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Documents Stollt, Michael 30 results

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"This new publication, edited jointly by ETUI researcher Michael Stollt and Sascha Meinert from the Berlin-based Institute for Prospective Analysis (IPA), sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Europe. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as well as the strategies and actions of people and organisations, first and foremost the actors involved in worker participation.

Scenarios are not intended to predict the future, but to provide the reader with a ‘future map' of what might be. They are also not intended to tell people what they should or should not do. Instead, they help us to conceive alternatives and be prepared for several different futures and to deal with the risks and opportunities lying ahead of us. Just as a regular compass is very useful for taking one's bearings in space, scenarios enable one to take one's bearings in time. Working with scenarios also makes clear that the future is not yet written and that it is worth trying to actively shape it.

The exploration of the future upon which this publication embarks – a quite atypical research area for the ETUI – comes with an unusual layout and illustrations which seek to express the different dynamics of each scenario. The attractive hard copy version of this book has been produced with spiral binding, cardboard cover and colour illustrations."
"This new publication, edited jointly by ETUI researcher Michael Stollt and Sascha Meinert from the Berlin-based Institute for Prospective Analysis (IPA), sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Europe. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as ...


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"Dieses Handbuch ist ein Element der Strategie des EWPCC, mit dem sichergestellt werden soll, dass die Chancen, die sich mit dem SE-Rechtsrahmen eröffnen, tatsächlich ergriffen werden. Zusammen mit dem SEEurope Network verfolgt das ETUI seit 2003 genau die Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der SE und leistet Arbeitnehmervertretern und ihren Gewerkschaften in diesem Bereich Unterstützung. Die hierbei gewonnenen Erfahrungen bilden die Grundlage zu diesem Buch, das so praxisbezogen wie möglich gestaltet ist.

Das Handbuch ist in fünf Hauptkapitel untergliedert. In Kapitel 1 und 2 wird eine Einführung zu der SE und den Systemen der Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung gegeben. Kapitel 3 bietet "Tipps und Tricks" für die Vorbereitung und Verhandlung einer SE-Vereinbarung. Kapitel 4 enthält eine Reihe von Übersichten, Grafiken und Vergleichstabellen sowie grundlegende Informationen zu den Systemen der Arbeitsbeziehungen der einzelnen Länder. In Kapitel 5 stellen wir weitere Quellen vor, die die Arbeitnehmervertreter bei der Vorbereitung auf Verhandlungen nutzen können. In der Anlage befindet sich der Wortlaut der SE-Verordnung und der SE-Richtlinie.

Dieser praktische Ratgeber ersetzt jedoch keinesfalls die erforderliche Beratung in rechtlichen und strategischen Fragen während der Verhandlungen. Die Arbeitnehmerseite hat das Recht auf Unterstützung durch Experten, deren Kosten von den Unternehmen zu tragen sind und sollte in jedem Fall von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch machen. Nationale und europäische Gewerkschaftsorganisationen haben im Verlauf der letzten Jahre einen beträchtlichen Erfahrungsschatz bei Verhandlungen über SE-Vereinbarungen gewonnen. Sie können bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Verhandlungen wertvolle Hilfestellung leisten, zumal auch die Unternehmensleitung von Fachberatern unterstützt wird.

Das Handbuch stellt keine Blaupause für die Durchführung von Verhandlungen mit der Unternehmensleitung dar. Es sollen damit auch keine "Anweisungen" erteilt werden, was die Arbeitnehmervertreter tun oder unterlassen sollten. Jede SE ist spezifisch und somit auch die jeweilige Vereinbarung über die Beteiligung ihrer Arbeitnehmer. Hinter dem SE-Rechtsrahmen steht die Absicht, den Akteuren die Autonomie zu gewährleisten, die sie brauchen, um eine Vereinbarung über die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung auszuhandeln, die bestmöglich auf ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist."
"Dieses Handbuch ist ein Element der Strategie des EWPCC, mit dem sichergestellt werden soll, dass die Chancen, die sich mit dem SE-Rechtsrahmen eröffnen, tatsächlich ergriffen werden. Zusammen mit dem SEEurope Network verfolgt das ETUI seit 2003 genau die Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der SE und leistet Arbeitnehmervertretern und ihren Gewerkschaften in diesem Bereich Unterstützung. Die hierbei gewonnenen Erfahrungen bilden die Grundlage zu ...


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"En octobre 2001, l'UE a officiellement adopté la législation sur la Société européenne, également connue sous son nom latin Societas Europaea (SE).

Ce guide vise à garantir que les opportunités offertes par la législation sur la SE soient exploitées. Il a d'abord et avant tout été conçu pour aider les acteurs de terrain à préparer et à conduire les négociations portant sur les accords relatifs à l'implication des travailleurs dans les SE. Il présente la SE et le mécanisme de l'implication des travailleurs. Il explique les procédures de négociation et livre des astuces et bonnes pratiques en vue d'une préparation efficace des négociations. S'appuyant sur l'expérience de plusieurs experts, il dresse un panorama des principaux aspects d'un accord constitutif d'une SE et propose un grand nombre de synthèses, graphiques et tableaux comparatifs."
"En octobre 2001, l'UE a officiellement adopté la législation sur la Société européenne, également connue sous son nom latin Societas Europaea (SE).

Ce guide vise à garantir que les opportunités offertes par la législation sur la SE soient exploitées. Il a d'abord et avant tout été conçu pour aider les acteurs de terrain à préparer et à conduire les négociations portant sur les accords relatifs à l'implication des travailleurs dans les SE. Il ...


