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"2010 a été une année décisive pour l'Union européenne, et ce pour au moins trois raisons majeures. Tout d'abord, c'est durant cette année que plusieurs pays de l'Union ont commencé à rencontrer des difficultés budgétaires croissantes, tandis que la zone euro était elle-même affectée par une véritable crise de la dette s'étendant bien au-delà du cas très médiatisé de la Grèce. Deuxièmement, l'Union s'est efforcée de réaliser les premières étapes de sa réforme institutionnelle avec l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne, le 1er décembre 2009. La troisième raison pour laquelle 2010 a représenté un tournant pour l'Union est que la stratégie décennale de Lisbonne, lancée par le Conseil européen en mars 2000 en tant que cadre pour la coordination des politiques socioéconomiques, est arrivée à son terme en juin 2010, les dirigeants européens ayant adopté la nouvelle stratégie « UE2020 ». Tous ces événements ont eu des répercussions importantes et durables sur la politique sociale tant au niveau national que supranational.
Cette édition 2010 du Bilan social de l'Union européenne examine comment l'UE a affronté les défis liés à la crise budgétaire, à la mise en œuvre du traité de Lisbonne et au lancement de la stratégie UE2020. Cet ouvrage met au jour les risques pour le modèle social européen et pour le projet d'intégration européenne de ces événements, l'état du débat sur la révision du Pacte de stabilité et de croissance, l'impact de la crise économique et financière sur les pensions, la nouvelle feuille de route pour la politique de l'emploi et, plus généralement, les tensions, risques et opportunités liés à l'agenda UE2020.
"2010 a été une année décisive pour l'Union européenne, et ce pour au moins trois raisons majeures. Tout d'abord, c'est durant cette année que plusieurs pays de l'Union ont commencé à rencontrer des difficultés budgétaires croissantes, tandis que la zone euro était elle-même affectée par une véritable crise de la dette s'étendant bien au-delà du cas très médiatisé de la Grèce. Deuxièmement, l'Union s'est efforcée de réaliser les premières étapes ...


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"The report highlights that the social situation in the EU continues to benefit from the economic recovery and the reform efforts made by Member States in recent years. Of particular note is the continued improvement in the labour market situation, with significant reductions in unemployment, while deprivation and social exclusion are also declining. Nevertheless, the recovery has so far had a rather mixed and sometimes limited impact on the other social indicators, and Europe remains far from reaching the Europe 2020 poverty and social exclusion target. Several trends of concern are still apparent, including the still widening depth of poverty risk in many Member States, the rising trend in in-work poverty risk in several countries, and the still increasing risk of poverty for people in (quasi-)jobless households."
"The report highlights that the social situation in the EU continues to benefit from the economic recovery and the reform efforts made by Member States in recent years. Of particular note is the continued improvement in the labour market situation, with significant reductions in unemployment, while deprivation and social exclusion are also declining. Nevertheless, the recovery has so far had a rather mixed and sometimes limited impact on the ...


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"The annual report by the Social Protection Committee examines the social situation and developments in social protection policies across the EU. This year's report focuses on the energy and cost of living crisis. Based on a set of key indicators and thematic work, the report indicates that despite economic growth slowing down over 2022 in the EU - after the launch of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine - employment continued to expand and the level of poverty and social exclusion remained broadly stable at EU level, at 21.6% of the population in 2022 (compared to 21.7% in 2021). At the same time, price rises had a negative impact on households' purchasing power, especially for lower income families, and this is reflected in a slight rise in material and social deprivation in Europe. The report focuses in particular on taking stock of the existing and exceptional measures of the Member States in facing the energy and cost of living crisis."
"The annual report by the Social Protection Committee examines the social situation and developments in social protection policies across the EU. This year's report focuses on the energy and cost of living crisis. Based on a set of key indicators and thematic work, the report indicates that despite economic growth slowing down over 2022 in the EU - after the launch of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine - employment continued to expand ...


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"The 2023 edition of Pensions at a Glance highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD countries over the last two years. It includes a special chapter focusing on pension provisions for hazardous or arduous work. It describes existing rules, characterises recent policy trends and assesses the design and functioning of early-retirement rules for hazardous or arduous jobs given changing working conditions and ageing pressure on pension systems.

This edition also updates information on the key features of pension provision in OECD and G20 countries and provides projections of retirement income for today's workers. It offers indicators covering the design of pension systems, pension entitlements, the demographic and economic context in which pension systems operate, incomes and poverty of older people, the finances of retirement income systems and private pensions."
"The 2023 edition of Pensions at a Glance highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD countries over the last two years. It includes a special chapter focusing on pension provisions for hazardous or arduous work. It describes existing rules, characterises recent policy trends and assesses the design and functioning of early-retirement rules for hazardous or arduous jobs given changing working conditions and ageing pressure on pension ...


