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Santé conjuguée - n° 93 -

"Quand les femmes s'arrêtent, le monde s'arrête. Le slogan du mouvement Grève des femmes a désormais son alter ego : quand le monde s'arrête, les femmes continuent. En mars dernier, le monde a pu continuer de tourner grâce aux travailleuses qui à aucun moment n'ont déserté leur poste. La décision de la ministre De Block début mai 2020 de faire paraitre un arrêté royal prévoyant la réquisition du personnel de santé aurait pu passer pour une « maladresse » de plus si elle n'était révélatrice de la manière dont sont considérées les professions essentielles dans notre société et, de manière plus générale, de la valeur accordée au travail des femmes."
"Quand les femmes s'arrêtent, le monde s'arrête. Le slogan du mouvement Grève des femmes a désormais son alter ego : quand le monde s'arrête, les femmes continuent. En mars dernier, le monde a pu continuer de tourner grâce aux travailleuses qui à aucun moment n'ont déserté leur poste. La décision de la ministre De Block début mai 2020 de faire paraitre un arrêté royal prévoyant la réquisition du personnel de santé aurait pu passer pour une « ...


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Journal of European Social Policy - vol. 31 n° 1 -

"This review focuses on the concept of care, a concept that has never been more popular as a focus of study. It undertakes a critical review, motivated by the breadth of the field and the lack of coherence and linkages across a diverse literature. The review concentrates first on organizing and reviewing the literature in terms of key focus and, second, drawing out the strengths and weaknesses of existing work and making suggestions for how future work might proceed in COVID-19 times. While the existing literature offers many insights, some quite basic things need to be reconsidered, not least definition and conceptualization. Defining care as based on the meeting of perceived welfare-related need, I develop it as comprising need, relations/actors, resources and ideas and values. Each of these dimensions has an inherent disposition towards the study of inequality and it is possible, either by looking at them individually or all together, to identify care as situated in relations of relative power and inequality. The framework allows a set of critical questions to be posed in relation to COVID-19 and the policies and resources that have been mustered in response."
"This review focuses on the concept of care, a concept that has never been more popular as a focus of study. It undertakes a critical review, motivated by the breadth of the field and the lack of coherence and linkages across a diverse literature. The review concentrates first on organizing and reviewing the literature in terms of key focus and, second, drawing out the strengths and weaknesses of existing work and making suggestions for how ...


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"This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. It explores the impact of COVID-19 on the EU care economy, the gendered nature of care work and its continued reliance on unpaid or low-paid work of women. Issues of valuing and measuring care are examined selected countries are examined with different systems of care provision. Despite the recognition of the centrality of the care economy during the pandemic, the establishment of a new highly significant EU funding mechanism (the Recovery and Resilience Fund, RRF) is focused largely on digital and green investments, paying only marginal attention to gender equality and the care economy."
"This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. It explores the impact of COVID-19 on the EU care economy, the gendered nature of care work and its continued reliance on unpaid or low-paid work of women. Issues of valuing and measuring care are examined selected countries are examined with different systems of care provision. Despite ...


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"Across countries, women and men allocate time differently between market work, domestic services, and care work. In this paper, we document the gender division of work, drawing on a new harmonized data set that provides us with high-quality time use data for 50 countries spanning the global income distribution. A striking feature of the data is the wide dispersion across countries at similar income levels. We use these data to motivate a macroeconomic model of household time use in which country-level allocations are shaped by wages and a set of "wedges" that resemble productivity, preferences, and disutilities. Taking the model to country-level observations, we find that a wedge related to the disutility of market work for women plays a crucial role in generating the observed dispersion of outcomes, particularly for middle-income countries. Variation in the division of non-market work is principally shaped by a wedge indicating greater disutility for men, which is especially large in some low- and middle-income countries."
"Across countries, women and men allocate time differently between market work, domestic services, and care work. In this paper, we document the gender division of work, drawing on a new harmonized data set that provides us with high-quality time use data for 50 countries spanning the global income distribution. A striking feature of the data is the wide dispersion across countries at similar income levels. We use these data to motivate a ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 29 n° 3 -

"This article explains how digitally mediated provision of domestic care services perpetuates the invisibility and informality of such work through individualising risk, which we operationalise by one of its dimensions, that of unpaid labour. We understand unpaid labour as the cost of the risk borne individually by workers at the intersection of the social (inter-personal) and economic (monetary) spheres. Drawing on the experiences of domestic care workers providing their services through platforms, the study shows how platforms have made their way into the labour markets and welfare structures of two mature economies, Belgium and France. Via their (digital) rules, they pursue ‘regulatory compliance' and ‘disruption' as distinct strategies for establishing platform dominance, albeit with country-based differences. Platform-mediated employment outcomes remain generally unrecognised, undocumented and informal, with unpaid labour characterising the cost of the individualisation of risk."
"This article explains how digitally mediated provision of domestic care services perpetuates the invisibility and informality of such work through individualising risk, which we operationalise by one of its dimensions, that of unpaid labour. We understand unpaid labour as the cost of the risk borne individually by workers at the intersection of the social (inter-personal) and economic (monetary) spheres. Drawing on the experiences of domestic ...


