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Revue de droit du travail - n° 12 -

"La crainte d'un usage massif du droit de retrait par des salariés confrontés à une situation présentant « un danger grave et imminent pour [leur/ santé ou [leur/ vie » (C. trav., art. L. 4131-1) fut perceptible dès les premiers jours de la pandémie de covid-19. Ainsi, les consignes du ministère du Travail par le biais de ses questions/réponses ont visiblement cherché à circonscrire son exercice. ..."


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Hazards - n° 152 -

"No prosecutions. No leadership. No clue. Hazards looks at the impact of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) keeping a safe distance from enforcement activity as Covid-19 raged in the workplace."


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"Alors que les circonstances devraient y conduire, l'écologie ne parvient pas à s'imposer comme la force politique dominante du xxie siècle. Les signaux d'alarme concernant les destructions de l'environnement n'ont jamais été aussi forts, le climat est désormais une des principales préoccupations des Français, et pourtant… Alors que les activistes demandent aux gouvernements d'agir davantage pour le climat, les résultats des élections envoient un tout autre signal aux dirigeants.
Cet ouvrage expliquer les raisons de cette apparente contradiction, et pointe les limites de la démocratie représentative dans sa capacité à mener des politiques transformatrices pour la protection du climat ou de la biodiversité. S'il existe un large consensus dans la société pour reconnaître la situation alarmante de l'état de l'environnement, ce consensus disparaît dès qu'il s'agit d'évoquer les solutions, et fait volontiers place aux caricatures ou aux indignations stériles.
Si la démocratie représentative apparaît comme une impasse, la situation n'est pas désespérée pour autant : la démocratie ne se réduit pas aux élections, et l'ouvrage montre comment le changement peut advenir en explorant d'autres voies… sans passer par une « dictature verte ». A condition d'avoir les yeux grand ouverts sur les raisons pour lesquelles nous échouons."
"Alors que les circonstances devraient y conduire, l'écologie ne parvient pas à s'imposer comme la force politique dominante du xxie siècle. Les signaux d'alarme concernant les destructions de l'environnement n'ont jamais été aussi forts, le climat est désormais une des principales préoccupations des Français, et pourtant… Alors que les activistes demandent aux gouvernements d'agir davantage pour le climat, les résultats des élections envoient ...


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Climatic Change - vol. 176 n° 49 -

"This paper examines the influence of democratic institutions on environmental policy stringency and the degree to which it is affected by membership in the Arctic Council. We hypothesize that, relative to countries with no Arctic presence, countries present in the Arctic given their territorial, trade, and touristic interests are more pro-environmentally inclined as they experience the effects of global warming first-hand, and the quality of democratic institutions may reinforce this effect. Our empirical analysis based on global macroeconomic data suggests that countries with democratic institutional environments are associated with more response to Arctic status and more stringent environmental policies. Moreover, the presence of democratic governments in the Arctic increases the stringency of both market- and non-market-based environmental regulations. The suggestive estimated monetary value associated with the impact of democratic institutions in the Arctic is about 101,000 international dollars per capita. These findings underscore that the development of democratic institutions may lead to strong welfare improvements and can be used in the design of international environmental agreements for Arctic area protection."
"This paper examines the influence of democratic institutions on environmental policy stringency and the degree to which it is affected by membership in the Arctic Council. We hypothesize that, relative to countries with no Arctic presence, countries present in the Arctic given their territorial, trade, and touristic interests are more pro-environmentally inclined as they experience the effects of global warming first-hand, and the quality of ...


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"Governments rapidly provided large support to help households and firms face the 2021-22 energy price crisis. Drawing on the OECD Energy Support Measures Tracker and country case studies, this paper documents countries' policy responses and draws lessons for enhancing countries' preparedness to future energy price shocks. Support implemented or announced by countries so far has been largely untargeted and often fiscally costly. As such it might add to inflationary pressures and in many cases reduce incentives to save energy and transition away from fossil fuels. Reliance on imported energy, technical obstacles to implement a targeted approach and political economy constraints help explain the type of support countries provided. There is now a case for withdrawing broad-based energy support, given the recent moderation in energy prices and ongoing or planned minimum-wage and welfare-benefit increases to compensate for high inflation. Digitalisation would help improve the quality of support countries can provide to face a future energy or other crisis by speeding up payment delivery and facilitating a more targeted approach based on vulnerability factors beyond low income, such as the inability to renovate an energy-inefficient home. Ensuring that support measures maintain incentives for energy savings and encourage energy diversification, combined with investments to accelerate the green transition, is key to reducing vulnerability to energy price shocks."
"Governments rapidly provided large support to help households and firms face the 2021-22 energy price crisis. Drawing on the OECD Energy Support Measures Tracker and country case studies, this paper documents countries' policy responses and draws lessons for enhancing countries' preparedness to future energy price shocks. Support implemented or announced by countries so far has been largely untargeted and often fiscally costly. As such it might ...


