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Documents Rampeltshammer, Luitpold 8 results

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European Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 17 n° 3 -

"This article presents a theoretical model in order to understand and explain forms of cross-border interest representation by European Works Councils. It argues that both their structures and activities and their outcomes can be explained by drawing on four theoretical rationales: the structures and coordination patterns of the company concerned, cultural-institutional factors linked to the ‘country-of-origin effect', historical trajectories and actors' strategies. This argument is supported by empirical data from case study research in three automotive assembly companies."
"This article presents a theoretical model in order to understand and explain forms of cross-border interest representation by European Works Councils. It argues that both their structures and activities and their outcomes can be explained by drawing on four theoretical rationales: the structures and coordination patterns of the company concerned, cultural-institutional factors linked to the ‘country-of-origin effect', historical trajectories ...


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Frankfurt am Main

"Welche Rolle können Arbeitnehmervertretungen bei der Restrukturierung internationaler Konzerne spielen? Am Beispiel von Automobilherstellern wie VW, GM oder Toyota beleuchtet der Band die Arbeit und die Struktur Europäischer Betriebsräte und verdeutlicht die Spannbreite ihrer Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten."


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"During the last 15 years, research on European Works Councils has revealed significant information concerning the structure, dynamics and ability of EWCs to represent employees' interests. A multitude of factors and conditions influencing the work and results of EWC activity have been identified. Until now, however, there has been little systematic theorising about EWCs and their specific character as ‘interest organisations within profit organisations' and the specific relationship or ‘organisational fit' between each entity.
The aim of this volume is to expand the prevailing research perspectives on EWCs by drawing on theoretical findings from industrial relations research, organisational sociology and international management studies. The volume consists of three parts. The first brings together theoretical contributions summarising and expanding EWC research. Part two deals with the institutional and cultural background of EWCs in specific countries and the corresponding research in Poland, France, Spain, the UK and Germany. In part three, EWCs are analysed on the basis of case studies of EWCs in automobile companies like Skoda, General Motors and BMW. "
"During the last 15 years, research on European Works Councils has revealed significant information concerning the structure, dynamics and ability of EWCs to represent employees' interests. A multitude of factors and conditions influencing the work and results of EWC activity have been identified. Until now, however, there has been little systematic theorising about EWCs and their specific character as ‘interest organisations within profit ...


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Frankfurt am Main

"This book fills a desideratum of social science research: Based on a thorough theoretical reflection and a broad empirical analysis the differing impacts of globalization processes on the industrial relations in the ethical pharmaceutical industry in the UK and Germany are presented and evaluated. Different dimensions of economic globalization processes are elaborated their respective influences on industrial relations are discussed. In conclusion, different developmental paths are presented and their validity evaluated. In contrast to the dominating hypotheses of convergence and divergence of industrial relations a differentiated prognosis is proposed."
"This book fills a desideratum of social science research: Based on a thorough theoretical reflection and a broad empirical analysis the differing impacts of globalization processes on the industrial relations in the ethical pharmaceutical industry in the UK and Germany are presented and evaluated. Different dimensions of economic globalization processes are elaborated their respective influences on industrial relations are discussed. In ...


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European Journal of Industrial Relations - vol. 23 n° 3 -

"The article compares changes in the European Works Councils (EWCs) at Ford and General Motors Europe during the financial and economic crisis. Previously, both were highly active and effective. Although both otherwise displayed quite different characteristics before the crisis, their reactions were quite similar. At both companies, competition and mistrust among representatives increased, resulting in a decline of integration and effectiveness. We explore the importance of personal relations as preconditions for stability and effectiveness in EWCs."
"The article compares changes in the European Works Councils (EWCs) at Ford and General Motors Europe during the financial and economic crisis. Previously, both were highly active and effective. Although both otherwise displayed quite different characteristics before the crisis, their reactions were quite similar. At both companies, competition and mistrust among representatives increased, resulting in a decline of integration and effectiveness. ...