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WSI Mitteilungen - vol. 76 n° 3 -

"Höhere Löhne und die flächendeckende Entlohnung nach Tarif sind zentrale politische Ziele, um den Pflegesektor angesichts des Fachkräftemangels für Beschäftigte attraktiver zu gestalten. Mit dem Gesetz zur Weiterentwicklung der Gesundheitsversorgung (GVWG) wurden bundesweit „Tariftreue“-Regelungen in der Altenpflege eingeführt. Demnach müssen Pflegeeinrichtungen seit September 2022 ihre Pflege- und Betreuungskräfte mindestens nach Tarif oder kirchlichen Arbeitsrechtsregelungen bezahlen, um eine Zulassung zur Versorgung zu erhalten. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, inwiefern sich die „Tariftreue“-Regelungen im Pflegesektor in erweiterten Akteurskonstellationen, neuen Regulierungsmodi und Handlungs-orientierungen im Wechselbezug von Tarifpolitik und Sozialstaat konkretisieren."
"Höhere Löhne und die flächendeckende Entlohnung nach Tarif sind zentrale politische Ziele, um den Pflegesektor angesichts des Fachkräftemangels für Beschäftigte attraktiver zu gestalten. Mit dem Gesetz zur Weiterentwicklung der Gesundheitsversorgung (GVWG) wurden bundesweit „Tariftreue“-Regelungen in der Altenpflege eingeführt. Demnach müssen Pflegeeinrichtungen seit September 2022 ihre Pflege- und Betreuungskräfte mindestens nach Tarif oder ...


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"While the feminisation of transnational migrant labour is now a firmly ingrained feature of the contemporary global economy, the specific experiences and understandings of labour in a range of gendered sectors of global and regional labour markets still require comparative and ethnographic attention. This book adopts a particular focus on migrants employed in sectors of the economy that are typically regarded as marginal or precarious - domestic work and care work in private homes and institutional settings, cleaning work in hospitals, call centre labour, informal trade - with the goal of understanding the aspirations and mobilities of migrants and their families across generations in relation to questions of gender and labour. Bringing together rich, fieldwork-based case studies on the experiences of migrants from the Philippines, Bolivia, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Mauritius, Brazil and India, among others, who live and work in countries within Europe, Asia, the Middle East and South America, Gender, Work and Migration goes beyond a unique focus on migration to explore the implications of gendered labour patterns for migrants' empowerment and experiences of social mobility and immobility, their transnational involvement, and wider familial and social relationships."
"While the feminisation of transnational migrant labour is now a firmly ingrained feature of the contemporary global economy, the specific experiences and understandings of labour in a range of gendered sectors of global and regional labour markets still require comparative and ethnographic attention. This book adopts a particular focus on migrants employed in sectors of the economy that are typically regarded as marginal or precarious - ...


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"This report reviews the main reforms carried out in Spain's care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on working conditions and employment quality. • The Dependency Action Plan and the new agreement on accreditation of care homes and services make significant strides in terms of the number of professionals, staff qualification and training, and hiring. • The success of these initiatives, however, will depend on structural factors such as funding; the system of multilevel governance in Spain; coordination among health and social services systems, and social dialogue."
"This report reviews the main reforms carried out in Spain's care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on working conditions and employment quality. • The Dependency Action Plan and the new agreement on accreditation of care homes and services make significant strides in terms of the number of professionals, staff qualification and training, and hiring. • The success of these initiatives, however, will depend on structural ...


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WSI Mitteilungen - vol. 77 n° 1 -

"Der Krankenhaussektor in Deutschland und mit ihm die akutstationäre Pflegearbeit befinden sich aktuell in einem Umbruch, der durch das Leitbild der vernetzten Klinik geprägt ist. Der Kern der vernetzten Klinik ist die Implementierung eines umfassenden Krankenhausinformationssystems, welches einen neuen Grad an Datendurchgängigkeit und -nutzung ermöglichen soll. Der Beitrag widmet sich den Fragen, ob und wie sich der Arbeitsprozess der Krankenpflege und die Praxis der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung durch den Einsatz dieses umfassenden Softwaresystems verändern. Auf Basis einer Fallstudie wird deutlich, dass der Arbeitsprozess weiterhin primär indirekt und unter Einbeziehung der Selbstorganisation der Beschäftigten bei partieller Verschränkung mit Marktanforderungen gesteuert wird. Zudem wird nachgezeichnet, dass eine handlungsfähige und verstetigte Effizienz-Allianz zwischen Management und Mitarbeitervertretung entsteht. Die Kernfunktion der Effizienz-Allianz ist eine neue, frühzeitigere Bearbeitung von (potenziellen) Arbeitskonflikten, denn nur so kann der technischen und organisatorischen (Pfad-)Abhängigkeit gegenüber den Softwareanbietern begegnet werden."
"Der Krankenhaussektor in Deutschland und mit ihm die akutstationäre Pflegearbeit befinden sich aktuell in einem Umbruch, der durch das Leitbild der vernetzten Klinik geprägt ist. Der Kern der vernetzten Klinik ist die Implementierung eines umfassenden Krankenhausinformationssystems, welches einen neuen Grad an Datendurchgängigkeit und -nutzung ermöglichen soll. Der Beitrag widmet sich den Fragen, ob und wie sich der Arbeitsprozess der ...