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Workplace Report - n° 223 -

"Last month the CWU, Unite and Royal Mail Group cleared the last hurdle needed to establish a pioneering collective pension scheme. In a further look at union-achieved innovations in this area after last month's feature on the UCU's win, we assess what this scheme might mean for the future"


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Chronique Internationale de l'IRES - n° 182 -

"Le gouvernement espagnol de coalition de gauche a fait adopter deux lois (2021 et 2023) afin d'assurer la viabilité du système public de retraite. Ce processus de réforme est remarquable en ce qu'il résulte d'une concertation entre l'ensemble des forces politiques et sociales et qu'il est équilibré, puisque les mesures adoptées (augmentation des cotisations des employeurs et des salariés et surtaxe des hauts salaires) demandent des efforts à tous."
"Le gouvernement espagnol de coalition de gauche a fait adopter deux lois (2021 et 2023) afin d'assurer la viabilité du système public de retraite. Ce processus de réforme est remarquable en ce qu'il résulte d'une concertation entre l'ensemble des forces politiques et sociales et qu'il est équilibré, puisque les mesures adoptées (augmentation des cotisations des employeurs et des salariés et surtaxe des hauts salaires) demandent des efforts à ...


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South-East Europe Review for labour and social affairs : SEER - vol. 2 n° 1 -

"In analysing the issue of social insurance, it is necessary to mention that everyone has their contribution registered, although the money taken by these contributions are immediately used to pay out benefits. The “pay-as-you-go” system means that working people contribute into the social insurance scheme the pensions of the current generation of retired people, or of those with disabilities, with their own pensions aftertheir retirement paid out in turn by younger generations of workers. It is obvious that, without sufficient contributions, current pensioners can not be paid, nor can they receive other benefits they may require. The goal of this paper is to analyse the current situation of pensions in Albania and to suggest some recommendations for increasing the amount of the state pension."
"In analysing the issue of social insurance, it is necessary to mention that everyone has their contribution registered, although the money taken by these contributions are immediately used to pay out benefits. The “pay-as-you-go” system means that working people contribute into the social insurance scheme the pensions of the current generation of retired people, or of those with disabilities, with their own pensions aftertheir retirement paid ...


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South-East Europe Review for labour and social affairs : SEER - vol. 2 n° 4 -

"After the war for independence, Croatia faced a range of serious economic and social problems. Some of these should be pointed out: • the reconstruction of war-destroyed areas and the return and settlement of displaced people; • the revival of the economy and employment, particularly of young people; • the improvement and stabilisation of the condition of pensioners, who have found themselves in a very difficult material position in the past several years, with manyof them falling below the poverty threshold. In this article, we will deal with the problems of pensioners and of the pensions system in Croatia, as well as the crisis in the system and the current attempt to reform it, which primarily aim at its adjustment to the terms of the market economy. It should be stated that basic economic and social problems in Croatia are associated with the reform of the pensions system, and that it has led to broad discussions and strong political confrontations."
"After the war for independence, Croatia faced a range of serious economic and social problems. Some of these should be pointed out: • the reconstruction of war-destroyed areas and the return and settlement of displaced people; • the revival of the economy and employment, particularly of young people; • the improvement and stabilisation of the condition of pensioners, who have found themselves in a very difficult material position in the past ...


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"We present quasi-experimental evidence on the employment effects of an unprecedented large increase in the early retirement age (ERA). Raising the ERA has the potential to extend contribution periods and to reduce the number of pension beneficiaries at the same time, if employment exits are successfully delayed. However, workers may not be able to work longer or may choose other social support programs as exit routes from employment. We study the effects of the ERA increase on employment and potential program substitution in a regression-discontinuity framework. Germany abolished an important early retirement program for women born after 1951, effectively raising the ERA for women by three years. We analyze the effects of this huge increase on employment, unemployment, disability pensions, and inactivity rates. Our results suggest that the reform increased both employment and unemployment rates of women age 60 and over. However, we do not find evidence for active program substitution from employment into alternative social support programs. Instead employed women remained employed and unemployed women remained unemployed. The results suggest an increase in inequality within the affected cohorts."
"We present quasi-experimental evidence on the employment effects of an unprecedented large increase in the early retirement age (ERA). Raising the ERA has the potential to extend contribution periods and to reduce the number of pension beneficiaries at the same time, if employment exits are successfully delayed. However, workers may not be able to work longer or may choose other social support programs as exit routes from employment. We study ...


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"Les performances économiques de l'Allemagne et son faible taux de chômage (5,1 % en mai 2014) ont suscité en France un intérêt considérable pour les réformes de la protection sociale et du marché du travail outre-Rhin. Celles-ci ont provoqué débats et controverses, que ce soit pour en vanter les mérites ou, au contraire, pour en souligner les faiblesses ou les limites : ces réformes ont-elles contribué au dynamisme économique du pays ? Se sont-elles accompagnées d'une dégradation des conditions de vie de certaines catégories de la population ? Dans quelle mesure les réductions budgétaires drastiques des collectivités locales ont-elles affecté la qualité des services publics dans les secteurs de la protection sociale ? Ce dossier brosse le tableau des changements intervenus dans plusieurs secteurs de la protection sociale, tels que : l'assurance maladie, l'assurance retraite, la dépendance, l'accueil des jeunes enfants mais aussi des sujets moins souvent explorés comme les dépenses publiques en faveur de l'éducation ou l'intégration des travailleurs handicapés dans l'entreprise."
"Les performances économiques de l'Allemagne et son faible taux de chômage (5,1 % en mai 2014) ont suscité en France un intérêt considérable pour les réformes de la protection sociale et du marché du travail outre-Rhin. Celles-ci ont provoqué débats et controverses, que ce soit pour en vanter les mérites ou, au contraire, pour en souligner les faiblesses ou les limites : ces réformes ont-elles contribué au dynamisme économique du pays ? Se ...

