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Documents governance 989 results

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"2010 a été une année décisive pour l'Union européenne, et ce pour au moins trois raisons majeures. Tout d'abord, c'est durant cette année que plusieurs pays de l'Union ont commencé à rencontrer des difficultés budgétaires croissantes, tandis que la zone euro était elle-même affectée par une véritable crise de la dette s'étendant bien au-delà du cas très médiatisé de la Grèce. Deuxièmement, l'Union s'est efforcée de réaliser les premières étapes de sa réforme institutionnelle avec l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne, le 1er décembre 2009. La troisième raison pour laquelle 2010 a représenté un tournant pour l'Union est que la stratégie décennale de Lisbonne, lancée par le Conseil européen en mars 2000 en tant que cadre pour la coordination des politiques socioéconomiques, est arrivée à son terme en juin 2010, les dirigeants européens ayant adopté la nouvelle stratégie « UE2020 ». Tous ces événements ont eu des répercussions importantes et durables sur la politique sociale tant au niveau national que supranational.
Cette édition 2010 du Bilan social de l'Union européenne examine comment l'UE a affronté les défis liés à la crise budgétaire, à la mise en œuvre du traité de Lisbonne et au lancement de la stratégie UE2020. Cet ouvrage met au jour les risques pour le modèle social européen et pour le projet d'intégration européenne de ces événements, l'état du débat sur la révision du Pacte de stabilité et de croissance, l'impact de la crise économique et financière sur les pensions, la nouvelle feuille de route pour la politique de l'emploi et, plus généralement, les tensions, risques et opportunités liés à l'agenda UE2020.
"2010 a été une année décisive pour l'Union européenne, et ce pour au moins trois raisons majeures. Tout d'abord, c'est durant cette année que plusieurs pays de l'Union ont commencé à rencontrer des difficultés budgétaires croissantes, tandis que la zone euro était elle-même affectée par une véritable crise de la dette s'étendant bien au-delà du cas très médiatisé de la Grèce. Deuxièmement, l'Union s'est efforcée de réaliser les premières étapes ...


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"The devastating effect of lockdown measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU economy, is starting to get measured. Local socioeconomic characteristics determine the sensitivity of regional economies to restrictions on public life."


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"The next era of the internet is coming. The metaverse is an immersive, interoperable and synchronous digital world that will change how we interact, work and play.

In May 2022, the World Economic Forum launched the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, whose goal is to bring together major stakeholders from academia, civil society, government and business to advance consensus and create a metaverse that is economically viable, interoperable, safe, equitable and inclusive. The initiative is divided into two workstreams: governance and economic and social value creation.

The governance track has produced its first report in the series titled Interoperability in the Metaverse, with key messages on the opportunities and challenges of metaverse interoperability. This paper, written by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture, will concentrate on providing topical guidance that will empower stakeholders to lead responsibly within the metaverse while mitigating potential socioeconomic harms.

The World Economic Forum has assembled a global, multi-sector working group of over 150 experts to co-design and guide this initiative. The hope is that this will lead to cross-sector global cooperation and the creation of a human-first metaverse. The metaverse has the potential to be a game-changer, but it must be developed in a way that is inclusive, equitable and safe for everyone."
"The next era of the internet is coming. The metaverse is an immersive, interoperable and synchronous digital world that will change how we interact, work and play.

In May 2022, the World Economic Forum launched the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, whose goal is to bring together major stakeholders from academia, civil society, government and business to advance consensus and create a metaverse that is economically viable, ...


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"The metaverse is expected to reach a value of $1 trillion in the next three years, driven by rapid uptake and technologies like generative AI.

This report is published under the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, whose goal is to bring together major stakeholders from academia, civil society, government and business to advance consensus and create a metaverse that is economically viable, interoperable, safe, equitable and inclusive. The initiative is divided into two workstreams: governance and economic and social value creation.

In this report, the governance workstream emphasizes the need for worldwide collaboration among various stakeholders, including academics, regulators, policy-makers and design teams, to nurture understanding of the metaverse and establish protective measures. The paper highlights the importance of privacy, responsible data handling and inclusive design. It encourages stakeholders to start discussions about the ethical navigation of the metaverse.

An accompanying release from the social value creation workstream presents a holistic understanding of the implications of metaverse adoption on individuals, economies and societies."
"The metaverse is expected to reach a value of $1 trillion in the next three years, driven by rapid uptake and technologies like generative AI.

This report is published under the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, whose goal is to bring together major stakeholders from academia, civil society, government and business to advance consensus and create a metaverse that is economically viable, interoperable, safe, equitable and ...


