrifiant de ce recensement inédit. Chiffres, témoignages, analyses, L'Hécatombe invisible lève un tabou sur une réalité ignorée : la mort au travail est un fait social majeur en augmentation qui concerne des travailleurs souvent jeunes et au statut précaire.

Non-respect des obligations de sécurité, négligence de la formation, recours massif à une main-d'œuvre intérimaire ou employée en sous-traitance, déresponsabilisation des entreprises, la dégradation généralisée des conditions de travail est au cœur des enjeux sur la question des accidents professionnels. Un document édifiant."
"Ils s'appelaient Michel, Harouna, Franck, Romain, Hugo, Christiane, Yucel ou encore Teddy. Ils étaient ouvriers, travailleurs indépendants, apprentis, parfois même stagiaires. Tous ont en commun d'avoir perdu la vie dans l'exercice ou l'apprentissage de leur métier.

Matthieu Lépine dénombre les accidents du travail mortels depuis plus de quatre ans. Son ouvrage dévoile le bilan terrifiant de ce recensement inédit. Chiffres, témoignages, ...


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"Rising energy prices might lead to adjustments along the supply chain and make firms outsource energy-intensive processes. This could lead to carbon leakage. I provide empirical evidence whether energy price-induced offshoring occurs using firm-level data on energy use, imports, and material purchases. I document that import shares in German industry have increased between 2009 and 2013, and that energy prices correlate positively with imports. Despite this positive correlation, I show in a quasi-experimental setup that a sudden drastic drop in electricity prices has not led firms to significantly reduce their imports or their domestic material purchases relative to an unaffected control group. This holds for very electricityintensive firms; for firms using easily tradable goods; and both for regular importers with a trade network and occasional/non-importers."
"Rising energy prices might lead to adjustments along the supply chain and make firms outsource energy-intensive processes. This could lead to carbon leakage. I provide empirical evidence whether energy price-induced offshoring occurs using firm-level data on energy use, imports, and material purchases. I document that import shares in German industry have increased between 2009 and 2013, and that energy prices correlate positively with imports. ...


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WSI Mitteilungen - vol. 77 n° 2 -

"In diesem Beitrag wird auf Basis einer quantitativen repräsentativen Management-Befragung sowie von Fallstudien die Bedeutung von Insourcing im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe und seinen Subbranchen untersucht. Dabei werden auch die zugrundeliegenden Motive für und Formen der Insourcing-Prozesse analysiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Insourcing ein relevantes Phänomen ist und relativ betrachtet häufiger in marktlichen als in netzwerkförmigen Geschäftsbeziehungen erfolgt. Die ehemaligen Geschäftspartner*innen, von denen ingesourct wird, sind vor allem Onsite (auf dem eigenen Werksgelände), in der Region oder in Deutschland und weniger im Ausland lokalisiert. Betroffen sind vor allem Kernbereiche von Unternehmen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes wie die Produktion oder die Forschung und Entwicklung. Erwartungsgemäß handelt es sich beim Insourcing um eine Managemententscheidung. Hat ein Betrieb einen Betriebsrat, ist dieser ca. in einem Drittel der Fälle in die Entscheidung involviert. Überraschenderweise wird von den Befragten angegeben, dass mittels Insourcings vor allem die Flexibilität erhöht werden soll. Die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit ist laut Managementangaben (nur) von mittlerer Bedeutung. Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung wird die Dynamiken der Restrukturierung aller Voraussicht nach erhöhen. Die Befunde liefern für Management und Interessenvertretung Hinweise zur Reflexion der Wertschöpfungstiefe. Betriebsräte sollten für die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Insourcings mittels Beratung und gewerkschaftlicher Bildung (noch) stärker sensibilisiert werden."
"In diesem Beitrag wird auf Basis einer quantitativen repräsentativen Management-Befragung sowie von Fallstudien die Bedeutung von Insourcing im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe und seinen Subbranchen untersucht. Dabei werden auch die zugrundeliegenden Motive für und Formen der Insourcing-Prozesse analysiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Insourcing ein relevantes Phänomen ist und relativ betrachtet häufiger in marktlichen als in netzwerkförmigen Geschäfts...


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"While the second half of the 20th century was characterised by a growing integration of the global economy, in recent years there have been growing calls for protectionism and reshoring. At the same time, COVID-19 resulted in higher levels of remote working, which showed that many jobs could be done from anywhere and could, in theory, be offshored. The future of offshoring and reshoring is therefore highly uncertain. This document summarises some of the key issues and trends with regards to offshoring and reshoring. It then sets out a research agenda which would result in a better understanding the future of offshoring and reshoring and their impact on domestic labour markets, which would help policy makers in OECD countries plan for the changes that lie ahead."
"While the second half of the 20th century was characterised by a growing integration of the global economy, in recent years there have been growing calls for protectionism and reshoring. At the same time, COVID-19 resulted in higher levels of remote working, which showed that many jobs could be done from anywhere and could, in theory, be offshored. The future of offshoring and reshoring is therefore highly uncertain. This document summarises ...


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Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society - n° Early view -

"We analyze the impact of outsourcing on the well-being of internal call center employees in the U.S. telecommunications industry. Our findings draw on mixed-methods data. The qualitative findings suggest that internal employees experienced escalating job demands connected to errors by third-party call center vendors and their employees due to additional work and intensified customer frustrations. SEM results show sequential mediation between the time internal employees spent correcting vendor errors, customer mistreatment of employees, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and absenteeism. Employee autonomy over customer-related decisions appeared to help workers manage these job demands and their effects on well-being."
"We analyze the impact of outsourcing on the well-being of internal call center employees in the U.S. telecommunications industry. Our findings draw on mixed-methods data. The qualitative findings suggest that internal employees experienced escalating job demands connected to errors by third-party call center vendors and their employees due to additional work and intensified customer frustrations. SEM results show sequential mediation between ...


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"This paper studies the relationship between global value chain (GVC) participation, worker-level routine task intensity, and wage inequality within countries. Using unique survey data from 38 countries, we find that higher GVC participation is associated with more routine-intensive work, especially among workers in offshorable occupations. This relationship is particularly strong in industry and in countries at lower development levels. As higher routine task intensity links with to wages, this indirectly widens within-country wage inequality. However, GVC participation directly contributes to reduced wage inequality, except in the richest countries. Overall, GVC participation is negatively associated with wage inequality in most low- and middle-income countries that receive offshored jobs, and positively in high-income countries that offshore jobs."
"This paper studies the relationship between global value chain (GVC) participation, worker-level routine task intensity, and wage inequality within countries. Using unique survey data from 38 countries, we find that higher GVC participation is associated with more routine-intensive work, especially among workers in offshorable occupations. This relationship is particularly strong in industry and in countries at lower development levels. As ...

