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"Dans ce livre prophétique devenu un classique, Chris Anderson montre comment Internet modifie en profondeur les mécanismes de l'économie. Qu'arrive-t-il en effet quand tout devient accessible à tout le monde ? En réduisant les coûts fixes liés au stockage et à la distribution, voire à la production, Internet a fait naître une économie d'abondance : tous les films, tous les CD, tous les livres sont disponibles, en permanence. Et à l'augmentation de l'offre répond une augmentation de la demande quasi infinie. Dès lors, la réussite n'est plus l'apanage d'un petit nombre d'oeuvres ou top-sellers concentrant l'essentiel des efforts de promotion et de marketing. Les autres produits, qui constituent la "longue traîne" de l'économie, rapportent parfois jusqu'à 90% du chiffre d'affaires global. Ainsi, les nouvelles technologies transforment les marchés de masse en une masse de niches, et du même coup les techniques du marketing. Et les marchés de demain appartiennent à ceux qui sauront tirer parti du phénomène."
"Dans ce livre prophétique devenu un classique, Chris Anderson montre comment Internet modifie en profondeur les mécanismes de l'économie. Qu'arrive-t-il en effet quand tout devient accessible à tout le monde ? En réduisant les coûts fixes liés au stockage et à la distribution, voire à la production, Internet a fait naître une économie d'abondance : tous les films, tous les CD, tous les livres sont disponibles, en permanence. Et à l'augmentation ...


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"Perhaps now more than ever, effective marketing is crucial in successfully managing a nongovernmental organization. A nonprofit organization that is effectively using marketing strategies is better positioned to present a consistent and memorable image of its cause to policy makers, funding organizations, individual contributors, and society at large. A successfully marketed charity is able to distinguish itself from other organizations in the continually growing nonprofit sector. It is able to share its cause and importance to the public, demonstrating its value, while communicating its unique purpose and mission. Nonprofit Marketing explains marketing management concepts and applications in nonprofit, charitable and nongovernmental organizations in an easy-to-follow style. Marketing concepts are clearly presented, then supported with real-world examples.It offers examples from around the world and is applicable to all international nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations."
"Perhaps now more than ever, effective marketing is crucial in successfully managing a nongovernmental organization. A nonprofit organization that is effectively using marketing strategies is better positioned to present a consistent and memorable image of its cause to policy makers, funding organizations, individual contributors, and society at large. A successfully marketed charity is able to distinguish itself from other organizations in the ...


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San Francisco

"Offering a new framework for nonprofit brand management, this book presents the Brand IDEA (Integrity, Democracy, and Affinity). The framework eschews traditional, outdated brand tenets of control and competition largely adopted from the private sector, in favor of a strategic approach centered on the mission and based on a participatory process, shared values, and the development of key partnerships. The results are nonprofit brands that create organizational cohesion and generate trust in order to build capacity and drive social impact. The book explores in detail how nonprofit organizations worldwide are developing and implementing new ways of thinking about and managing their organizational brands."
"Offering a new framework for nonprofit brand management, this book presents the Brand IDEA (Integrity, Democracy, and Affinity). The framework eschews traditional, outdated brand tenets of control and competition largely adopted from the private sector, in favor of a strategic approach centered on the mission and based on a participatory process, shared values, and the development of key partnerships. The results are nonprofit brands that ...


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Revue française de science politique - vol. 65 n° 5 -

"Le big data « social » est exploité par des agences qui traitent en masse ces données et qui génèrent des corrélations prédictives pour les marques et pour les plateformes du web. Au-delà de « la société » et de « l'opinion », dont cet article rappelle la généalogie, apparaissent de nouvelles entités – les traces – candidates à une théorisation en termes de « vibrations », si l'on veut bénéficier de cette traçabilité généralisée d'entités au caractère encore incertain. Les phénomènes de haute vibration collective existaient avant l'émergence des réseaux numériques, mais ils laissent désormais des traces qui peuvent être calculées. La troisième génération de sciences sociales qui émerge doit assumer la particularité de ce monde des données créées par les réseaux numériques, sans tenter de les réduire aux catégories des sciences de la société ou de l'opinion."
"Le big data « social » est exploité par des agences qui traitent en masse ces données et qui génèrent des corrélations prédictives pour les marques et pour les plateformes du web. Au-delà de « la société » et de « l'opinion », dont cet article rappelle la généalogie, apparaissent de nouvelles entités – les traces – candidates à une théorisation en termes de « vibrations », si l'on veut bénéficier de cette traçabilité généralisée d'entités au ...


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Journal of Public Health Policy - vol. 37 n° 2 -

"I consider the current state of pharmaceutical marketing vis-à-vis ethical and legal standards and advocate measures to improve it. There is abundant evidence of unethical or illicit marketing. It fuels growing concerns about undue corporate influence over pharmaceutical research, education, and consumption. The most extensive evidence of industry transgressions comes from the United States (US), where whistle-blowers are encouraged by financial rewards to help uncover illicit marketing and fraud. Outside the US increasing evidence of transgressions exists. Recently I have observed a range of new measures to align pharmaceutical marketing practices with ethical and legal standards. In the interest of public health, I highlight the need for additional and more profound reforms to ensure that information about medicines supports quality and resource-efficient care."
"I consider the current state of pharmaceutical marketing vis-à-vis ethical and legal standards and advocate measures to improve it. There is abundant evidence of unethical or illicit marketing. It fuels growing concerns about undue corporate influence over pharmaceutical research, education, and consumption. The most extensive evidence of industry transgressions comes from the United States (US), where whistle-blowers are encouraged by ...


