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*ETUI-Pascale Vielle 11 results

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"This report looks at the challenges to social protection systems brought about by these flexible forms of work and new working time arrangements. It puts the spotlight on the problems arising from an ageing social protection system and the current pension reform. Drawing on information from six Member States representative of the various welfare systems throughout the EU, it explores possible solutions for the redeployment of social protection in the light of the current trend towards increasing flexibility."
"This report looks at the challenges to social protection systems brought about by these flexible forms of work and new working time arrangements. It puts the spotlight on the problems arising from an ageing social protection system and the current pension reform. Drawing on information from six Member States representative of the various welfare systems throughout the EU, it explores possible solutions for the redeployment of social protection ...


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Frankfurt am Main

"Since 2001, 'quality of employment' has been at the core of the political, academic and practical agenda, and has fed a wide-ranging debate. For the first time, a scientific work takes stock of the legal and normative understanding of quality of employment in Europe. In order to develop an interdisciplinary dialogue, the book underlines the importance of law in the debate on quality of employment and suggests how European concepts and tools might be adapted to enrich scientific reflection by employing a rigorous legal approach. To this end, the authors analyse the relevance of the concept of quality of employment in international, European and comparative law, examining a range of topics such as collective and labour rights, social security, non-discrimination and equality at work. Lastly, the authors examine the topic from the 'Capabilities' perspective, proposing concrete and realistic paths for maintaining the European concept of quality of employment and European social Law in the framework of the ILO Decent Work Agenda. "
"Since 2001, 'quality of employment' has been at the core of the political, academic and practical agenda, and has fed a wide-ranging debate. For the first time, a scientific work takes stock of the legal and normative understanding of quality of employment in Europe. In order to develop an interdisciplinary dialogue, the book underlines the importance of law in the debate on quality of employment and suggests how European concepts and tools ...


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"La crise économique et financière qui sévit depuis 2008 a frappé l'ensemble des pays européens, entraînant d'importantes répercussions sociales : fermetures et délocalisations d'entreprise, chômage, augmentation de la pauvreté etc. La crise financière a débouché sur une crise de l'euro, une crise des dettes publiques, une crise de l'emploi dont il est impossible aujourd'hui de prédire la fin et les conséquences. L'objet de cette ambitieuse recherche, ayant bénéficié d'un financement de la Commission européenne, a été d'analyser l'impact de cette crise globale sur les évolutions nationales des droits du travail et de la protection sociale, dans onze Etats de l'Union Européenne (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Pologne, Royaume Uni et Suède). La recherche est issue d'une interrogation commune : comment le droit social a-t-il été exploité par les Etats-membres pendant cette période de crise ? Au-delà des spécificités nationales, cette recherche montre que la crise dans sa première phase "financière" n'a pas généré de transformations majeures. A quelques exceptions près, les Etats, comme l'Union européenne, ont "fait avec" les outils existants. Par contre, sa seconde phase - crise de l'euro, crise de la dette publique - laisse augurer des changements beaucoup plus significatifs et, pour beaucoup, précurseurs d'une régression sociale certaine. Aujourd'hui, les aspects sociaux et politiques cèdent plus que jamais le pas devant les aspects budgétaires et financiers. Le dialogue social, déjà bien imparfait, est parfois purement et simplement écarté dans la recherche des solutions. La légitimité même des mesures de crise peut souvent être mise en cause. Au moment où la situation de l'emploi se dégrade et où les marchés du travail sont soumis à de fortes tensions, la crise permet à nouveau de légitimer des remises en cause des protections législatives et conventionnelles. De nouvelles flexibilités sont recherchées, alors que l'on ne peut que constater l'accroissement des insécurités des salariés. Face à ce constat, on ne peut que s'interroger sur la pertinence des politiques de flexicurité, incapables de renouveler une réflexion aujourd'hui indispensable sur le pan sécurité du couple. Le présent ouvrage pose la question des fonctions mêmes du droit social et du devenir du modèle social en Europe en période de crise. "
"La crise économique et financière qui sévit depuis 2008 a frappé l'ensemble des pays européens, entraînant d'importantes répercussions sociales : fermetures et délocalisations d'entreprise, chômage, augmentation de la pauvreté etc. La crise financière a débouché sur une crise de l'euro, une crise des dettes publiques, une crise de l'emploi dont il est impossible aujourd'hui de prédire la fin et les conséquences. L'objet de cette ambitieuse ...


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"This Policy Brief summarises the main findings of a European project set up by the association ASTREES and the research centre ERDS-CERCRID to assess the impact of the global crisis ravaging Europe since 2008 on recent developments in social legislation in Europe. The study shows that the initial ‘financial' stage of the crisis did not produce major changes. With a few exceptions, the Member States and the EU itself ‘made do' with existing measures. The second stage however – Euro crisis, public debt crisis – promises far more sweeping changes, many of which will represent a step backwards in terms of social policy. The authors argue, that if this situation continues, it will call into question not just the European social model, but also a key factor in our global performance. "
"This Policy Brief summarises the main findings of a European project set up by the association ASTREES and the research centre ERDS-CERCRID to assess the impact of the global crisis ravaging Europe since 2008 on recent developments in social legislation in Europe. The study shows that the initial ‘financial' stage of the crisis did not produce major changes. With a few exceptions, the Member States and the EU itself ‘made do' with existing ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 10 n° 2 -

"A significant part of the recent literature dedicated to welfare state analysis has focused on the direction of future reforms of the welfare state. In particular, numerous authors have focused on how to reconcile flexible employment patterns with some form of security for the individual. In this regard, the transitional labour market (TLM) approach of Günther Schmid, as well as proposals put forward in the Supiot report, have attracted significant attention. The aim of this article is to introduce a few elements into the current debate on these proposals. The authors examine the potential, as well as the possible shortcomings, of the two above-mentioned approaches. They stress the need for additional clarifications regarding the possible policy proposals these approaches might result in, especially from the point of view of security for persons subjected to the possible resulting labour practices and social security provisions. The article then proposes a framework that could be used to evaluate such policy implementations while taking into account, in a longitudinal perspective, the multidimensional character of security on the labour market. Finally, based on Amartya Sen's theoretical framework (the capability approach), the article discusses the need for further research on the normative assumptions underlying welfare state reforms. "
"A significant part of the recent literature dedicated to welfare state analysis has focused on the direction of future reforms of the welfare state. In particular, numerous authors have focused on how to reconcile flexible employment patterns with some form of security for the individual. In this regard, the transitional labour market (TLM) approach of Günther Schmid, as well as proposals put forward in the Supiot report, have attracted ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 14 n° 3 -

"The concept of flexicurity opens up new avenues for rethinking our approach to social integration and security for Europe's citizens. In the current European debate, however, flexicurity is out of balance on two levels: it leans too far towards flexibility at the expense of security, and it is too focused on the labour market (and increasing employment rates) at the expense of other aspects of quality of life. This article suggests ways to rebalance flexicurity, giving more substance to ‘security'. In particular it proposes that, in addition to the mutualisation typically found in conventional social security strategies, services of general interest and time and space policies should also be developed. It recommends the negotiation of a new social pact in which all partners (not just the social partners) should have their say. The conclusion highlights the particular role of the EU in promoting harmonising measures and establishing new instruments for security and different ways of approaching public funding and investment."
"The concept of flexicurity opens up new avenues for rethinking our approach to social integration and security for Europe's citizens. In the current European debate, however, flexicurity is out of balance on two levels: it leans too far towards flexibility at the expense of security, and it is too focused on the labour market (and increasing employment rates) at the expense of other aspects of quality of life. This article suggests ways to ...


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