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"Transnational collective bargaining (TCB) has become a ‘hot' topic of European industrial relations. As well as collective bargaining between workers and employers conducted at the sectoral or national level, negotiations on employee rights and working conditions now also take place at the supranational level, within multinational companies. It is a development that poses major challenges for trade unions, as well as for employers and lawmakers. This book takes stock of the particular challenges faced by trade union representatives, works councils and employer organisations; it reviews the existing literature on this topic and examines contrasting views of the prospects for subsequent development of this new practice; it also offers some practical suggestions for policymakers who find themselves having to deal with this new component of the Europeanisation of industrial relations.
One of the key questions tackled in the book is whether a regulatory framework for TCB is feasible, necessary and/or useful. Perhaps even more importantly: can we, given the proliferation of instances of TCB, actually manage without such a legal system, and what should be the main elements of such a framework? By providing a better understanding and a critical analysis of the emergence and development of transnational collective bargaining, the authors of this book offer valuable help to trade unionists and practitioners in preparing for – and being prepared for – this next stage in the internationalisation of industrial relations."
"Transnational collective bargaining (TCB) has become a ‘hot' topic of European industrial relations. As well as collective bargaining between workers and employers conducted at the sectoral or national level, negotiations on employee rights and working conditions now also take place at the supranational level, within multinational companies. It is a development that poses major challenges for trade unions, as well as for employers and ...


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"En 1993, la Commission européenne présentait le télétravail comme l'un des huit développements stratégiques pour lesquels il fallait stimuler les investissements. 27 ans plus tard, un virus d'une dimension de 2/100 d'un micron provoque en moins de trois mois un séisme économique et social mondial et un bouleversement dans nos organisations de travail.
Le mot est jeté en pâture. « Télétravail ».
Façonné, maçonné, désarticulé, défiguré, critiqué, exploité, instrumentalisé et médiatisé, il est devenu la star. Mais étions-nous vraiment en présence de « télétravail » ?
Nous sommes passés de la vague silencieuse à la vague de Nazaré. Retournerons-nous à la normale ou nous dirigerons-nous vers l'anormal ?
Cet ouvrage prépare les lecteurs, les entreprises et les professionnels des RH à cette mutation. Il rappelle les principales étapes du développement du télétravail à domicile ; aborde les réglementations internationales, européennes et nationales, la mise en oeuvre du télétravail, les fonctions et travailleurs concernés ; confronte dans une approche transversale différentes thématiques que sont la durée du temps de travail, la sécurité et la santé des travailleurs, la protection des données et la vie privée ; traite des enjeux fiscaux, de sécurité sociale et de droit du travail liés aux nouvelles technologies mises à disposition des télétravailleurs. Dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire, il remet au goût du jour la réglementation PC privé. Il s'intéresse à la question de la responsabilité de l'employeur face aux risques de délocaliser l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies et anticipe des problématiques : la place du domicile privé, le présentéisme virtuel, la mobilité internationale et le télétravail face au COVID-19."
"En 1993, la Commission européenne présentait le télétravail comme l'un des huit développements stratégiques pour lesquels il fallait stimuler les investissements. 27 ans plus tard, un virus d'une dimension de 2/100 d'un micron provoque en moins de trois mois un séisme économique et social mondial et un bouleversement dans nos organisations de travail.
Le mot est jeté en pâture. « Télétravail ».
Façonné, maçonné, désarticulé, défiguré, critiqué, ...


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WSI Mitteilungen - vol. 76 n° 3 -

"Das Grundverständnis der Tarifautonomie ist in begrifflicher und normativer Hinsicht stark umstritten. Das derzeit herrschende und auch von der Rechtsprechung vertretene Verständnis von Tarifautonomie als kollektiv ausgeübter Privatautonomie verkürzt konzeptionell ihre Reichweite, schlägt sich in der Handhabung des geltenden Tarifvertragsrechts restriktiv nieder und stellt sich wichtigen Reformanliegen zur staatlichen Stützung des Tarifvertragssystems entgegen. Diesem herrschenden Verständnis – argumentiert der Autor – ist in der Rechtswissenschaft, vor den Arbeitsgerichten und in der Rechtspolitik entgegenzuhalten, dass es sich bei der Tarifautonomie um eine Form der politischen Autonomie handelt. Tarifautonomie befugt frei gebildete Koalitionen als Tarifvertragsparteien zu einer von staatlicher Politik unabhängigen Setzung von Rechtsnormen. Die Ausübung dieser autonomen Befugnis ist notwendig, um die Arbeitsbeziehungen gerecht zu gestalten. Darum ist die Sicherung der Funktionsfähigkeit der Tarifautonomie eminente staatliche Aufgabe, die von staatlicher Politik schon allzu lange sträflich vernachlässigt wird."
"Das Grundverständnis der Tarifautonomie ist in begrifflicher und normativer Hinsicht stark umstritten. Das derzeit herrschende und auch von der Rechtsprechung vertretene Verständnis von Tarifautonomie als kollektiv ausgeübter Privatautonomie verkürzt konzeptionell ihre Reichweite, schlägt sich in der Handhabung des geltenden Tarifvertragsrechts restriktiv nieder und stellt sich wichtigen Reformanliegen zur staatlichen Stützung des Tari...


