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"Intelligence artificielle, robotique, impression 3D, industrie 4.0, objets connectés, blockchain : la liste est longue des menaces que l'évolution technologique fait peser sur les emplois existants. Au-delà même de ces possibles pertes d'emploi, c'est l'ensemble du travail qui va en être changé. Mais la conviction des auteurs est que l'avenir du travail n'est pas déterminé par la seule technologie, ni par les seules évolutions économiques. Ces technologies sont également porteuses d'autres modes d'organisation du travail, qui peuvent être mises au service d'un travail humain augmenté, plus impliquant, plus engagé, en termes de sens, d'éthique, de qualité et de créativité. En matière de statuts, de contractualisation, d'organisation horaire et de localisation, le travail prend des formes de plus en plus diverses. De même, de nouveaux modes de reconnaissance et de rétribution apparaissent, comme autant de manières de créer de la valeur économique ou sociale. A travers 3 scénarios, l'ouvrage anticipe les futurs possibles, selon qu'ils seront déterminés au fil de l'eau par l'implémentation passive des technologies ; ou repris en main, au service d'une amélioration et d'un enrichissement du travail. Il questionne également la régulation du travail par le droit, et la façon dont il peut intégrer la contrainte écologique et environnementale, devenue prégnante au plan mondial. Le temps de travail, l'éducation et la formation, ou la protection sociale, ne sortiront pas indemnes de ces évolutions."
"Intelligence artificielle, robotique, impression 3D, industrie 4.0, objets connectés, blockchain : la liste est longue des menaces que l'évolution technologique fait peser sur les emplois existants. Au-delà même de ces possibles pertes d'emploi, c'est l'ensemble du travail qui va en être changé. Mais la conviction des auteurs est que l'avenir du travail n'est pas déterminé par la seule technologie, ni par les seules évolutions économiques. Ces ...


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Environmental Science and Pollution Research -

"The SARS-CoV-2 virus caused crises in social, economic, and energy areas and medical life worldwide throughout 2020. This crisis had many direct and indirect effects on all areas of society. In the meantime, the digital and artificial intelligence industry can be used as a professional assistant to manage and control the outbreak of the virus. The present article's objective is to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on each of the various fields of medicine, industry, and energy. What sets this article apart is studying the impact of artificial intelligence and digital style on reducing the damage of this fatal virus. Energy and related industries are of the areas affected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The most exciting approach in this article is to encourage countries with economies based on non-renewable energy to develop solar and wind energies. Renewable energies can operate well in the event of another phenomenon such as COVID-19 and reduce the virus's destructive effects and lead to economic prosperity"
"The SARS-CoV-2 virus caused crises in social, economic, and energy areas and medical life worldwide throughout 2020. This crisis had many direct and indirect effects on all areas of society. In the meantime, the digital and artificial intelligence industry can be used as a professional assistant to manage and control the outbreak of the virus. The present article's objective is to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on each of the various ...


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"Artificial Intelligence and advanced robotics are transforming how human labour is designed and performed. This report presents types and definitions of AI-based systems and advanced robotics for the automation of tasks, their distribution according to different sectors and a description of the tasks that are impacted the most.
The report also maps existing and potential uses and provides an overview of policies, strategies and programmes at national and international levels concerning these systems for the automation of tasks and occupational health and safety. "
"Artificial Intelligence and advanced robotics are transforming how human labour is designed and performed. This report presents types and definitions of AI-based systems and advanced robotics for the automation of tasks, their distribution according to different sectors and a description of the tasks that are impacted the most.
The report also maps existing and potential uses and provides an overview of policies, strategies and programmes at ...


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"The aim of this study is to provide the Members of the committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) with an updated review of findings from research on the impact of digitalisation in the workplace."


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European Labour Law Journal - vol. 13 n° 4 -

"In April 2021, the European Commission published its first draft of the Proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence. Since AI in the work context has increasingly become important in organising work and managing workers, the AI Act will undoubtedly have an impact on EU and national labour law systems. One aim of the proposal is to guarantee ‘consistency with existing Union legislation applicable to sectors where high-risk Artificial Intelligence systems are already used or likely to be used in the near future', which includes the EU social acquis. It could be argued that ensuring true consistency with EU law means guaranteeing that the way the AI Act will be implemented and applied will still allow the other pieces of EU labour law to fulfil their purpose. It is undeniable that the implementation of the AI Act will overlap with various fields of EU law, especially considering the increasing use of AI technology at work. Thus, this article seeks to identify ways to refine the AI Act, insofar as it impacts work. The contribution discusses the current AI Act as proposed in April 2021, thereby focusing on two particular areas, EU non-discrimination law and EU law on occupational health and safety (OSH), as these two areas are, more or less explicitly, addressed as legal fields in the AI Act. The article starts with taking the perspective of EU labour law influencing the development of AI systems used in the employment context. We argue that providers should respect EU labour law throughout the development of the AI system (section 2). Then, the areas where EU labour law and the AI overlap are identified, thereby viewing it from an employer's perspective, i.e., the user of the AI system (section 3). Using two specific EU labour law areas (the right not to be discriminated against and the right to healthy and safe working conditions) the article provides a first assessment of how the AI Act might influence work and the regulation thereof (section 4). Finally, the conclusion critically explores whether and to what extent AI in employment situations warrants particular attention (section 5)."
"In April 2021, the European Commission published its first draft of the Proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence. Since AI in the work context has increasingly become important in organising work and managing workers, the AI Act will undoubtedly have an impact on EU and national labour law systems. One aim of the proposal is to guarantee ‘consistency with existing Union legislation applicable to sectors where high-risk Artificial ...


