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"This publication provides you with a selection of important and interesting statistics on the EU in comparison with the 15 non-EU countries from the Group of Twenty (G20). It treats the following areas: population; living conditions and social protection; health; education and training; the labour market; economy and finance; international trade; industry, trade and services, research and communication, transport; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; the environment and energy."
"This publication provides you with a selection of important and interesting statistics on the EU in comparison with the 15 non-EU countries from the Group of Twenty (G20). It treats the following areas: population; living conditions and social protection; health; education and training; the labour market; economy and finance; international trade; industry, trade and services, research and communication, transport; agriculture, forestry and ...


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"This publication provides a statistical portrait of the European Union in relation to the rest of the world. It presents a broad range of indicators for the EU and the non-EU members of the Group of Twenty (G20). It treats the following areas: population; living conditions; health; education and training; the labour market; economy and finance; international trade; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; industry and services; research and communication; the environment; energy; and transport. The publication, which complements information found in Europe in figures — the Eurostat yearbook and in the Eurostat regional yearbook, may be viewed as an introduction to European and international statistics. It provides a starting point for those who wish to explore the wide range of data that are freely available from a variety of international organisations and on Eurostat's website"
"This publication provides a statistical portrait of the European Union in relation to the rest of the world. It presents a broad range of indicators for the EU and the non-EU members of the Group of Twenty (G20). It treats the following areas: population; living conditions; health; education and training; the labour market; economy and finance; international trade; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; industry and services; research and ...


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"The clean energy transition – necessitated by the Paris Agreement and implemented in the EU through the Energy Union strategy – is changing the industrial landscape in Europe. Viewed through the lens of competitiveness, this transition brings about threats as well as opportunities. This transition also leads to increased integration and linkages between climate and energy policies, on the one hand, and industrial policies, on the other. The short report is a first attempt to describe these linkages and thereby make a step towards identifying key issues and emerging policy questions while starting to hint at possible answers. It is meant as a background for discussion upon which to build further research."
"The clean energy transition – necessitated by the Paris Agreement and implemented in the EU through the Energy Union strategy – is changing the industrial landscape in Europe. Viewed through the lens of competitiveness, this transition brings about threats as well as opportunities. This transition also leads to increased integration and linkages between climate and energy policies, on the one hand, and industrial policies, on the other. The ...


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Environmental Science and Pollution Research -

"The SARS-CoV-2 virus caused crises in social, economic, and energy areas and medical life worldwide throughout 2020. This crisis had many direct and indirect effects on all areas of society. In the meantime, the digital and artificial intelligence industry can be used as a professional assistant to manage and control the outbreak of the virus. The present article's objective is to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on each of the various fields of medicine, industry, and energy. What sets this article apart is studying the impact of artificial intelligence and digital style on reducing the damage of this fatal virus. Energy and related industries are of the areas affected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The most exciting approach in this article is to encourage countries with economies based on non-renewable energy to develop solar and wind energies. Renewable energies can operate well in the event of another phenomenon such as COVID-19 and reduce the virus's destructive effects and lead to economic prosperity"
"The SARS-CoV-2 virus caused crises in social, economic, and energy areas and medical life worldwide throughout 2020. This crisis had many direct and indirect effects on all areas of society. In the meantime, the digital and artificial intelligence industry can be used as a professional assistant to manage and control the outbreak of the virus. The present article's objective is to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on each of the various ...


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Abu Dhabi

"Employment opportunities are a key consideration in planning for a low-carbon economy. Many governments have prioritised renewable energy development, firstly to reduce emissions and meet international climate goals, but also in pursuit of broader socio-economic benefits.

Since its first report on Renewable Energy and Jobs, published in 2013, IRENA has carried out an annual update to its assessment of renewable energy employment worldwide. This most recent report estimates that about 12 million people were employed in the sector, directly and indirectly, in 2020. Renewable energy employment worldwide has continued to grow since IRENA initiated its annual review; the first edition estimated 7.3 million in 2012. Solar PV leads the field and accounts today for some 4 million jobs, providing power from large scale installations feeding into the grid as well as from small, off-grid applications which enable much-needed access to electricity to previously remote and energy-poor communities. Although off-grid sales took a hit from COVID-19 in 2020, they will be key to powering farming, food processing and healthcare. Wind energy now employs 1.25 million people, with an increasing number of people in operations and maintenance and in offshore wind energy sector.

