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Documents Negrelli, Serafino 15 results

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Sociologia del lavoro - n° 131 -

"L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è comprendere se la soddisfazione del lavoro, concetto composto da più dimensioni riguardanti il mondo del lavoro e le sue ripercussioni sulla vita, abbia risentito dell'impatto della crisi. L'approccio seguito è quello dei modelli di capitalismo per cogliere in quale misura le istituzioni e il tipo di mediazione che queste tendono a svolgere, costituiscono, anche nella fase di crisi, un meccanismo esplicativo valido. L'analisi dei dati EWCS 2005 e 2010 sottolineano livelli di soddisfazione superiori nei paesi con modelli inclusivi e libera- li rispetto all'Europa mediterranea ed ex sovietica, sia prima che durante la crisi. Nell'Europa Occidentale si registra un miglioramento diffuso dei livelli di soddisfazione, soprattutto per i lavoratori più qualificati, mentre la maggiore instabilità lavorativa sembra avere minor peso nel determinare l'insoddisfazione, quasi a segnalare un adattamento della forza lavoro alle nuove condizioni del contesto economico. "
"L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è comprendere se la soddisfazione del lavoro, concetto composto da più dimensioni riguardanti il mondo del lavoro e le sue ripercussioni sulla vita, abbia risentito dell'impatto della crisi. L'approccio seguito è quello dei modelli di capitalismo per cogliere in quale misura le istituzioni e il tipo di mediazione che queste tendono a svolgere, costituiscono, anche nella fase di crisi, un meccanismo esplicativo ...


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"Social rights in terms of welfare and work are disappearing from the European political agenda, the more so as austerity is assumed to be the only imperative response to the financial crisis. This book, which collects the results of the leading European integrated research project CAPRIGHT («Resources, Rights and Capabilities: In Search of Social Foundations for Europe»), argues for an alternative way out, which puts the enhancement of citizens' capabilities at the core of the European social model. The contributors show why and how a democracy grounded in economic and social life - where a plurality of voices may be heard, where citizens participate in collective bargaining and public deliberation - is crucial for the Europe's future. The contributions in this book are the result of a four-year period of research and workshops (2007-2010), with the main focus on how lifelong learning, the labour market, employment and social protection combine in terms of personal experience and whether the resources available at certain key points are sufficient, when factors creating risk or discontinuity can impede personal development. "
"Social rights in terms of welfare and work are disappearing from the European political agenda, the more so as austerity is assumed to be the only imperative response to the financial crisis. This book, which collects the results of the leading European integrated research project CAPRIGHT («Resources, Rights and Capabilities: In Search of Social Foundations for Europe»), argues for an alternative way out, which puts the enhancement of ...


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Industrial Relations Journal - vol. 39 n° 1 -

"This article examines the crisis of social concertation in Italy since 2000. We argue that this crisis is not due exclusively to the political shift from a centre-left to a centre-right government led by Silvio Berlusconi, or the end of the European integration phase. It reflects the continued failure of Italian social concertation to address problems of economic growth and work productivity was apparent by the second half of the 1990s. We argue that this is due mainly to the stagnation of the decentralisation process at the company and territorial levels and, in particular, the limited development of second-level collective bargaining introduced by the 1993 July Ciampi Protocol. This reflects a weakness in the Italian institutional context as well as the difficulties associated with the altering of industrial relations in global market economies more generally. The prospects for the future of concertative policy making in the Italian context are also discussed.3
"This article examines the crisis of social concertation in Italy since 2000. We argue that this crisis is not due exclusively to the political shift from a centre-left to a centre-right government led by Silvio Berlusconi, or the end of the European integration phase. It reflects the continued failure of Italian social concertation to address problems of economic growth and work productivity was apparent by the second half of the 1990s. We ...


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"This book presents a new and stimulating analysis of restructuring by developing a European perspective. Developing the capacity to anticipate change is a complex dynamic, involving the global strategies of firms, and the capacity of the actors at enterprise and territorial levels. The book provides a clear analysis of the capacity of the actors, through different models of industrial relations and corporate governance, to intervene in the process of restructuring. It identifies the conditions of anticipation and the need to better articulate European policies. The research also shows the need to adopt a multilevel and multiplayer approach in order to adapt to the new strategies of the firms. The multidisciplinary approach of the research underlines different perspectives: the political challenges of the European Union, the legal and social implications related to the employees' representatives, trade unions and European works councils, and the sociological dimension in the process of restructuring and of anticipation. The aim is to develop a multilevel and multiactor analysis and to propose guidelines for actions at European level."
"This book presents a new and stimulating analysis of restructuring by developing a European perspective. Developing the capacity to anticipate change is a complex dynamic, involving the global strategies of firms, and the capacity of the actors at enterprise and territorial levels. The book provides a clear analysis of the capacity of the actors, through different models of industrial relations and corporate governance, to intervene in the ...


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