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Washington, DC

"Despite global commitments made through the Paris Agreement in 2015 to combat climate change, their translation into national policies has been slow, raising concerns about the feasibility of achieving climate targets. While policies face many obstacles, the political economy is one of the primary impediments to climate action, and urgency to reduce emissions makes slow and gradual approach increasingly insufficient. The report attempts to identify key political economy barriers and explore options to address them through the 4i Framework, considering how institutions, interests, ideas, and influence affect the political economy. The report offers a practical guide to help countries address political economy barriers when implementing climate policies with three prongs: (1) Climate Governance: governments can adapt their institutional framework, in ways that fit with the pre-existing political economy and moving from opportunistic and unstable to strategic and stable climate institutions. Establishing strategic climate governance institutions – such as climate change framework laws, long-term strategies, or just transition frameworks - can alter the political economy, set clear objectives, improve coordination across actors, and improve the ability to monitor progress and hold decisionmakers accountable. (2) Policy Sequencing: policies can be prioritized and sequenced based on dynamic efficiency, considering not only the economic costs and benefits, but also their feasibility and long-term impact on the political economy. The Climate Policy Feasibility Frontier tool can help identify policies that can overcome short-term political economy obstacles, and at the same time improve capacities and change the political economy to facilitate further climate action. (3) Policy Design and Engagement, considers the effective implementation of climate reforms by tactically navigating political economy constraints. This involves engaging citizens to create process legitimacy and reducing and managing distributional effects, not only across but also within income groups."
"Despite global commitments made through the Paris Agreement in 2015 to combat climate change, their translation into national policies has been slow, raising concerns about the feasibility of achieving climate targets. While policies face many obstacles, the political economy is one of the primary impediments to climate action, and urgency to reduce emissions makes slow and gradual approach increasingly insufficient. The report attempts to ...


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New Technology, Work and Employment - n° Early View -

"Despite the surge of interest in platform cooperatives, we have a limited understanding of the dynamics of platform worker-member participation in these cooperatives. Drawing on interviews with 21 senior leaders and founders of platform worker cooperatives, we investigate the dynamics of platform worker-member participation, finding that these cooperatives experience some successes and many challenges. We then build theory about how four distinct features of platform worker cooperatives—the facilitation of multihoming, the physically untethered nature of work, the relatively high importance of scale as a strategic imperative, and the relatively low importance of initial platform worker-member investment—influence these participation dynamics. We find that the platform and worker cooperative organisational models are in tension with one another when brought together within a platform worker cooperative, leading to positive and negative effects on participation."
"Despite the surge of interest in platform cooperatives, we have a limited understanding of the dynamics of platform worker-member participation in these cooperatives. Drawing on interviews with 21 senior leaders and founders of platform worker cooperatives, we investigate the dynamics of platform worker-member participation, finding that these cooperatives experience some successes and many challenges. We then build theory about how four ...


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Intereconomics. Review of European Economic Policy - vol. 59 n° 1 -

"Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that is transforming every aspect of life from finance to transportation, health care and national security. It has already started to revolutionise the way we communicate, conduct research, analyse data and streamline labour processes. However, AI also requires understanding and regulation in order to address issues such as algorithmic bias, ethics, transparency and data access obstacles that will inevitably impact society, governance and the economy. To this end, the member states of the European Union endorsed the Artificial Intelligence Act in February 2024, a legal framework that aims to ensure that AI systems placed on the European market and used in the EU are safe and respect fundamental rights and European values. This is the first such agreement of its kind and may have implications for other countries currently working on similar regulations. This Forum explores some of the ways that AI is changing the status quo, the challenges of regulating this technology and the economic impact of the ongoing transition."
"Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that is transforming every aspect of life from finance to transportation, health care and national security. It has already started to revolutionise the way we communicate, conduct research, analyse data and streamline labour processes. However, AI also requires understanding and regulation in order to address issues such as algorithmic bias, ethics, transparency and data access obstacles that will ...


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Frankfurt am Main

"The impact of climate change on European Union (EU) countries and regions is poised to exhibit considerable diversity, influenced by factors encompassing average temperature, sectoral composition, developmental stages, and adaptation endeavours. The transition towards a more climate-friendly economy demands a well-orchestrated approach to mitigate enduring productivity costs. This shift will have varied implications for businesses, contingent upon their scale, access to financial resources, and capacity for innovation. The formulation of transition policies holds the potential to foster green innovation without displacing other initiatives, yet stringent climate regulations might impede the productivity ascent of pollutant-emitting enterprises. It will thus take time to reap the benefits of innovation. The efficacy of the policy mix is of critical importance in determining the trajectory of success. Market-driven mechanisms exhibit milder distortions compared to non-market-based strategies, though they may not inherently stimulate innovation. Significantly, subsidies earmarked for green research and development (R&D) emerge as a pivotal instrument for fostering innovation, thus constituting a vital component of the policy repertoire during the green transition. The implementation of transition policies will inevitably trigger a substantial reallocation of resources among and within sectors, potentially carrying short-term adverse ramifications. Notably, considerable productivity disparities exist between top and bottom emitters within specific industries. The transition period poses a risk to a substantial proportion of firms and can erode employment opportunities, with a likely decline in new ventures within affected sectors."
"The impact of climate change on European Union (EU) countries and regions is poised to exhibit considerable diversity, influenced by factors encompassing average temperature, sectoral composition, developmental stages, and adaptation endeavours. The transition towards a more climate-friendly economy demands a well-orchestrated approach to mitigate enduring productivity costs. This shift will have varied implications for businesses, contingent ...