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"Portée par les progrès technologiques de ces dernières années, l'intelligence artificielle est d'ores et déjà plus qu'un objet de recherche et de science-fiction. Elle entre progressivement dans nos vies personnelles et professionnelles où elle semble amenée à jouer un rôle important dans le futur.
Dans le cadre de son activité de prospective, l'INRS a animé une réflexion collective visant à explorer comment des systèmes mobilisant de l'intelligence artificielle pourraient être utilisés à des fins d'amélioration de la santé et de la sécurité au travail à l'horizon 2035. Il s'agissait d'explorer différentes questions que posent les usages de ces systèmes d'intelligence artificielle. Quelles sont les opportunités et menaces pour la prévention des risques professionnels ? Dans quels domaines des avancées sont-elles possibles ? A quelles conditions ? Comment les acteurs peuvent-ils se préparer ?"
"Portée par les progrès technologiques de ces dernières années, l'intelligence artificielle est d'ores et déjà plus qu'un objet de recherche et de science-fiction. Elle entre progressivement dans nos vies personnelles et professionnelles où elle semble amenée à jouer un rôle important dans le futur.
Dans le cadre de son activité de prospective, l'INRS a animé une réflexion collective visant à explorer comment des systèmes mobilisant de ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 29 n° 1 -

"This article discusses the risks that artificial intelligence (AI) poses for work. It classifies risks into two types, direct and indirect. Direct risks are AI-induced forms of discrimination, surveillance and information asymmetries at work. Indirect risks are enhanced workplace automation and the increasing ‘fissurisation' of work. Direct and indirect risks are illustrated using the example of the transport and logistics sector. We discuss policy responses to both types of risk in the context of the German economy and argue that the policy solutions need to differ according to the type of risk. Direct risks can be addressed by European and national regulation against discrimination, surveillance and information asymmetries. As for indirect risks, the first step is to monitor the risks so as to gain an understanding of sector-specific transformations and establish relevant expertise and competence. This way of addressing AI-induced risks at work will help to improve the prospects of decent work, fair remuneration and adequate social protection for all."
"This article discusses the risks that artificial intelligence (AI) poses for work. It classifies risks into two types, direct and indirect. Direct risks are AI-induced forms of discrimination, surveillance and information asymmetries at work. Indirect risks are enhanced workplace automation and the increasing ‘fissurisation' of work. Direct and indirect risks are illustrated using the example of the transport and logistics sector. We discuss ...


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European Labour Law Journal - vol. 13 n° 1 -

"This article scrutinises the potential of the existing regulatory apparatus in Union law to tackle the social, technical, and legal challenges inherent in deploying automated systems in high-risk settings such as the workplace, with a view to setting out key lessons for the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Surveying data protection and discrimination rules as well as the social acquis, it highlights key areas for further development, from coherence between different regulatory regimes to the role of social partnership in shaping key standards and monitoring their implementation."
"This article scrutinises the potential of the existing regulatory apparatus in Union law to tackle the social, technical, and legal challenges inherent in deploying automated systems in high-risk settings such as the workplace, with a view to setting out key lessons for the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Surveying data protection and discrimination rules as well as the social acquis, it highlights key areas for further development, ...


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"The next era of the internet is coming. The metaverse is an immersive, interoperable and synchronous digital world that will change how we interact, work and play.

In May 2022, the World Economic Forum launched the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, whose goal is to bring together major stakeholders from academia, civil society, government and business to advance consensus and create a metaverse that is economically viable, interoperable, safe, equitable and inclusive. The initiative is divided into two workstreams: governance and economic and social value creation.

The governance track has produced its first report in the series titled Interoperability in the Metaverse, with key messages on the opportunities and challenges of metaverse interoperability. This paper, written by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture, will concentrate on providing topical guidance that will empower stakeholders to lead responsibly within the metaverse while mitigating potential socioeconomic harms.

The World Economic Forum has assembled a global, multi-sector working group of over 150 experts to co-design and guide this initiative. The hope is that this will lead to cross-sector global cooperation and the creation of a human-first metaverse. The metaverse has the potential to be a game-changer, but it must be developed in a way that is inclusive, equitable and safe for everyone."
"The next era of the internet is coming. The metaverse is an immersive, interoperable and synchronous digital world that will change how we interact, work and play.

In May 2022, the World Economic Forum launched the Defining and Building the Metaverse Initiative, whose goal is to bring together major stakeholders from academia, civil society, government and business to advance consensus and create a metaverse that is economically viable, ...


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"A thousand years of history and contemporary evidence make one thing clear. Progress is not automatic but depends on the choices we make about technology. New ways of organizing production and communication can either serve the narrow interests of an elite or become the foundation for widespread prosperity.
Much of the wealth generated by agricultural advances during the European Middle Ages was captured by the Church and used to build grand cathedrals while the peasants starved. The first hundred years of industrialization in England delivered stagnant incomes for workers, while making a few people very rich. And throughout the world today, digital technologies and artificial intelligence increase inequality and undermine democracy through excessive automation, massive data collection, and intrusive surveillance.
It doesn't have to be this way. Power and Progress demonstrates that the path of technology was once - and can again be - brought under control. The tremendous computing advances of the last half century can become empowering and democratizing tools, but not if all major decisions remain in the hands of a few hubristic tech leaders striving to build a society that elevates their own power and prestige.
With their breakthrough economic theory and manifesto for a better society, Acemoglu and Johnson provide the understanding and the vision to reshape how we innovate and who really gains from technological advances so we can create real prosperity for all."
"A thousand years of history and contemporary evidence make one thing clear. Progress is not automatic but depends on the choices we make about technology. New ways of organizing production and communication can either serve the narrow interests of an elite or become the foundation for widespread prosperity.
Much of the wealth generated by agricultural advances during the European Middle Ages was captured by the Church and used to build grand ...

