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Documents genetic screening 107 results

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Santé et travail - n° 92 -

"L'épigénétique décrypte comment l'environnement modifie l'activité des gènes. Cancers, allergies, pathologies du stress... autant de maladies pour lesquelles ce champ d'étude encore peu exploré est porteur de promesses préventives ou thérapeutiques."


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Toxicology - n° 181-182 -

"Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) may affect mammalian development either indirectly (by affecting implantation, placenta, lactation, etc.) or directly, altering the maturation of target tissues. Studies on reproductive and developmental effects are likely to provide the critical information for risk assessment of most EDC, when proper endpoints are investigated. Toxicity testing guidelines, and especially the two-generation test, are currently being updated with regard to risk assessment of EDC. Particular emphasis is put on selection and validation of the parameters most sensitive to given chemicals and/or mechanisms of action; therefore, a screening battery it is important to address further testing. Under this respect the future use of gene arrays might be a most promising development, when more data will be available. Further points to be considered in a biologically-based assessment of developmental risks include: the identification of critical effects also through the evaluation of dose-response curves; the assessment of the actual exposure and different susceptibility of target tissues; the identification of possible factors of susceptibility and gene-environment interactions; the elaboration of models to estimate the possible additional risk deriving from combined exposures to EDC having similar mechanisms and/or targets."
"Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) may affect mammalian development either indirectly (by affecting implantation, placenta, lactation, etc.) or directly, altering the maturation of target tissues. Studies on reproductive and developmental effects are likely to provide the critical information for risk assessment of most EDC, when proper endpoints are investigated. Toxicity testing guidelines, and especially the two-generation test, are ...


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Toxicology Letters - vol. 144

"Occupational health regulations and practices in EU Member States have been directed, to a large extent, by the principle of social protection, aiming to protect both the health and the employment of every (candidate) worker. Medical and biomonitoring practices have played a major role in identifying health problems at work and also in establishing preventive measures. Lately, a new tendency is occurring that reduces health protection to compliance with a limited set of standards for workplaces and individuals. According to this approach, 'predictive' medical tests might be used for the selection of the fittest workers. At a time when the labor market is evolving towards less stable forms of work, such a 'standardization approach' may lead to an unequal occupational health policy: the better off being more protected, the more exposed being less protected and the more susceptible being excluded. Instead, biomonitoring tools should only be developed as part of medical surveillance and used for those who need it most."
"Occupational health regulations and practices in EU Member States have been directed, to a large extent, by the principle of social protection, aiming to protect both the health and the employment of every (candidate) worker. Medical and biomonitoring practices have played a major role in identifying health problems at work and also in establishing preventive measures. Lately, a new tendency is occurring that reduces health protection to ...


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Gene machine O'Neill, Rory | 2003 H


Hazards - n° 84 -

"Not perfect? One day soon it may cost you your job. As the gene testing gadgets become a wrong headed but affordable option, more employers are expressing an interest. "


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Testing times O'Neill, Rory | 2003


Hazards - n° 84 -

"Expert panels will soon make recommendations to the UK government on drug and genetic testing at work. Many companies are keen on both. Hazards warns that this is a dangerous development and says it may be their company, but your body is your business."


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