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"This new publication, edited jointly by ETUI researcher Michael Stollt and Sascha Meinert from the Berlin-based Institute for Prospective Analysis (IPA), sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Europe. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as well as the strategies and actions of people and organisations, first and foremost the actors involved in worker participation.
Scenarios are not intended to predict the future, but to provide the reader with a ‘future map' of what might be. They are also not intended to tell people what they should or should not do. Instead, they help us to conceive alternatives and be prepared for several different futures and to deal with the risks and opportunities lying ahead of us. Just as a regular compass is very useful for taking one's bearings in space, scenarios enable one to take one's bearings in time. Working with scenarios also makes clear that the future is not yet written and that it is worth trying to actively shape it.
The exploration of the future upon which this publication embarks – a quite atypical research area for the ETUI – comes with an unusual layout and illustrations which seek to express the different dynamics of each scenario. The attractive hard copy version of this book has been produced with spiral binding, cardboard cover and colour illustrations."
"This new publication, edited jointly by ETUI researcher Michael Stollt and Sascha Meinert from the Berlin-based Institute for Prospective Analysis (IPA), sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Europe. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as ...


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"This new publication, edited jointly by ETUI researcher Michael Stollt and Sascha Meinert from the Berlin-based Institute for Prospective Analysis (IPA), sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Europe. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as well as the strategies and actions of people and organisations, first and foremost the actors involved in worker participation.
Scenarios are not intended to predict the future, but to provide the reader with a ‘future map' of what might be. They are also not intended to tell people what they should or should not do. Instead, they help us to conceive alternatives and be prepared for several different futures and to deal with the risks and opportunities lying ahead of us. Just as a regular compass is very useful for taking one's bearings in space, scenarios enable one to take one's bearings in time. Working with scenarios also makes clear that the future is not yet written and that it is worth trying to actively shape it.
The exploration of the future upon which this publication embarks – a quite atypical research area for the ETUI – comes with an unusual layout and illustrations which seek to express the different dynamics of each scenario. The attractive hard copy version of this book has been produced with spiral binding, cardboard cover and colour illustrations."
"This new publication, edited jointly by ETUI researcher Michael Stollt and Sascha Meinert from the Berlin-based Institute for Prospective Analysis (IPA), sets itself an audacious task: casting a long look forward into the future, namely the year 2030. Four alternative scenarios explore the long-term prospects and changing contexts of worker participation, in its various forms, in Europe. The stories incorporate broad developments in society, as ...


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"This publication of the SEEurope Network provides a comprehensive overview of the legislation on the European company (SE – Societas Europaea) and its history and development. It assesses the overall significance and impact of the SE on the business sector and on worker involvement in Europe and provides an outlook for the future of the SE. The publication also makes specific recommendations for policymakers regarding the future revision of the SE legislation specifically as well as European company law and corporate governance generally.

Key questions addressed in the book are: How has the SE been implemented in practice? How great has the uptake of the European Company by the business community been? Are there significant differences between countries and sectors? What impact has the European Company had on business practice? Has it improved company mobility and flexibility? What impact has it had on national industrial relations systems and Social Europe? To what extent has it inspired other legislative initiatives by the EU Commission? What will the likely future development of the European Company be?"
"This publication of the SEEurope Network provides a comprehensive overview of the legislation on the European company (SE – Societas Europaea) and its history and development. It assesses the overall significance and impact of the SE on the business sector and on worker involvement in Europe and provides an outlook for the future of the SE. The publication also makes specific recommendations for policymakers regarding the future revision of the ...


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La Revue de l'IRES - n° 71 -

"Cet article examine les évolutions récentes relatives à l'implication des travailleurs dans la société européenne (SE) et analyse dans cette perspective l'impact de la SE sur les relations professionnelles européennes. L'article démontre que la SE a effectivement apporté certaines innovations et un nouvel élan à la fois au niveau national et européen : elle pourrait donc être plus performante que ce que pourrait laisser supposer sa réputation médiocre. C'est d'autant plus vrai si l'on tient compte des droits nouveaux (quoique limités) octroyés par la législation sur la SE et du contexte de son introduction : la SE n'a jamais été conçue en premier lieu comme un instrument de politique sociale, mais comme un moyen de favoriser la mobilité transfrontalière des entreprises à l'intérieur du marché intérieur de l'UE."
"Cet article examine les évolutions récentes relatives à l'implication des travailleurs dans la société européenne (SE) et analyse dans cette perspective l'impact de la SE sur les relations professionnelles européennes. L'article démontre que la SE a effectivement apporté certaines innovations et un nouvel élan à la fois au niveau national et européen : elle pourrait donc être plus performante que ce que pourrait laisser supposer sa réputation ...


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"In October 2001, the EU formally adopted the legislation on the European Company, also known by its Latin name Societas Europaea (SE). This handbook aims to ensure that the new opportunities for employee representation at European level which these new SE rules provide, are seized. It has been designed first and foremost to help practitioners to prepare and conduct negotiations on agreements on employee involvement in SEs. The handbook introduces the SE and its mechanism of employee involvement. It explains the negotiation procedures and provides ‘tips and tricks' for a decent preparation of negotiations. Based on the experience of several experts, it gives an overview of key aspects of an SE agreement and includes an extensive set of overviews, graphics and comparative tables."
"In October 2001, the EU formally adopted the legislation on the European Company, also known by its Latin name Societas Europaea (SE). This handbook aims to ensure that the new opportunities for employee representation at European level which these new SE rules provide, are seized. It has been designed first and foremost to help practitioners to prepare and conduct negotiations on agreements on employee involvement in SEs. The handbook ...