This special edition discusses how employment generation rides on countries' abilities to build and strengthen domestic supply chains and highlights the increasing need for expanding skills in all regions of the world to create a capable renewable energy workforce. In addition, the importance of decent jobs is discussed. This will not manifest without further ambitious policy support and investments in a future-oriented climate-safe, and just energy transition pathway, and therefore, the report finalises with the policy framework required, bringing together labour market incentives, industrial policies, and further needs to adopt social protection measures.

The 2021 Annual Review is a special edition in that it is based on a collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO). It presents not only jobs findings for 2020, but also offers highlights of IRENA's work modeling the employment implications of the agency's energy transition scenarios to 2050."
"Employment opportunities are a key consideration in planning for a low-carbon economy. Many governments have prioritised renewable energy development, firstly to reduce emissions and meet international climate goals, but also in pursuit of broader socio-economic benefits.

Since its first report on Renewable Energy and Jobs, published in 2013, IRENA has carried out an annual update to its assessment of renewable energy employment worldwide. ...


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"The European Green Deal sets out very ambitious goals for the EU. Carbon neutrality should be reached in 2050. The intermediate goal is a reduction in CO2 emissions of 55 per cent by 2030 compared with the 2005 level. In July 2021, the European Commission delivered the ‘Fit for 55' package, which contains policy proposals for achieving the ambitious goals of the European Green Deal. The package includes proposals for carbon pricing with the extension of the Emission Trading System, a revision of the Energy Taxation Directive and a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. This working paper will not discuss the whole package, but just its carbon pricing component and the key issues for implementing carbon taxation. While there is a broad consensus among economists about the merits of carbon pricing, there seems to be at least a significant political reluctance to take that route. And while economists widely consider carbon pricing to be superior to other instruments, political choices and implementation appear to favour other instruments, which might include environmental tax incentives and norms and standards.

The ‘Fit for 55' package has been issued: will the same obstacles prevent its implementation? Or does the package include approaches that will allow countries to overcome them?

This working paper is organised as follows: Section 1 start with a brief presentation of the carbon pricing components of the ‘Fit for 55' package. These include the extension of the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS); the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Section 2 discusses the contrast between the economic merits and the political acceptance of carbon pricing. Section 3 examines the distributional issues. Our view is that the debate is truncated and misleading when it sticks to the regressivity of carbon taxation. The issue is not whether we should introduce carbon pricing or not, bearing in mind the regressivity, but rather what instruments achieve the best combination of fairness and effectiveness among the ways of delivering a reduction in emissions. Because of the revenue it procures, carbon pricing appears to offer a win–win solution. Section 4 discusses the competitiveness issue and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism proposal."
"The European Green Deal sets out very ambitious goals for the EU. Carbon neutrality should be reached in 2050. The intermediate goal is a reduction in CO2 emissions of 55 per cent by 2030 compared with the 2005 level. In July 2021, the European Commission delivered the ‘Fit for 55' package, which contains policy proposals for achieving the ambitious goals of the European Green Deal. The package includes proposals for carbon pricing with the ...


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Environmental Research Letters - vol. 18 n° 7 -

"False narratives cloud our understanding of Europe's energy crisis and its relationship to climate change and climate policy. A clear-eyed understanding, based on factual knowledge and the insights of scientific research can help resolve the seeming contradiction between security of supply, affordability, and environmental sustainability."


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"After a decade of progress, the global energy transition has plateaued amid the global energy crisis and geopolitical volatilities, according to the World Economic Forum's Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 report. The Energy Transition Index, which benchmarks 120 countries on their current energy system performance and on the readiness of their enabling environment, finds that while there has been broad progress on clean, sustainable energy, there are emerging challenges to the equity of the transition – just, affordable access to energy and sustained economic development – due to countries shifting their focus to energy security."
"After a decade of progress, the global energy transition has plateaued amid the global energy crisis and geopolitical volatilities, according to the World Economic Forum's Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 report. The Energy Transition Index, which benchmarks 120 countries on their current energy system performance and on the readiness of their enabling environment, finds that while there has been broad progress on clean, sustainable ...


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