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"2010 a été une année décisive pour l'Union européenne, et ce pour au moins trois raisons majeures. Tout d'abord, c'est durant cette année que plusieurs pays de l'Union ont commencé à rencontrer des difficultés budgétaires croissantes, tandis que la zone euro était elle-même affectée par une véritable crise de la dette s'étendant bien au-delà du cas très médiatisé de la Grèce. Deuxièmement, l'Union s'est efforcée de réaliser les premières étapes de sa réforme institutionnelle avec l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne, le 1er décembre 2009. La troisième raison pour laquelle 2010 a représenté un tournant pour l'Union est que la stratégie décennale de Lisbonne, lancée par le Conseil européen en mars 2000 en tant que cadre pour la coordination des politiques socioéconomiques, est arrivée à son terme en juin 2010, les dirigeants européens ayant adopté la nouvelle stratégie « UE2020 ». Tous ces événements ont eu des répercussions importantes et durables sur la politique sociale tant au niveau national que supranational.
Cette édition 2010 du Bilan social de l'Union européenne examine comment l'UE a affronté les défis liés à la crise budgétaire, à la mise en œuvre du traité de Lisbonne et au lancement de la stratégie UE2020. Cet ouvrage met au jour les risques pour le modèle social européen et pour le projet d'intégration européenne de ces événements, l'état du débat sur la révision du Pacte de stabilité et de croissance, l'impact de la crise économique et financière sur les pensions, la nouvelle feuille de route pour la politique de l'emploi et, plus généralement, les tensions, risques et opportunités liés à l'agenda UE2020.
"2010 a été une année décisive pour l'Union européenne, et ce pour au moins trois raisons majeures. Tout d'abord, c'est durant cette année que plusieurs pays de l'Union ont commencé à rencontrer des difficultés budgétaires croissantes, tandis que la zone euro était elle-même affectée par une véritable crise de la dette s'étendant bien au-delà du cas très médiatisé de la Grèce. Deuxièmement, l'Union s'est efforcée de réaliser les premières étapes ...


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Following the French and Dutch rejection of the draft constitutional Treaty, many questions have arisen about the European Union's political model, its social model, its geographical borders and limits, its founding principles and its identity. Is Europe in deep crisis, or is crisis its usual way of operating? Does enlargement consign the project of the founding fathers to history, or does it force today's political leaders to go back to basics? There is no lack of questions and controversies. In a sense, this proves that the EU has now gone beyond technical issues and is becoming a fundamentally political entity. Too soon or too late, some will say, but the debate is now underway.

The contributors to this edition of Social Developments in the European Union examine the European social model, from both the inside and the outside, the governance of the euro zone, the political priorities outlined in the financial perspectives for 2007-2013, and recent and forthcoming enlargements. They also highlight the important role of political, economic and social stakeholders in debate around the "better legislation" initiative, the Lisbon strategy, European social dialogue and the issue of pensions. The forum for debate plainly acquired a strong European dimension in 2005. Perhaps the way out of the present crisis might therefore be to devise a coherent new project and promote the emergence of political players who are prepared to implement it.
Following the French and Dutch rejection of the draft constitutional Treaty, many questions have arisen about the European Union's political model, its social model, its geographical borders and limits, its founding principles and its identity. Is Europe in deep crisis, or is crisis its usual way of operating? Does enlargement consign the project of the founding fathers to history, or does it force today's political leaders to go back to basics? ...


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European Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 29 n° 3 -

"Despite decades of European social dialogue, little is known about the social policy preferences of EU employers' organizations (EEOs). Building on the literature on industrial relations and the role of business in welfare state development, this article explores the preferences of key EEOs (BusinessEurope, SGI Europe and SMEunited) in vocational education and training (VET), active and passive labour market policies, pensions and work–family reconciliation. Software-based qualitative content analysis of 75 position papers and 19 joint declarations, triangulated with four elite semi-structured interviews, is employed to assess employers' preferences along four national and two European dimensions. Largely in line with the power resources theory, EEOs favour cost containment and social investment, by strengthening labour market flexicurity and reducing skills mismatches through VET. Conflicting logics of membership and influence guide the actions of EEOs: members are wary of legislation impinging on national social policy traditions; yet, greater European assertiveness makes lobbying efforts unavoidable."
"Despite decades of European social dialogue, little is known about the social policy preferences of EU employers' organizations (EEOs). Building on the literature on industrial relations and the role of business in welfare state development, this article explores the preferences of key EEOs (BusinessEurope, SGI Europe and SMEunited) in vocational education and training (VET), active and passive labour market policies, pensions and work–family ...


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The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations - vol. 39 n° 2 -

"COVID-19 gave rise to an unprecedented global crisis. As the end of the pandemic approaches and new crises have taken hold of Europe in the shape of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we propose in this study to analyse the actions taken by the European Union in the field of labour law during the pandemic. While any crisis can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of a society, what does the pandemic tell us in particular about the state of Social Europe and its future?

