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Documents Marmier, A. 1 results

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"The European Green Deal will trigger a deep transformation of the way we live, work and produce, the so-called green transition. This will require substantial investments in greening the economy, which could also lead to job growth if supported by the right policy mix. The policy mix could include reliable political long-term targets for a green transition, financial incentives and support for greening of industry, investment in ecosystem restoration, incentives and awareness raising for greener consumption, funding programmes to create jobs, skills training, and others."
"The European Green Deal will trigger a deep transformation of the way we live, work and produce, the so-called green transition. This will require substantial investments in greening the economy, which could also lead to job growth if supported by the right policy mix. The policy mix could include reliable political long-term targets for a green transition, financial incentives and support for greening of industry, investment in ecosystem ...