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Boca Raton, FL

"Building on the success of two earlier best-selling editions from 2003 and 2011, this benchmark text and highly cited reference work now appears in its third edition. This book is a research-based resource on key aspects of workplace bullying and its remediation, which:

Covers the nature and complexities of bullying and harassment in the workplace
Presents the evidence on its prevalence, risk groups, antecedents and outcomes
Examines cyberbullying and harassment in the digital world
Describes the roles of bystanders and the coping possibilities of victims
Discusses prevention, intervention, treatment and the management of specific cases
Explains legal perspectives, the role of HR and of internal policies

Edited by leading experts in the field and presenting contributions from subject experts, it provides state-of-the-art reviews of the main themes in the field, as well as practical remedies and solutions at individual, organizational and societal levels, providing a much-needed update and expansion of the original work, as the research and literature on this problem with its manifold detrimental effects has expanded radically over the last decade. This book should be of interest to all scholars in the field of organizational behavior and social processes at work. In particular, the book is a much-needed tool for bachelor, master and PhD students, new and experienced researchers in the field, advanced practitioners and policy makers, including labor inspectors, union representatives, HR-personnel, lawyers, management consultants, and counsellors in private practice, family physicians and occupational health practitioners, to name a few."
"Building on the success of two earlier best-selling editions from 2003 and 2011, this benchmark text and highly cited reference work now appears in its third edition. This book is a research-based resource on key aspects of workplace bullying and its remediation, which:

Covers the nature and complexities of bullying and harassment in the workplace
Presents the evidence on its prevalence, risk groups, antecedents and outcomes
Examines ...


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"The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence is unparalleled, establishing it as a ubiquitous element in workplaces and our daily lives. The era when AI was exclusively associated with robots and intricate algorithms for the technically proficient is over. This marks a significant paradigm shift, with profound implications and changes regarding the world we live in.

This book proposes an analysis of this transformation, and does so by bringing together the reflections of high-level academics and research activists from across the world. It adopts a multidisciplinary approach, incorporates a diversity of geographical and cultural points of view and focuses on the deep and often invisible implications of AI for the labour market and society as a whole. Thematically speaking, it addresses AI's legal, societal, global, environmental, technological and labour aspects.
The contributing authors show how contemporary AI is gradually reshaping society. They also highlight the need to understand the dynamics of technological convergence and remind us of the critical role played by humans, who remain present at every stage of AI's lifecycle and value chain. Prevention and precaution are portrayed as crucial components of the critical thinking approach we need to adopt towards AI.

The book also examines the power dynamics of technological evolution and governance, explores AI's relationship with the environment and tackles the crucial issue of AI's impact on the labour market, working conditions and labour standards. Its fundamental goal is to prompt readers to transcend the narrow disciplinary perspectives associated with the silos within which we tend to work, introducing a range of novel and diverse academic viewpoints on AI and its challenges."
"The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence is unparalleled, establishing it as a ubiquitous element in workplaces and our daily lives. The era when AI was exclusively associated with robots and intricate algorithms for the technically proficient is over. This marks a significant paradigm shift, with profound implications and changes regarding the world we live in.

This book proposes an analysis of this transformation, and does so by ...


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RECIEL - n° Early View -

"This article discusses how law shapes sustainable finance market creation in the European Union (EU). Although markets for environmental, social and governance (ESG) oriented investments have continued to grow, a gap has persisted between fund popularity and real-world impact. The EU has sought to address this through common legal standards for sustainable economic activities. However, there has been limited empirical examination of how industry applies these new measures and how they facilitate further market development. The article seeks to address this by proposing a research agenda for the examination of sustainable finance legislation through a ‘law as constitutive' lens. The approach argues for an empirical inquiry that recognises the political and social conditions of market development, explored through interviews with market participants focusing on their experiences of legislation. The article explains how a ‘law as constitutive' framing best suits the EU context when exploring the potential and limitations of the current policy approach."
"This article discusses how law shapes sustainable finance market creation in the European Union (EU). Although markets for environmental, social and governance (ESG) oriented investments have continued to grow, a gap has persisted between fund popularity and real-world impact. The EU has sought to address this through common legal standards for sustainable economic activities. However, there has been limited empirical examination of how ...


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