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"Quand la moitié de nos contemporains disent s'épanouir dans leur travail, l'autre moitié du monde vit le sien, ou son absence, dans la souffrance. En réponse, la droite glorifie ceux qui " se lèvent tôt " et " ne mesurent pas leur peine ", invite à " travailler plus pour gagner plus " et dénonce une " épidémie de flemme ".
Face à ce discours, les hommes et femmes de gauche paraissent souvent désemparés. Au point que certains pensent utile d'emboîter le pas des libéraux et des conservateurs en opposant les travailleurs aux allocataires sociaux. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ? Comment la droite, qui ne cesse de mettre le travail sous pression et d'en dégrader les conditions, peut-elle s'en arroger les valeurs ? La gauche doit se les réapproprier de telle sorte que le travail réponde à nos aspirations individuelles et collectives. Cela est d'autant plus crucial que la transition énergétique et technologique en cours va le reconfigurer en profondeur.
Paul Magnette renoue dans cet ouvrage avec l'idéal d'émancipation personnelle et d'intégration sociale par le travail, et développe de véritables propositions pour lever les obstacles qui s'opposent aujourd'hui à son déploiement. Plutôt que de laisser les souffrances au travail entre les mains de consultants en risques psychosociaux et de chief happiness officers, il est temps de les repolitiser."
"Quand la moitié de nos contemporains disent s'épanouir dans leur travail, l'autre moitié du monde vit le sien, ou son absence, dans la souffrance. En réponse, la droite glorifie ceux qui " se lèvent tôt " et " ne mesurent pas leur peine ", invite à " travailler plus pour gagner plus " et dénonce une " épidémie de flemme ".
Face à ce discours, les hommes et femmes de gauche paraissent souvent désemparés. Au point que certains pensent utile ...


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WIREs Climate Change - vol. 14 n° 3 -

"While climate change adaptation research has increasingly focused on aspects of culture, a systematic treatment of the role of legal culture in how communities respond to climate risk has yet to be produced. This is despite the fact that law and legal authority are implicated in most, if not all, of the ways in which actors seek to reduce the risks posed to communities by climate change. Using a scoping review methodology, this article examines the intersection of climate change adaptation and legal culture in existing research. Overall, we find that the significance of legal culture for adaptation actions has been under-explored. Yet, it is also clear that a focus on legal culture holds significant promise for our understanding of climate change adaptation. We set out a research agenda for the field, highlighting the ways in which a focus on legal culture may enrich existing key themes within climate change adaptation research."
"While climate change adaptation research has increasingly focused on aspects of culture, a systematic treatment of the role of legal culture in how communities respond to climate risk has yet to be produced. This is despite the fact that law and legal authority are implicated in most, if not all, of the ways in which actors seek to reduce the risks posed to communities by climate change. Using a scoping review methodology, this article examines ...


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Technological Forecasting and Social Change - vol. 200 n° 123106 -

"This study regards AI as a socioecological issue and highlights the social identity determinants of the social perceptions of AI, which is the main dependent variable. We analyze Greece in 2022 as a case study. Our findings suggest that specific social identity variables concerning fundamental and social values, such as religion, views on new technologies, economic and political standings, and education, impact social perceptions of AI in a positive or negative manner. To enhance the analysis, we independently analyze the social identity framework shaping the relationship between jobs and AI, and the need to scientifically verify the results of AI technologies with an expert. Overall, social views of AI are shaped by the influence of a composite portfolio of fundamental and social values (which reflect both social stability and adaptability to change), economic and political standings, and demographics. Therefore, the social understanding of AI, along with other major issues, relates to its complex cultural dimensions. The findings go beyond the superficial understanding of the qualities AI should have since they underline the importance of existing institutional and value systems in the design of appropriate policies to combat the negative consequences, or capitalize on the benefits of such technologies."
"This study regards AI as a socioecological issue and highlights the social identity determinants of the social perceptions of AI, which is the main dependent variable. We analyze Greece in 2022 as a case study. Our findings suggest that specific social identity variables concerning fundamental and social values, such as religion, views on new technologies, economic and political standings, and education, impact social perceptions of AI in a ...


