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Documents foreign enterprise 11 results

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Mitbestimmung - vol. 62 n° 4 -

"Bekleidung: Modekonzerne sind erfinderisch – auch wenn es darum geht, Auslandsgesellschaften zu gründen – ohne Mitbestimmung. Dagegen setzt ver.di auf die Aktivierung der Beschäftigten, auf Betriebsräte und Tarifverträge."


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"This book probes into the workings of business strategies in former socialist countries in East Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union, which are collectively called `transition economies'. It provides a rich and in-depth understanding of fundamental, strategic issues confronted by domestic and foreign firms competing in these newly developed markets."


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National Institute Economic Review - n° 185 -

"This paper uses the Workplace Employee Relations Survey panel for 1990-1998 to investigate the relationship between foreign ownership, skill-structure and use of microelectronic technologies in British establishments. We find that foreign-owned establishments are early adopters of new microelectronic technologies and employ more non-manual workers (major senior technical professional workers, less skilled manual workers). Because foreign-owned establishments are early adopters of new technology, an increase in foreign ownership can partly explain a recent improvement in the relative position of skilled workers in Britain."
"This paper uses the Workplace Employee Relations Survey panel for 1990-1998 to investigate the relationship between foreign ownership, skill-structure and use of microelectronic technologies in British establishments. We find that foreign-owned establishments are early adopters of new microelectronic technologies and employ more non-manual workers (major senior technical professional workers, less skilled manual workers). Because foreign-owned ...


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International Journal of Human Resource Management - vol. 14 n° 2 -

"This paper explores the impact of national culture on the decision to choose the top managing directors of foreign affiliates in Greece, a country which belongs to the economic periphery of European Union. It uses a sample data of 420 foreign firms operating in Greece to explore whether the national culture of the country of origin of the foreign firm affects its decision to employ a local or an expatriate managing director. The empirical findings suggest that the higher the national culture distance of the foreign firm's home country the higher is the probability of its employing a local managing director. The results of our analysis also mark the tendency of multinational companies whose home national culture scores high on the individualism dimension and is culturally distant from Greece to rely on local managing directors to co-ordinate the integration mechanisms and facilitate transactions."
"This paper explores the impact of national culture on the decision to choose the top managing directors of foreign affiliates in Greece, a country which belongs to the economic periphery of European Union. It uses a sample data of 420 foreign firms operating in Greece to explore whether the national culture of the country of origin of the foreign firm affects its decision to employ a local or an expatriate managing director. The empirical ...


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"From a theoretical viewpoint the relationship between foreign ownership and unionization is ambiguous. On the one hand, foreign owners have better opportunities to undermine workers' unionization. On the other hand, workers of foreign-owned firms have an increased demand for the protection provided by unions. Which of the two opposing influences dominates can vary according to moderating circumstances. This study shows that firm size and industry-level bargaining play a moderating role. The relationship between foreign ownership and unionization is negative in larger firms whereas it is positive in smaller firms. Coverage by industry-level collective bargaining makes a positive relationship both stronger and more likely."
"From a theoretical viewpoint the relationship between foreign ownership and unionization is ambiguous. On the one hand, foreign owners have better opportunities to undermine workers' unionization. On the other hand, workers of foreign-owned firms have an increased demand for the protection provided by unions. Which of the two opposing influences dominates can vary according to moderating circumstances. This study shows that firm size and ...


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Chronique Internationale de l'IRES - n° 161 -

"Le Tax Cuts and Job's Act (TCJA) a été adopté par le Congrès le 22 décembre 2017. Cette réforme fiscale est la première grande victoire législative du Président Donald Trump. Elle réside principalement dans une refonte massive de la fiscalité des entreprises, avec une réduction drastique du taux d'imposition des bénéfices de 35 à 21 % et des profits accumulés à l'étranger à 15,5 %. Néanmoins, les effets attendus en termes d'investissement et de création d'emplois aux États-Unis sont très incertains, et critiqués par les syndicats. Le TCJA révise aussi la fiscalité des particuliers, mais de façon temporaire, plus modeste et sans pour autant éliminer les nombreuses niches fiscales existantes. Si tous les contribuables en sortent gagnants en 2018, les effets redistributifs sont cependant très inégalement répartis en faveur des individus à haut revenu et ces inégalités ne feront que s'accentuer jusqu'en 2027, date à laquelle ces mesures sont censées prendre fin."
"Le Tax Cuts and Job's Act (TCJA) a été adopté par le Congrès le 22 décembre 2017. Cette réforme fiscale est la première grande victoire législative du Président Donald Trump. Elle réside principalement dans une refonte massive de la fiscalité des entreprises, avec une réduction drastique du taux d'imposition des bénéfices de 35 à 21 % et des profits accumulés à l'étranger à 15,5 %. Néanmoins, les effets attendus en termes d'investissement et de ...

