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"The devastating effect of lockdown measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU economy, is starting to get measured. Local socioeconomic characteristics determine the sensitivity of regional economies to restrictions on public life."


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"Climate change adaptation has been gathering momentum. At COP26 in 2021, the parties to the UNFCCC agreed to develop a work programme to deliver on the global goal on adaptation; at COP28, two years later, they adopted the framework for achieving that goal. Adaptation efforts should be led locally, by those most at risk, those who know the territory. The EU has been introducing tools, initiatives and strategies to enhance all aspects of climate change adaptation. While there are still barriers to the proper up-take of practical adaptation actions at a local level, in many cases solutions for overcoming them are already available."
"Climate change adaptation has been gathering momentum. At COP26 in 2021, the parties to the UNFCCC agreed to develop a work programme to deliver on the global goal on adaptation; at COP28, two years later, they adopted the framework for achieving that goal. Adaptation efforts should be led locally, by those most at risk, those who know the territory. The EU has been introducing tools, initiatives and strategies to enhance all aspects of climate ...


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"Despite variations in governance models and industrial relations, commonalities emerge, such as the LRG sector's significance in the national public sector, a predominant female workforce, and strong organization within social dialogue and collective bargaining systems. Governance structures influence LRG workforce size, with Croatia and Greece displaying highly centralized administrations, while Spain, Sweden, and Germany showcase stronger LRG-level administrations. Notably, LRG workers constitute a substantial portion of public sector employment across all five countries. The gender pay gap is lower in the public sector than the private sector, declining over time.

Diverging historical trends in LRG sector size are observed, with increases in Germany, Spain, and Sweden, while Greece experienced a decline linked to austerity measures. The study highlights variations in labour regimes. Training rights for LRG workers lack legal provisions in all countries except Spain, where it is included in collective bargaining. LRG workers benefit from a strong right to association, union representation, social dialogue traditions, and extensive collective bargaining coverage. Trade union presence is higher in the LRG sector compared to the private sector. Legal rights to strike exist for LRG workers in all countries except for German civil servants in the sector. While the ratification of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No.190) is limited, all five countries have enacted national and EU legislation against workplace discrimination and harassment."
"Despite variations in governance models and industrial relations, commonalities emerge, such as the LRG sector's significance in the national public sector, a predominant female workforce, and strong organization within social dialogue and collective bargaining systems. Governance structures influence LRG workforce size, with Croatia and Greece displaying highly centralized administrations, while Spain, Sweden, and Germany showcase stronger ...


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"This paper provides novel evidence on the regional impact of immigration on native employment in a cross-country framework based on rich European Labour Force Surveys and past censuses data for 2010-2019. The paper finds a modest average impact of the rise in the share of immigrants across European regions on the employment-to-population rate of natives, but highly uneven effects over time and across workers and regions. The short-run estimates show adverse employment effects in response to immigration that nevertheless disappear in the longer run. High-school or less educated native workers experience employment losses due to immigration, whereas higher educated workers are more likely to experience employment gains. Moreover, the presence of institutions providing strict employment protection and high coverage of collective wage agreements exert a protective effect on native employment. Finally, the paper finds that regions experiencing strong growth can absorb immigrant workers, resulting in little or no effect on the native workforce, including in the short-run."
"This paper provides novel evidence on the regional impact of immigration on native employment in a cross-country framework based on rich European Labour Force Surveys and past censuses data for 2010-2019. The paper finds a modest average impact of the rise in the share of immigrants across European regions on the employment-to-population rate of natives, but highly uneven effects over time and across workers and regions. The short-run estimates ...


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Oxford Review of Economic Policy - vol. 33 n° 1 -

"This article casts light on the increasingly complex geography of innovation and knowledge sourcing activities. We argue that the spatial patterns of learning and knowledge exchange vary substantially across different types of regions and industries. The article elucidates such variations by combining three analytical approaches, namely, (i) modes of innovation (differentiating between science-technology-innovation (STI) and doing-using-interacting (DUI) modes), (ii) regional innovation systems (distinguishing between organizationally thick and diversified, thick and specialized, and thin systems), and (iii) types of knowledge linkages that connect actors during the innovation process. We explore in detail the key characteristics of the spatial architectures of innovation and knowledge flows in STI and DUI industries located in regional innovation systems with varying degrees of organizational thickness and specialization. We also discuss empirical examples documented in the extant literature to illustrate our arguments on how innovation and knowledge circulation unfold in space in various territorial and industrial contexts."
"This article casts light on the increasingly complex geography of innovation and knowledge sourcing activities. We argue that the spatial patterns of learning and knowledge exchange vary substantially across different types of regions and industries. The article elucidates such variations by combining three analytical approaches, namely, (i) modes of innovation (differentiating between science-technology-innovation (STI) and doing-usin...


