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Documents Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang 50 results

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"The continuing advance of globalization, together with deepening European integration, has increased the significance of the transnational level of trade union organization and action. This study offers a comprehensive overview of the development, structure, and policies of global and European trade union federations to serve as a reference work on all the key trade union movements operating globally and in Europe. It presents an in-depth analysis of the challenges facing these organizations and their strategic and policy responses. As a handbook, this volume provides extensive and systematically presented data on transnational sectoral trade union federations. Applying an analogous structure in the presentation of both global and European levels, the study features extensive organizational profiles, portraits, and overviews. This empirical material serves to reveal recent innovations in cross-border policy instruments and strategic approaches since the 1990s. The changing profiles of international trade unions - as measured against a set of functional criteria drawn from political science - and key developments in transnational trade union activity since the start of the new century are also investigated."
"The continuing advance of globalization, together with deepening European integration, has increased the significance of the transnational level of trade union organization and action. This study offers a comprehensive overview of the development, structure, and policies of global and European trade union federations to serve as a reference work on all the key trade union movements operating globally and in Europe. It presents an in-depth ...


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"Aus einer deutsch-französischen Perspektive setzen sich die Beiträge dieses Bandes mit dieser politisch wie wissenschaftlich gleichermaßen vielschichtigen und brisanten Thematik auseinander. Dabei werden zwei Forschungsstränge zusammengeführt, die bislang ein eher getrenntes Dasein führten: die europawissenschaftliche Forschung über europäische Identität und europäisierte Öffentlichkeiten und die Rechtspopulismus- und Rechtsextremismusforschung."
"Aus einer deutsch-französischen Perspektive setzen sich die Beiträge dieses Bandes mit dieser politisch wie wissenschaftlich gleichermaßen vielschichtigen und brisanten Thematik auseinander. Dabei werden zwei Forschungsstränge zusammengeführt, die bislang ein eher getrenntes Dasein führten: die europawissenschaftliche Forschung über europäische Identität und europäisierte Öffentlichkeiten und die Rechtspopulismus- und Rechtsextremismus...


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Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte - n° 11 -

"Im EGB ist nach wie vor das auf Kooperation und Konsensfindung angelegte Prinzip der zwischennationalen, multilateralen Zusammenarbeit vorherrschend. Qualitative Ansätze in Richtung einer „supranationalen Gewerkschaftsintegration" mit statuarischen Konsequenzen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene werden nicht vollzogen."


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Frankfurt am Main

"The service sector has not always received the attention it merits in industrial relations research when set against its enormous economic significance. One factor in this is certainly the highly diverse nature of services. Research attention has also lagged behind long-standing processes of transnationalization undertaken by service sector companies and the challenges these pose for policy and practice in the field of employment relations. This study by Stefan Rüb and Hans-Wolfgang Platzer represents a pioneering effort to remedy this gap. Through six named company case studies, Rüb and Platzer explore the scope and background for transnational employee relations conflicts and the mechanisms that have emerged to resolve and anticipate these, highlighting the complex relationships between employee representatives, management and trade unions.
The choice of case studies aims to capture a broad range of service sector employment, in terms of both working conditions and employment relations arrangements. As well as covering a number of key sectors, the choice of home countries of the selected firms also aims to capture the impact of national influences for the main industrial relations models in Europe.Overall, the study offers insights into the complexities of the Europeanization of company-level industrial relations in a dynamic field now also confronted by the convulsions unleashed by the Eurozone crisis."
"The service sector has not always received the attention it merits in industrial relations research when set against its enormous economic significance. One factor in this is certainly the highly diverse nature of services. Research attention has also lagged behind long-standing processes of transnationalization undertaken by service sector companies and the challenges these pose for policy and practice in the field of employment relations. ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 20 n° 2 -

"European negotiations are a relatively new and dynamic phenomenon of company-level industrial relations. Research thus far has mainly focused on the employee and trade union side. This contribution deals with the role of management. Based on case study research, it analyses management's motivations and negotiation strategies in initiating and implementing European company-level agreements. The research shows that only in very few cases is the employee side able to force central management to the European negotiation table by organizing effective transnationally coordinated collective action or protests. As a rule, negotiations at European company level are only possible if management itself has a manifest interest in regulating certain issues at European level. In these cases, management's interest in negotiations opens up room for manoeuvre for the employee side as regards not only the content of the agreement, but also the negotiation process itself and its participants."
"European negotiations are a relatively new and dynamic phenomenon of company-level industrial relations. Research thus far has mainly focused on the employee and trade union side. This contribution deals with the role of management. Based on case study research, it analyses management's motivations and negotiation strategies in initiating and implementing European company-level agreements. The research shows that only in very few cases is the ...


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