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Documents social control 9 results

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"Understanding people's beliefs of social mobility is key to designing and implementing policy mixes that address structural disparities and garner broad public support. Beliefs in social mobility may help strengthen the social contract; however, strongly held views on the role of individual effort in determining success in life can also contribute to diminishing support for policies designed to promote greater opportunity for vulnerable populations and reduce inequality. Drawing on data from the Opportunities module of the 2022 wave of the OECD Risks that Matter survey, this policy insights investigates people's views of the main determinants of social mobility in 27 OECD countries. On average, 60% of respondents believe that hard work is essential or very important in determining one's social position. However, of this majority, only one-fifth believe that working hard is the only key factor to success."
"Understanding people's beliefs of social mobility is key to designing and implementing policy mixes that address structural disparities and garner broad public support. Beliefs in social mobility may help strengthen the social contract; however, strongly held views on the role of individual effort in determining success in life can also contribute to diminishing support for policies designed to promote greater opportunity for vulnerable ...


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"Toutes les puissances high-tech sont lancées dans la course aux nanotechnologies. L'objet de celles-ci est la manipulation de la matière, inerte et vivante, aux niveaux les plus élémentaires de l'infiniment petit – atome, molécule, cellule, gène, neurone, bit – afin de produire de nouveaux matériaux, de nouvelles sources d'énergie et de nouveaux procédés industriels. Des centaines d'applications des nanotechnologies servent déjà dans les domaines marchands, policiers et militaires, tandis que, dans les laboratoires, les chercheurs travaillent d'arrache-pied à leurs projets d'eugénisme et d'artificialisation : l'homme-machine dans le monde-machine. Les nanomaîtres (scientifiques, politiques, industriels et militaires) prétendent à un pouvoir démiurgique et irréversible sur un monde remodelé à leur guise : le Nanomonde totalitaire de la société de contrainte."
"Toutes les puissances high-tech sont lancées dans la course aux nanotechnologies. L'objet de celles-ci est la manipulation de la matière, inerte et vivante, aux niveaux les plus élémentaires de l'infiniment petit – atome, molécule, cellule, gène, neurone, bit – afin de produire de nouveaux matériaux, de nouvelles sources d'énergie et de nouveaux procédés industriels. Des centaines d'applications des nanotechnologies servent déjà dans les ...


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The Regulatory Review -

"The value of statistical life (VSL) is the keystone of benefit-cost analysis (BCA) applied to fatality risks. Federal agencies, which are required to conduct a BCA before issuing regulations, value the risk-reduction benefits of those regulations using VSL. VSL has also become a centerpiece of the rapidly emerging literature on social distancing policy to mitigate COVID-19."


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Terrestres - n° 16 -

"Le choix d'une mise à l'arrêt temporaire de l'économie réelle par l'adoption du confinement de masse ainsi que l'ensemble des mesures qui se sont suivies pour répondre à la propagation fulgurante de la Covid 19 semblent configurer une nouvelle forme de gouvernementalité s'appliquant à l'échelle planétaire et s'appuyant sur les technologies de contrôle numériques pour s'exercer : une gouvernementalité anthropocénique."


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"Recent innovations in digital technologies are fundamentally transforming the world of work. A digital gig economy is emerging that threatens to displace traditional labour relations based on legally regulated labour contracts. Companies like Uber, Deliveroo, or Amazon Mechanical Turk rely increasingly on 'independent contractors' who earn piece-rate wages by completing tasks sent to them via their smartphones. This development understandably pushes workers to desire more autonomy, but what would workers' autonomy mean in the digital age? This book argues that the digital gig economy undermines workers' autonomy by putting digital technology in charge of workers' surveillance, leading to exploitation, alienation, and exhaustion. To secure a more sustainable future of work, digital technologies should instead be transformed into tools that support human development instead of subordinating it to algorithmic control. The best guarantee for human autonomy is a politics that transforms digital platforms into convivial tools that obey the rhythm of human life."
"Recent innovations in digital technologies are fundamentally transforming the world of work. A digital gig economy is emerging that threatens to displace traditional labour relations based on legally regulated labour contracts. Companies like Uber, Deliveroo, or Amazon Mechanical Turk rely increasingly on 'independent contractors' who earn piece-rate wages by completing tasks sent to them via their smartphones. This development understandably ...