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"Depuis les années 1990, les antennes-relais ont vu leur nombre augmenter considérablement en Belgique. Il s'agit d'une conséquence directe de la multiplication des technologies de communication à distance. Depuis longtemps, ces antennes sont employées pour la radiodiffusion, la télévision et les systèmes de radiocommunication mobile utilisés par de nombreuses professions (dont les services de secours). Désormais, s'y ajoutent les réseaux de téléphonie mobile, les équipements portables Wi-Fi, les systèmes de commande à distance, etc. Autant d'applications qui connaissent une croissance constante.
Au sein du public, certaines inquiétudes s'expriment quant aux potentiels effets des « ondes » sur la santé humaine et sur l'environnement. Et cela, d'autant que les antennes ont été progressivement placées de plus en plus près des lieux de vie (habitations, espaces de travail et de loisirs, etc.).
Ce Courrier hebdomadaire examine les cas d'exposition aux « champs composés », c'est-à-dire les cas d'exposition simultanée aux rayonnements radiofréquences émis par plusieurs antennes. Plus spécifiquement, il éclaire les problèmes qui se posent aux ingénieurs chargés de vérifier que les législations prises en la matière par les différentes Régions du pays sont bien respectées.
Avant qu'une nouvelle antenne soit construite, il semble en effet logique que l'administration s'assure, avant de délivrer une autorisation, que le champ électromagnétique qui sera généré, ajouté à ceux déjà produits par les antennes existantes, n'entraînera pas un dépassement des normes édictées. Mais dans les faits, effectuer correctement une telle vérification représente souvent une tâche complexe, voire impossible. Des solutions doivent donc être trouvées. Le problème se pose essentiellement à Bruxelles et en Flandre, la Wallonie ayant adopté une législation qui permet d'éviter les difficultés pratiques liées au calcul du cumul des rayonnements émis par plusieurs antennes."
"Depuis les années 1990, les antennes-relais ont vu leur nombre augmenter considérablement en Belgique. Il s'agit d'une conséquence directe de la multiplication des technologies de communication à distance. Depuis longtemps, ces antennes sont employées pour la radiodiffusion, la télévision et les systèmes de radiocommunication mobile utilisés par de nombreuses professions (dont les services de secours). Désormais, s'y ajoutent les réseaux de ...


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"This paper is one of the first to estimate how the region in which an establishment is located affects its productivity, wage cost and cost competitiveness (i.e. its productivity-wage gap). To do so, we use detailed linked employer-employee panel data for Belgium and rely on methodological approaches from both Hellerstein and Neumark (1995) and Bartolucci (2014) to estimate dynamic panel data models at the establishment level. Our findings show that interregional differences in productivity and wages are significant but vanish almost totally, both in industry and services, when controlling for a wide range of covariates, establishment fixed effects and endogeneity. Thus, our results suggest that wage cost and productivity differentials are ceteris paribus relatively well aligned across regions."
"This paper is one of the first to estimate how the region in which an establishment is located affects its productivity, wage cost and cost competitiveness (i.e. its productivity-wage gap). To do so, we use detailed linked employer-employee panel data for Belgium and rely on methodological approaches from both Hellerstein and Neumark (1995) and Bartolucci (2014) to estimate dynamic panel data models at the establishment level. Our findings show ...


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"Over the years, regional and local labour market observatories have provided reliable and targeted labour market information and intelligence for regional and local decision-makers. Recent developments show that they are increasingly expected to fulfil tasks beyond mere data provision and analysis. Hence, they are emerging as interpreters, evaluators and mediators in regional and local governance and development efforts. Their participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation processes creates spaces for new alliances, cooperations and networks. However, the observatories often lack essential resources for fulfilling their complex new tasks. Stable sources of financing and employees with a solid and up-to-date skills base are essential for regional and local observatories to meet the new requirements. However, acknowledging their contribution to regional and local governance and development processes as well as adequate opportunities for exchange with different actors across Europe are equally important. How do the changing framework conditions affect the functions of regional and local labour market observatories? To what extent do shifts in their roles take place? Which patterns of changes can be observed across different European countries? How stable are the new arrangements and where do the observatories need support? This publication explores the shifts in the roles and functions of regional and local labour market observatories in different European countries as well as the framework conditions influencing their operating and further development. "
"Over the years, regional and local labour market observatories have provided reliable and targeted labour market information and intelligence for regional and local decision-makers. Recent developments show that they are increasingly expected to fulfil tasks beyond mere data provision and analysis. Hence, they are emerging as interpreters, evaluators and mediators in regional and local governance and development efforts. Their participation in ...


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"In the past years, sustainability has again become a theme in both academic and political discourses. Even though they often focus on green(ing) jobs and skills as recently emerged policy fields, also the different aspects of sustainable employment are increasingly receiving attention. As the labour market observatories face the challenge of capturing the developments on the regional and local labour markets in regard to green jobs/skills and sustainable employment, the EN RLMM anthology seeks to clarify different conceptual and methodological issues with the aim to advance regional and local labour market monitoring efforts in this field. The publication focuses on monitoring approaches concerned with jobs and skills in the green(ing) sectors and sustainable employment on the level of European regions and localities. It is explored, how the above mentioned issues can be integrated in the continuously conducted regional and local labour market monitoring and how different stakeholders on the regional and local level can use the generated labour market data for their steering and strategy development activities."
"In the past years, sustainability has again become a theme in both academic and political discourses. Even though they often focus on green(ing) jobs and skills as recently emerged policy fields, also the different aspects of sustainable employment are increasingly receiving attention. As the labour market observatories face the challenge of capturing the developments on the regional and local labour markets in regard to green jobs/skills and ...


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"This paper shows that high-tech employment - broadly defined as all workers in high-tech sectors but also workers with STEM degrees in low-tech sectors - has increased in Europe over the past decade. Moreover, we estimate that every high-tech job in a region creates five additional low-tech jobs in that region because of the existence of a local high-tech job multiplier. The paper also shows how the presence of a local high-tech job multiplier results in convergence between Europe's regions. That is, employment in Europe's lagging regions is becoming more similar to Europe's high-tech hubs. However, our estimates suggest that this convergence is happening at a glacial pace, and some suggestive evidence is presented that lifting several institutional barriers to innovation in Europe's lagging regions would speed up convergence leading to faster high-tech as well as overall employment while also addressing Europe's regional inequalities."
"This paper shows that high-tech employment - broadly defined as all workers in high-tech sectors but also workers with STEM degrees in low-tech sectors - has increased in Europe over the past decade. Moreover, we estimate that every high-tech job in a region creates five additional low-tech jobs in that region because of the existence of a local high-tech job multiplier. The paper also shows how the presence of a local high-tech job multiplier ...

