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New York

"The value of work cannot be underestimated in today's world. Work is valuable because productive labour generates goods needed for survival, such as food and housing; goods needed for self-development, such as education and culture; and other material goods that people wish to have in order to live a fulfilling life. A job also generally inspires a sense of achievement, self-esteem and the esteem of others. People develop social relations at work, which can be very important for them. Work brings both material and non-material benefits. There is no doubt that work is a crucial good. Do we have a human right to this good? What is the content of the right? Does it impose a duty on governments to promote full employment? Does it entail an obligation to protect decent work? There is also a question about the right-holders. Do migrants have a right to work, for example? At the same time many people would rather not work. What kind of right is this, if many people do not want to have it? The chapters of this book address the uncertainty and controversy that surround the right to work both in theoretical scholarship and in policymaking. They discuss the philosophical underpinnings of the right to work, and its development in human rights law at national level (in jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, France and the United States) and international level (in the context of the United Nations, the European Social Charter, the International Labour Organization, theEuropean Convention on Human Rights and other legal orders)."
"The value of work cannot be underestimated in today's world. Work is valuable because productive labour generates goods needed for survival, such as food and housing; goods needed for self-development, such as education and culture; and other material goods that people wish to have in order to live a fulfilling life. A job also generally inspires a sense of achievement, self-esteem and the esteem of others. People develop social relations at ...


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"Humans are accustomed to being tool bearers, but what happens when machines become tool bearers, calculating human labour via the use of big data and people analytics by metrics? The Quantified Self in Precarity highlights how, whether it be in insecure `gig' work or office work, such digitalisation is not an inevitable process - nor is it one that necessarily improves working conditions. Indeed, through unique research and empirical data, Moore demonstrates how workplace quantification leads to high turnover rates, workplace rationalisation and worker stress and anxiety, with these issues linked to increased rates of subjective and objective precarity. Scientific management asked us to be efficient. Now, we are asked to be agile. But what does this mean for the everyday lives we lead? With a fresh perspective on how technology and the use of technology for management and self-management changes the `quantified', precarious workplace today, The Quantified Self in Precarity will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in fields such as Science and Technology, Organisation Management, Sociology and Politics."
"Humans are accustomed to being tool bearers, but what happens when machines become tool bearers, calculating human labour via the use of big data and people analytics by metrics? The Quantified Self in Precarity highlights how, whether it be in insecure `gig' work or office work, such digitalisation is not an inevitable process - nor is it one that necessarily improves working conditions. Indeed, through unique research and empirical data, ...


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Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research - vol. 26 n° 2 -

"This article examines institutional experimentation by linking the dynamics of capital accumulation, the adoption of new digital technologies within the labour process, and institutional settings. Our inductive qualitative case study within the service (logistics) sector in Europe sheds light on the processes through which local stakeholders engage in workplace change through institutional experimentation. It also illustrates how and under which conditions unions can act as political agents of transformation to influence work and employment."
"This article examines institutional experimentation by linking the dynamics of capital accumulation, the adoption of new digital technologies within the labour process, and institutional settings. Our inductive qualitative case study within the service (logistics) sector in Europe sheds light on the processes through which local stakeholders engage in workplace change through institutional experimentation. It also illustrates how and under ...


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Environmental Sociology - vol. 6 n° 4 -

"Modern-day work is a central reason for unsustainability, and its transformation is therefore key for sustainability. A recurring manifestation of this issue is the ‘jobs-environment-dilemma', a trade-off arising due to severe ecological impacts caused by work on the one hand, and the structural constitution of modern industrial society as work-centred and work-dependent on the other. We draw on interdisciplinary literature from environmental sociology and related fields to analyse both aspects: distinct factors of ecological problems associated with modern work, and various dimensions of structural dependence on work in modern society. We find that this conflict, and the fundamental role that work plays for unsustainability, are not sufficiently addressed and remain unresolved issues in sustainability research. To change this, we propose the conceptual approach of ‘postwork' or critiques of work to open up a new perspective on the work-environment problem. We introduce postwork theory and discuss different ways in which ecological postwork perspectives and arguments can contribute to understanding and resolving entrenched sustainability issues. Finally, we briefly illustrate existing postwork politics and practices. While clearly contested, there is renewed momentum for social change towards a sustainable society which would benefit from addressing work and critiques of work."
"Modern-day work is a central reason for unsustainability, and its transformation is therefore key for sustainability. A recurring manifestation of this issue is the ‘jobs-environment-dilemma', a trade-off arising due to severe ecological impacts caused by work on the one hand, and the structural constitution of modern industrial society as work-centred and work-dependent on the other. We draw on interdisciplinary literature from environmental ...