The responses from Europe have been different from the previous crisis, especially the 2008 crisis. First, as an immediate response, the European Union released Member States from the European budgetary rules enshrined in the European Semester. Second, it adopted a specific instrument, the Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) programme, to facilitate short time working (STW) schemes. Third, the implementation of the European pillar of social rights continued, with new social directives expected to be adopted in the coming months. Unlike the 2008 crisis, the COVID-19 period could mark a deepening of social Europe."
"COVID-19 gave rise to an unprecedented global crisis. As the end of the pandemic approaches and new crises have taken hold of Europe in the shape of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we propose in this study to analyse the actions taken by the European Union in the field of labour law during the pandemic. While any crisis can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of a society, what does the pandemic tell us in particular about the state of Social ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - n° Early view -

"This article looks at the evolution of industrial relations in Central and Eastern Europe after the so-called ‘eastern enlargement' between 2004 and 2013. The main claim is that 20 years after EU accession the ‘European dream' (embodied in the European Social Model) has not been fulfilled in the area of industrial relations. Furthermore, the main frame of reference (thus the goal to be reached) has become increasingly distorted over the years. The article investigates the dynamics of industrial relations in the ‘new' Member States of Central and Eastern Europe in order to show that what had been expected to become a transition – that is, a move from one defined point to another – eventually turned into a transformation without convergence on a clear model and characterised by widespread weakness and fragmentation of industrial relations."
"This article looks at the evolution of industrial relations in Central and Eastern Europe after the so-called ‘eastern enlargement' between 2004 and 2013. The main claim is that 20 years after EU accession the ‘European dream' (embodied in the European Social Model) has not been fulfilled in the area of industrial relations. Furthermore, the main frame of reference (thus the goal to be reached) has become increasingly distorted over the years. ...


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Social Europe -


"The decarbonisation of Europe must be accelerated—which requires a new European social model."


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"In the face of continuing European market and economic integration, European industrial relations has become more fractured. This fracturing is occurring in two senses. First, the main institutional pillars of the industrial relations dimension of the European social model (or models) are weakening. Second, common features of industrial relations across countries are no longer so apparent. Further, industrial relations outcomes such as wages and conditions have become more unequal and less solidaristic. The immediate causes of this fracturing are eastern enlargement of the EU, and the nature of the responses to the financial and economic crisis propounded by the European authorities and some national governments. These have sought to accelerate European integration by removing perceived institutional rigidities. At an underlying level, a more fractured industrial relations landscape is the result of asymmetries as between countries in the effects and impact of market and economic integration and the further exacerbation of the imbalance between negative and positive integration measures in favour of the former. The paper concludes with proposals, directed at the EU as well as national level, which could stem or even reverse the decline in the institutional pillars of European industrial relations and result in a less fractured landscape."
"In the face of continuing European market and economic integration, European industrial relations has become more fractured. This fracturing is occurring in two senses. First, the main institutional pillars of the industrial relations dimension of the European social model (or models) are weakening. Second, common features of industrial relations across countries are no longer so apparent. Further, industrial relations outcomes such as wages ...


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"Investigación encuadrada en el Proyecto InFocus sobre Fortalecimiento de los actores sociales, dirigido por la OIT, que trata de analizar los cambios en las relaciones laborales en relación a los procesos de integración económica supranacional. Las áreas estudiadas abarcan la Unión Europea, el Tratado de Libre Comercio, Mercosur y Asean. En cada una de las regiones, distintos grupos de investigación aportaban la experiencia recogida en cada uno de sus países. La Fundación 1° de Mayo ha desarrollado el análisis de la integración europea desde la perspectiva de España, realizado entre 1998 y 1999, en el que han participado Jorge Aragón (director), Fernando Rocha y Jorge Torrents (investigadores) y Raquel Gómez e Inmaculada Díaz (colaboradoras)."
"Investigación encuadrada en el Proyecto InFocus sobre Fortalecimiento de los actores sociales, dirigido por la OIT, que trata de analizar los cambios en las relaciones laborales en relación a los procesos de integración económica supranacional. Las áreas estudiadas abarcan la Unión Europea, el Tratado de Libre Comercio, Mercosur y Asean. En cada una de las regiones, distintos grupos de investigación aportaban la experiencia recogida en cada uno ...


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"This book explores the European welfare model, arguing that the rollout of European policies for welfare services has led to increased marketization. The author argues that the rise of profit-making in utilities, transport, child and health care is exacerbating rather than reducing inequalities among citizens, demonstrating how the marketization of European welfare has taken place over successive rounds of policymaking for European integration. These rounds have motivated national level public services reform, as well as contestation over these measures from civil society groups. The study traces the developments of policymaking at EU level since the late 1980s, offers in-depth studies of contentious debates which have sealed the fate of welfare services at the turn of the century, and offers insights on the problems involved with prolonged austerity in Europe. This book therefore shows how European integration is provoking a democratic challenge to what kind of Europe citizens want."
"This book explores the European welfare model, arguing that the rollout of European policies for welfare services has led to increased marketization. The author argues that the rise of profit-making in utilities, transport, child and health care is exacerbating rather than reducing inequalities among citizens, demonstrating how the marketization of European welfare has taken place over successive rounds of policymaking for European integration. ...