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"In Pink Ribbons, Inc., Samantha King traces how breast cancer has been transformed from a stigmatized disease and individual tragedy to a market-driven industry of survivorship. In an unprecedented outpouring of philanthropy, corporations turn their formidable promotion machines on the curing of the disease while dwarfing public health prevention efforts and stifling the calls for investigation into why and how breast cancer affects such a vast number of people. Here, for the first time, King questions the effectiveness and legitimacy of privately funded efforts to stop the epidemic among American women.
Pink Ribbons, Inc. grapples with issues of gender and race in breast cancer campaigns of businesses such as the National Football League; recounts the legislative history behind the breast cancer awareness postage stamp—the first stamp in American history to raise funds for use outside the U.S. Postal Service; and reveals the cultural impact of activity-based fund-raising, such as the Race for the Cure. Throughout, King probes the profound implications of consumer-oriented philanthropy on how patients experience breast cancer, the research of the biomedical community, and the political and medical institutions that the breast cancer movement seeks to change. Highly revelatory -at times shocking- Pink Ribbons, Inc. challenges the commercialization of the breast cancer movement, its place in U.S. culture, and its influence on ideas of good citizenship, responsible consumption, and generosity."
"In Pink Ribbons, Inc., Samantha King traces how breast cancer has been transformed from a stigmatized disease and individual tragedy to a market-driven industry of survivorship. In an unprecedented outpouring of philanthropy, corporations turn their formidable promotion machines on the curing of the disease while dwarfing public health prevention efforts and stifling the calls for investigation into why and how breast cancer affects such a vast ...


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"America is the world leader in innovation, but many of the innovative ideas that are hatched in American start-ups, labs, and companies end up going abroad to reach commercial scale. Apple, the superstar of innovation, locates its production in China (yet still reaps most of its profits in the United States). When innovation does not find the capital, skills, and expertise it needs to come to market in the United States, what does it mean for economic growth and job creation? Inspired by the MIT Made in America project of the 1980s, Making in America brings experts from across MIT to focus on a critical problem for the country. MIT scientists, engineers, social scientists, and management experts visited more than 250 firms in the United States, Germany, and China. In companies across America--from big defense contractors to small machine shops and new technology startups--these experts tried to learn how we can rebuild the industrial landscape to sustain an innovative economy. At each stop, they asked this basic question: "When you have a new idea, how do you get it into the market?" They found gaping holes and missing pieces in the industrial ecosystem. Critical strengths and capabilities that once helped bring new enterprises to life have disappeared: production capacity; small and medium-size suppliers; spillovers of research, training, and new technology from big corporations. ( Production in the Innovation Economy, also published by the MIT Press in 2013, describes this research.) Even in an Internet-connected world, proximity to innovation and users matters for industry. Making in America describes ways to strengthen this connection, including public-private collaborations, new government-initiated manufacturing innovation institutes, and industry-community college projects. If we can learn from these ongoing experiments in linking innovation to production, American manufacturing could have a renaissance. "
"America is the world leader in innovation, but many of the innovative ideas that are hatched in American start-ups, labs, and companies end up going abroad to reach commercial scale. Apple, the superstar of innovation, locates its production in China (yet still reaps most of its profits in the United States). When innovation does not find the capital, skills, and expertise it needs to come to market in the United States, what does it mean for ...


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"Social Marketing Casebook brings together for the first time a dedicated collection of social marketing case studies and vignettes from around the world.

Each case study is explored from the scoping and research stage right through to evaluation, providing the reader with a complete overview of the most important building blocks in social marketing and how these can be applied to the real world, including:

- Insights from the key people involved in social marketing and the identification of the common themes associated with successful social marketing strategies.

- An international range of cases from the health, environmental and civic sectors, from national and governmental programmes to local, small-budget interventions;

- Comprehensive coverage of the whole process, from strategy, and implementation, through to the challenges and lessons learned; and

- Academic exercises, discussion questions and references to reinforce student learning.

This book demystifies social marketing for undergraduate and postgraduate marketing and health studies students, as well as practitioners in government, public institutions, NGOs and private organisations looking to develop more effective social change programmes."
"Social Marketing Casebook brings together for the first time a dedicated collection of social marketing case studies and vignettes from around the world.

Each case study is explored from the scoping and research stage right through to evaluation, providing the reader with a complete overview of the most important building blocks in social marketing and how these can be applied to the real world, including:

- Insights from the key people ...


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"This is the definitive textbook for the planning and implementation of programs designed to bring about social change. The authors take key marketing principles and show readers how to apply them to campaigns and efforts to improve health, decrease injuries, protect the environment, build communities, and enhance financial well-being. Social marketing has grown in its sophistication and application to a wider array of social problems, and the Fourth Edition captures the momentum and excitement of this burgeoning field."
"This is the definitive textbook for the planning and implementation of programs designed to bring about social change. The authors take key marketing principles and show readers how to apply them to campaigns and efforts to improve health, decrease injuries, protect the environment, build communities, and enhance financial well-being. Social marketing has grown in its sophistication and application to a wider array of social problems, and the ...