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Critical Sociology - vol. 44 n° 4-5 -

"This article asks: How can understanding the relationship of exploitation and oppression inform the study of digital labour and digital capitalism? It combines the analysis of capitalism, patriarchy, slavery, and racism in order to analyse digital labour. The approach taken also engages with a generalization of David Roediger's wages of whiteness approach, Marxist feminism, Angela Davis's Marxist black feminism, Rosa Luxemburg, Kylie Jarrett's concept of the digital housewife, Jack Qiu's notion of iSlavery, Eileen Meehan's concept of the gendered audience commodity, and Carter Wilson and Audrey Smedley's historical analyses of racism and class. The article presents a typology of differences and commonalities between wage-labour, slave-labour, reproductive labour, and Facebook labour. It shows that the digital data commodity is both gendered and racialized. It analyses how class, patriarchy, slavery, and racism overgrasp into each other in the realm of digital capitalism. It also introduces the notions of the organic composition of labour and the rate of reproductive labour and shows, based on example data, how to calculate these ratios that provide insights into the reality of unpaid labour in capitalism."
"This article asks: How can understanding the relationship of exploitation and oppression inform the study of digital labour and digital capitalism? It combines the analysis of capitalism, patriarchy, slavery, and racism in order to analyse digital labour. The approach taken also engages with a generalization of David Roediger's wages of whiteness approach, Marxist feminism, Angela Davis's Marxist black feminism, Rosa Luxemburg, Kylie Jarrett's ...


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"Van Airbnb tot Uber, en van Nextdoor tot Facebook, een steeds groter deel van het maatschappelijk en economisch verkeer verloopt via online platformen. De opkomst van deze platformen leidt tot optimistische vertogen. Doordat ze bestaande praktijken en instituties - van taximarkt tot lokale democratie - letterlijk en figuurlijk 'ontregelen', zouden deze platforms leiden tot economische en maatschappelijke innovatie. Kort samengevat luidt hun belofte: minder overhead en minder overheid. Wat in deze discussie nog onderbelicht blijft, is de rol die platformen spelen bij de behartiging van publieke belangen. Hun interfaces, reputatiesystemen, en algoritmes waarmee ze vraag en aanbod koppelen sturen de inrichting van de samenleving. Met grote gevolgen voor publieke belangen, zoals de toegankelijkheid, veiligheid en betaalbaarheid van (openbaar) vervoer, de pluriformiteit in de journalistiek of de inrichting van het onderwijs. In dit boek verkennen de auteurs de werking van platformen in een drietal maatschappelijke domeinen. Met als inzet de vraag: hoe kunnen in de platformsamenleving publieke waarden worden geborgd?"
"Van Airbnb tot Uber, en van Nextdoor tot Facebook, een steeds groter deel van het maatschappelijk en economisch verkeer verloopt via online platformen. De opkomst van deze platformen leidt tot optimistische vertogen. Doordat ze bestaande praktijken en instituties - van taximarkt tot lokale democratie - letterlijk en figuurlijk 'ontregelen', zouden deze platforms leiden tot economische en maatschappelijke innovatie. Kort samengevat luidt hun ...


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Economie Politique - n° 70 -

"Le commerce équitable fait référence à la notion de prix juste en puisant dans différentes traditions de la pensée économique. L'inspiration aristotélicienne s'avère la plus pertinente au regard de son projet éthique."


