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Documents Romania 339 results

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HesaMag - n° 22 -

"Dispatched to the “front line” in the battle against the coronavirus pandemic without personal protective equipment, Romanian healthcare professionals have paid dearly for such inadequacy: Romania has one of the highest rates of infection among medical staff across Europe. The state and hospitals alike had an obligation to provide staff with the means to protect themselves. But although many of Romania's doctors and nurses are outraged at having been so fundamentally exposed, few of them dare to lodge a complaint."
"Dispatched to the “front line” in the battle against the coronavirus pandemic without personal protective equipment, Romanian healthcare professionals have paid dearly for such inadequacy: Romania has one of the highest rates of infection among medical staff across Europe. The state and hospitals alike had an obligation to provide staff with the means to protect themselves. But although many of Romania's doctors and nurses are outraged at ...


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HesaMag - n° 25 -

"The bulk of international road transport in the European Union (EU) is performed by hundreds of thousands of east European drivers, primarily Poles, Lithuanians and Romanians. The fact that they are cheaper than their colleagues from the west means that hauliers can operate at lower cost and with higher profits, but the drivers work in conditions that sometimes border on modern slavery. Under its ‘Mobility Package', the European Commission is trying to change the rules of the game to put an end to social dumping and the systematic exploitation of drivers. The reform is a major test for the EU, which will have to prove itself to businesses, the Member States and European workers, while having already been accused of merely remedying the driver shortage in the west at the expense of the east."
"The bulk of international road transport in the European Union (EU) is performed by hundreds of thousands of east European drivers, primarily Poles, Lithuanians and Romanians. The fact that they are cheaper than their colleagues from the west means that hauliers can operate at lower cost and with higher profits, but the drivers work in conditions that sometimes border on modern slavery. Under its ‘Mobility Package', the European Commission is ...


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HesaMag - n° 27 -

"Fin 2022, la Roumanie a adopté une nouvelle loi visant à permettre et faciliter la négociation collective, l'organisation syndicale et le dialogue social, quelques mois seulement après que l'Union européenne ait inscrit le renforcement de la négociation collective parmi ses objectifs prioritaires. Cette loi n'a pas été élaborée du jour au lendemain. Elle est le fruit d'années d'innovation syndicale, de mises en garde des organisations internationales et de pressions économiques européennes. La Roumanie offre aujourd'hui l'exemple d'une réforme positive du dialogue social. À ce titre, elle ouvre la voie aux autres pays européens.
"Fin 2022, la Roumanie a adopté une nouvelle loi visant à permettre et faciliter la négociation collective, l'organisation syndicale et le dialogue social, quelques mois seulement après que l'Union européenne ait inscrit le renforcement de la négociation collective parmi ses objectifs prioritaires. Cette loi n'a pas été élaborée du jour au lendemain. Elle est le fruit d'années d'innovation syndicale, de mises en garde des organisations ...


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SEER. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe - vol. 1 n° 4 -

"The author describes the recent Romanian history before the events of December 1989 - the so caled "golden age" - and the burden this age left for the Romanian people. She also shortly describes the events that led to the manifestaions in December 1989 and the Romanian years of transition."


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SEER. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe - vol. 1 n° 4 -

"A two-day conference entitled Post-Communist Romania: The First Decade was held at Liverpool Hope University College, Liverpool, UK, on 15-16 July 1998 and was attended by more than fifty delegates. These included academics, diplomats, students and representatives from NGOs. The conference involved papers from seventeen academics, including key names in Romanian studies. The author shortly describes the events."


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"The present report proposes a synthesis of the work of the EESC Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law (FRRL) Group covering its first two years of existence (2018-2019). It concerns the seven initial country visits led by the FRRL Group (to Romania, Poland, Hungary, Austria, France, Bulgaria and Italy) as well as its first conference, held on 5 November 20193. The report integrates and replaces the interim report published in November 2019."


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Editorial Galgóczi, Béla | 2023


SEER. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe - vol. 26 n° 1 -

"This first issue of the SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe for 2023 focuses on ‘Self-employed and mobile workers' with articles drawn from empirical evidence developed following active research undertaken in Romania. Migration and labour mobility have always been a key interest for this journal; this issue lives up to this tradition."


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SEER. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe - vol. 26 n° 1 -

"Romania has been, for the past decade, not only the country with the highest in-work poverty among EU member states, but – unlike most of the others – also a country with a steadily growing welfare polarisation of the workforce. This article aims to explain why Romania still finds itself in this situation. The article documents the increasing differences in exposure to poverty and social exclusion between employees and the self-employed and points to the mix of fac tors responsible. Unlike most European countries, where a certain gap between employees and non-employees is the result of the flexibilisation of the labour market, in Romania this appears rather to be the result of a unique inherited structure of employment alongside an inadequate package of social and fiscal measures which has kept and further pushed the self-employed into informality. Thus, Romania is still searching for a policy solution that would allow the existing self-employed to become ‘visible' in the formal economy and for a diversification of forms of employment. Finally, the article explores the possibilities for a rever sal of the current trend. "
"Romania has been, for the past decade, not only the country with the highest in-work poverty among EU member states, but – unlike most of the others – also a country with a steadily growing welfare polarisation of the workforce. This article aims to explain why Romania still finds itself in this situation. The article documents the increasing differences in exposure to poverty and social exclusion between employees and the self-employed and ...


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SEER. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe - vol. 26 n° 1 -

"Romania's transformation from a socialist to a capitalist market society resulted in massive negative social and economic consequences which, ultimately, have become push factors for labour migration. However, little research has been done on the consequences of Romania's transformation for the work and labour struggles of migrant workers abroad. Empirically, the article shows how the inter section of the ‘making money' motive, which is anchored in rural Romania, and the fear of job loss, which characterises the construction industry in Echsberg, shapes labour struggles. Fearing job loss, many do not engage in open labour disputes, but have developed a variety of strategies of covert resistance with which to counter exploitation. Accordingly, the article shows how the transfor mation in Romania shapes labour struggles at German construction sites. The findings not only highlight the need to include migrants and their work abroad in order to reach a comprehensive understanding of the effects of transformation but also provide starting points for combating labour exploitation."
"Romania's transformation from a socialist to a capitalist market society resulted in massive negative social and economic consequences which, ultimately, have become push factors for labour migration. However, little research has been done on the consequences of Romania's transformation for the work and labour struggles of migrant workers abroad. Empirically, the article shows how the inter section of the ‘making money' motive, which is ...

