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Politiche Sociali - vol. 2

"With the current Covid-19 crisis, the issue of social inequalities within and between EU Member States is once again brought into stark relief. Endowing the Eurozone with a «re-balancing» social dimension is a way forward against such inequalities. Currently, however, the Economic and Monetray Union (EMU) does not contain mechanisms that could move it in that direction. In this paper, we propose a way of operationalising the most recent «social milestone» of the EU – the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) – in order to strengthen the EMU's social dimension. We propose that an intergovernmental route could be used to achieve consensus on at least a few principles – such as unemployment insurance – that are essential for EMU's smooth functioning. The Commission's current suggestion to use EPSR principles to draft recommendations in the European Semester is much weaker, but preferable to the status quo, especially if it is also focussed on addressing convergence of social standards in Eurozone countries."
"With the current Covid-19 crisis, the issue of social inequalities within and between EU Member States is once again brought into stark relief. Endowing the Eurozone with a «re-balancing» social dimension is a way forward against such inequalities. Currently, however, the Economic and Monetray Union (EMU) does not contain mechanisms that could move it in that direction. In this paper, we propose a way of operationalising the most recent «social ...


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"Mehr als sieben Jahre sind seit dem Beginn der Eurokrise vergangen. Dennoch besteht noch immer keine Einigkeit über die Ursachen der Krise und die Gründe für ihre außergewöhnliche Schwere und Länge. Ohne eine gemeinsame Diagnose gestaltet sich auch die Suche nach gemeinsamen Antworten schwierig. In diesem Policy Paper zeigen Jörg Haas und Katharina Gnath, dass die am weitesten verbreiteten Erklärungsansätze für die Eurokrise allesamt eines gemein haben: Sie betonen die schädlichen Auswirkungen von Ungleichgewichten in der staatlichen und privaten Verschuldung im Euroraum. Von diesem Ausgangspunkt zeichnen die Autoren die Wurzeln der Instabilität und der Ansteckungseffekte nach und geben einen Überblick über die vier Hauptphasen der Krise. "
"Mehr als sieben Jahre sind seit dem Beginn der Eurokrise vergangen. Dennoch besteht noch immer keine Einigkeit über die Ursachen der Krise und die Gründe für ihre außergewöhnliche Schwere und Länge. Ohne eine gemeinsame Diagnose gestaltet sich auch die Suche nach gemeinsamen Antworten schwierig. In diesem Policy Paper zeigen Jörg Haas und Katharina Gnath, dass die am weitesten verbreiteten Erklärungsansätze für die Eurokrise allesamt eines ...


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"This CEPS e-Book presents the final report of a comprehensive project on the Feasibility and Added Value of a European Unemployment Benefits Scheme, initiated by the European Parliament and commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. The aim of the study is to assess the legal and operational feasibility of introducing a European unemployment benefits scheme (EUBS), as well as the economic added value that such as scheme could bring. Some 18 different variants of an EUBS are analysed in terms of their design, legal and operational challenges and economic effects. The study presents the most comprehensive work on the subject to date. For each of these 18 variants, the impact on the individual member states, EMU and the EU has been examined. The 18 variants vary across a range of features, such as the replacement rate and caps used, the duration of unemployment benefits and the eligibility conditions that apply. If an EUBS were to be selected as one of the potential stabilisation mechanisms to explore further, this study provides evidence and insights on the barriers ahead and different ways to deal with them."
"This CEPS e-Book presents the final report of a comprehensive project on the Feasibility and Added Value of a European Unemployment Benefits Scheme, initiated by the European Parliament and commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. The aim of the study is to assess the legal and operational feasibility of introducing a European unemployment benefits scheme (EUBS), as well as the ...