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"The Think2030 Dialogue Sweden, held on 20 April 2023, gathered decision-makers and analysts from policy, business and research communities across Europe to debate the key sustainability issues at stake for EU policy. As part of this dialogue, IDDRI and Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) organized a session titled “Energy transitions and the cost of living: how to strike the right balance between short term fixes and long-term solutions to the energy crisis?” and this report (Session Brief) summarizes the key take-aways from this session."
"The Think2030 Dialogue Sweden, held on 20 April 2023, gathered decision-makers and analysts from policy, business and research communities across Europe to debate the key sustainability issues at stake for EU policy. As part of this dialogue, IDDRI and Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) organized a session titled “Energy transitions and the cost of living: how to strike the right balance between short term fixes and long-term solutions to ...


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Global Policy - vol. 14 n° 3 -

"This article considers how policymakers should react to the disruption of Global Value Chains, which became dramatically evident during the pandemic. It argues that repeated shocks to GVCs, as seen in recent years, are not purely random and disjointed events. They are the result of fundamental shifts in the geopolitical environment, global economy, and climate. Firms have concluded that international supply chains have become endemically riskier, and this is changing their risk/efficiency calculus. But there is no reason and – so far – little evidence to suggest that GVCs will stage a large-scale retreat. Powerful economic forces are at work that will prompt increased reliance on GVCs and improve their operability in the future. Governments tend to overreact when faced with supply shocks, and unnecessarily impede GVCs; more nuanced and coordinated responses are needed. The WTO can play an important role, promoting the resilience of GVCs."
"This article considers how policymakers should react to the disruption of Global Value Chains, which became dramatically evident during the pandemic. It argues that repeated shocks to GVCs, as seen in recent years, are not purely random and disjointed events. They are the result of fundamental shifts in the geopolitical environment, global economy, and climate. Firms have concluded that international supply chains have become endemically ...


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Socio-Economic Review - vol. 21 n° 2 -

"Political opposition to fiscal adjustments has varied significantly across countries. Our analysis links this variation to differences in the congruence of voter attitudes towards fiscal trade-offs across political blocs in different countries. These differences in attitudes, in turn, coincide with the implications of the distinct macroeconomic growth strategies that these countries pursue. Based on original survey data, we show that in Germany, supporters of different parties not only share similar views on the appropriate size of fiscal adjustment, but also on how to distribute these cuts across various spending items. In Spain, there is fundamental disagreement on the amount of austerity, but voters largely agree on the composition of fiscal adjustments. In the UK, there is disagreement between voters of diverging political blocs on both accounts. Variation in public attitudes, therefore, gives rise to very diverse political dynamics surrounding fiscal adjustments in different countries."
"Political opposition to fiscal adjustments has varied significantly across countries. Our analysis links this variation to differences in the congruence of voter attitudes towards fiscal trade-offs across political blocs in different countries. These differences in attitudes, in turn, coincide with the implications of the distinct macroeconomic growth strategies that these countries pursue. Based on original survey data, we show that in ...


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"Access to justice is a fundamental underpinning of democracy and the bedrock of a strong social contract. As the world reaches the halfway point in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is growing concern that countries are collectively not on track to achieve them, including SDG 16.3 on access to justice and the rule of law.

To this end, this policy paper highlights how the indicator SDG 16.3.3 supports countries in monitoring progress on access to justice around the globe. It identifies lessons learnt, challenges, opportunities and good practices from countries reporting on this indicator. It also pinpoints areas for action to improve monitoring and supporting tools to help countries report to SDG 16.3.3."
"Access to justice is a fundamental underpinning of democracy and the bedrock of a strong social contract. As the world reaches the halfway point in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is growing concern that countries are collectively not on track to achieve them, including SDG 16.3 on access to justice and the rule of law.

To this end, this policy paper highlights how the indicator SDG 16.3.3 supports countries in ...


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"The report provides experiences and perspectives of migrant workers, employers and government representatives on the topic. This report is unique, as it draws the linkage between these two complex and interrelated topics and highlights that urgent action is required by government and private sector actors to enhance protection and respect of the rights and well-being of people on the move."