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WSI Mitteilungen - vol. 69 n° 7 -

"Die meisten Zeitdiagnosen zeichnen das Bild eines unaufhaltsamen Vormarschs von Neoliberalismus und Marktideologie. Auf der Ebene der wirtschaftlichen Akteure und ihrer Handlungsorientierungen entspreche dem die Vorherrschaft des Leitbilds eines amoralischen und unsolidarischen Homo oeconomicus. Spielen tatsächlich solche nicht-ökonomischen Werte und Normen wie Solidarität, Gemeinsinn oder weitere Elemente einer „moralischen Ökonomie“ als Handlungs- und Interessenorientierungen von Beschäftigten in Arbeit und Betrieb eine immer geringere Rolle, wie solche Diagnosen nahelegen? Der Beitrag zeigt, dass von einem solchen Siegeszug des Homo oeconomicus nicht gesprochen werden kann. Vielmehr werden mit den präsentierten empirischen Befunden die Konturen einer „modernen Arbeitsmoral“ mit sehr ausgeprägten Gerechtigkeits- und Rationalitätsansprüchen der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer an Erwerbsarbeit freigelegt. Um real wirksam zu bleiben bzw. zu werden, benötigt diese moralische Ökonomie aber eine politische Einbettung in starke Formen der Interessenvertretung, die heute vielerorts ohne Frage schwieriger geworden ist und schwächer zu werden droht."
"Die meisten Zeitdiagnosen zeichnen das Bild eines unaufhaltsamen Vormarschs von Neoliberalismus und Marktideologie. Auf der Ebene der wirtschaftlichen Akteure und ihrer Handlungsorientierungen entspreche dem die Vorherrschaft des Leitbilds eines amoralischen und unsolidarischen Homo oeconomicus. Spielen tatsächlich solche nicht-ökonomischen Werte und Normen wie Solidarität, Gemeinsinn oder weitere Elemente einer „moralischen Ökonomie“ als ...


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"¿Dónde ocurren realmente las cosas? En todos los lugares del mundo menos aquí, en todos los instantes futuros menos ahora, nos dice Alba Rico. Esta radical deslocalización de los hombres con respecto al mundo sitúa a la humanidad en una perspectiva posthistórica y en un tiempo prepolítico y presocial. Sin embargo, Penúltimos días, lejos de un tono alarmista o apocalíptico, es ante todo una reflexión, lúcida y a contratiempo, de los reversos éticos y políticos del mercado, invirtiendo también el sentido en que podemos entender conceptos como el de "deuda", "lujo", "placer", "libertad" o "creencia""
"¿Dónde ocurren realmente las cosas? En todos los lugares del mundo menos aquí, en todos los instantes futuros menos ahora, nos dice Alba Rico. Esta radical deslocalización de los hombres con respecto al mundo sitúa a la humanidad en una perspectiva posthistórica y en un tiempo prepolítico y presocial. Sin embargo, Penúltimos días, lejos de un tono alarmista o apocalíptico, es ante todo una reflexión, lúcida y a contratiempo, de los reversos ...


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"This volume explores current interventions into the digital labour theory of value, proposing theoretical and empirical work that contributes to our understanding of Marx's labour theory of value, proposes how labour and value are transformed under conditions of virtuality, and employ the theory in order to shed light on specific practices."


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L'Europe en Formation - n° 372 -

"The European Social Model (ESM) is a rather vague concept, generally used for defining a certain combination between social concerns and the need for economic improvement and efficiency. This vagueness implies a weak conceptualisation, which influences perceptions about the current socio-economic juncture and the European integration. This article is aimed to identify specific contents for the conceptualisation of the European model, which are found in a number of common principles or values contained in the European constitutions. It is also aimed to explore the dynamic between the liberal and social protection elements that constitute a common starting point for a comparative assessment. A process of convergence of constitutional principles is found, based on the constitutional migration of certain concepts at different historical moments. The induction of common categories from these concepts allows for the consideration of potential European common denominators, such as the duality between the free market and its limitations related to social concerns."
"The European Social Model (ESM) is a rather vague concept, generally used for defining a certain combination between social concerns and the need for economic improvement and efficiency. This vagueness implies a weak conceptualisation, which influences perceptions about the current socio-economic juncture and the European integration. This article is aimed to identify specific contents for the conceptualisation of the European model, which are ...