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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - vol. 18 n° 6 -

": As a consequence of the Spring 2020 lockdown that occurred in Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs or had to be furloughed. The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of the latter changes in labour market status on psychological well-being. For this purpose, an ad-hoc questionnaire featuring socio-demographic and mental health criteria was created. Granted that the pandemic can be viewed as an exogenous shock, the bias caused by the bidirectional problems between the work situation and mental well-being can be tackled. Results indicate that the lockdown exerted a greater negative effect on the self-perceived well-being of unemployed and furloughed persons than on those in employment. Moreover, among those in continuous employment, teleworkers experienced a lesser degree of self-perceived well-being post lockdown as compared to those people remaining in the same work location throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, the lockdown provoked worse effects on the self-perceived well-being of women as compared to men, a result that appears to be related to gender differences in household production. In conclusion, these results could be especially relevant given that the evolution of the pandemic is having ongoing effects on employment and, therefore, on the mental health of workers."
": As a consequence of the Spring 2020 lockdown that occurred in Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs or had to be furloughed. The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of the latter changes in labour market status on psychological well-being. For this purpose, an ad-hoc questionnaire featuring socio-demographic and mental health criteria was created. Granted that the pandemic can be viewed as an ...


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"Depuis le mois de mars 2020, la pandémie de la Covid-19 a profondément modifié l'organisation du travail des personnes en emploi en impactant de manière variée les différentes catégories de travailleur.e.s. Au gré de la crise sanitaire, les situations de travail des salarié.e.s ont plus ou moins évolué sans qu'une ligne directrice prédomine. Mais alors que de nouvelles formes d'organisation de l'activité se sont développées, le rapport au travail des salarié.e.s a-t-il été bouleversé ? Si oui, comment et pour qui ?

À partir d'une analyse statistique des données de l'observatoire Evrest et d'une recherche qualitative menée sur le vécu du premier confinement pour des familles, ce numéro de Connaissance de l'emploi cherche à comprendre les facteurs de variabilité du rapport au travail en lien avec la crise sanitaire traversée. Cette étude montre des effets inégaux et contrastés, en particulier selon le genre et de la classe sociale des salarié.e.s."
"Depuis le mois de mars 2020, la pandémie de la Covid-19 a profondément modifié l'organisation du travail des personnes en emploi en impactant de manière variée les différentes catégories de travailleur.e.s. Au gré de la crise sanitaire, les situations de travail des salarié.e.s ont plus ou moins évolué sans qu'une ligne directrice prédomine. Mais alors que de nouvelles formes d'organisation de l'activité se sont développées, le rapport au ...


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Les Mondes du Travail - 26, 2021 | 14/09/2021 H

Periodical issue

n° 26, 2021 -

epidemic diseasework


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"Injonctions managériales, savoirs professionnels, expertises, dispositifs gestionnaires, statuts d'emploi, luttes sociales, expériences autogestionnaires… Le monde du travail est traversé par diverses formes de pouvoir et de contre-pouvoir, des plus acceptées au plus contestées, que cet ouvrage se propose d'explorer.
À rebours des pratiques de commandement autoritaires d'antan, les managers sont désormais censés motiver leurs équipes et faire adhérer les salariés aux finalités de l'organisation. Comment se concrétise cette pratique du pouvoir ? Autre évolution, les relations de pouvoir s'exercent de plus en plus à distance au moyen de dispositifs et d'outils de gestion renouvelés. Qu'en est-il de ce pouvoir de la technologie et du gouvernement par les instruments ? Dans quelle mesure et de quelle façon ces dispositifs parviennent-ils à prescrire et à contrôler le travail ? Par ailleurs, les dernières décennies ont été marquées par un « effritement de la condition salariale », se traduisant par une précarisation de l'emploi à travers la multiplication des formes d'emplois « atypiques » (CDD, intérim, temps partiel, etc.). Cette déstabilisation du salariat est aussi passée par l'émergence de statuts d'emplois « hybrides » qui renouvelle la frontière entre salariat et travail indépendant, autant de mutations qui conduisent à revisiter la question de l'autonomie professionnelle. Comment s'articulent désormais les différents statuts d'emploi et l'exercice du pouvoir ? Comment les employeurs et les managers tirent-ils parti des formes d'emplois « typiques » et « atypiques » pour asseoir leur domination sur les salariés et comment ces derniers parviennent-ils à y résister ?
S'appuyant sur des enquêtes de terrain réalisées auprès de travailleurs et de travailleuses aux métiers, statuts et secteurs d'activité extrêmement variés, les dix-neuf chapitres de cet ouvrage offrent un panorama riche et contrasté des formes contemporaines que revêtent les rapports de pouvoir au travail. Il s'adresse aussi bien aux chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales qu'aux étudiants, aux praticiens et aux travailleurs désireux de mieux comprendre les ressorts de leur subordination au travail."
"Injonctions managériales, savoirs professionnels, expertises, dispositifs gestionnaires, statuts d'emploi, luttes sociales, expériences autogestionnaires… Le monde du travail est traversé par diverses formes de pouvoir et de contre-pouvoir, des plus acceptées au plus contestées, que cet ouvrage se propose d'explorer.
À rebours des pratiques de commandement autoritaires d'antan, les managers sont désormais censés motiver leurs équipes et faire ...

